Hmm, I'm playing NSL tonight, probably won't be able to join maptests
I hope someone will be streaming this.
Thx for adding my map on the server, but it's currently not working
It appears in the the map vote, but …
Ok, update time! Update was ready few days ago, but unfortunately I didn't have access to my laptop. I've tried to upload it from my new computer few times already, but as I had uploaded first version of the map from my laptop, when I upload it from…
Hole here
I think it works for custom AV as well. -
There is an option in NS2+ to make Alien Vision be on every time you spawn.
Ok, I'm back with an update, not sure for how long, this may be actually the last update due to lack of time
But we will se…
Lets do NS2 WC again !!! That was great.
They said that plugins doesn't work properly, so I made version with set spawns. It's 2 mins of work anyway.
I can play, almost always, but today I haven't seen anything going on
You mean Central? If yes that would be then a game killing room. -
(Quote) Doesn't matter, let's play Mineral and get more feedback. And yeah, Fusion would be nice. But it needs records to give Mouse some feedback.
Hi, I recorded yesterday game from player perspective, I hope it will help.
Sorry for bad quality.
I will release update for light soon that will eliminate all graybox as well as lower atmosphericsEven though Beige said that he won't be mapping, you should put ns2_temple on the listIt's great map and it is ok with rules.
Update:- New Control (for now greybox)Maps. Models, materials and sounds take a lot space. With almost every new official map ns2 gains new models, materials, sounds. (Quote) Nope.(Quote)
Well, in my opinion whole map needs way more detailing. You did very good texturing, but that isn't even close to be enough. Map needs more probes, lightning, atmospherics, cinematics (like steam jets, or rotating fans) etc.. This …(Quote) Great, double RT is what this map needs, but I hope that it won't look like summit with double RT instead of TP. That big room is very nice, but it need some changes. Anyway good job, I hope update will be ready for this Sunday testsThat probably won't happen. UWE servers will stay unmodified.HOTFIX
Fixed that damn Delivery Room power node. I had tried to do this when SCC tests were going, but Steam servers were dead and Lauch Pad couldn't upload new versionin ns2_light Comment by lotnik190 August 2014
1. Summit - for me the best map. Very balanced and fun to play.
2. Tram - balance again.
3. Biodome - pretty well balanced and beautiful map.
4. Kodiak - beautiful, probably best looking map in the game. And it's got great climate.…Another update. I'm still looking for good layout of center, so big changes here:- Big changes to the center of the map, basically less ways for skulks to go …Next game breaking issueThat one in Tunnel B5
Found this in Colony:Could you add my ns2_light?(Quote) Shine Administration, NS2+, Badges+, Pregame Plus, NS2 Stats and probably more.
I hope that it won't fail, because it's hard to find community made maps on pubs, so this can make a change. How many slots will have the server? …Update:- Rebuilt Locker Room and part of Control (graybox now, will be detailed soon)