Ok, seems they have given it some thought in the last update. By moving the Air&health icons more into the center. Im really thankful
for this of course, because now we VR players can try the experience.
So base problem is fixe… -
Maybe I should go into the game and check yet again, as it was a while since I last tried. yet it has been nearly half a year now!
That is all very good, yet as it is we cannot play at all, so not feedback. How hard can it be to move the panel's and save a layout for the time being_ -
Im using Oculus with the same problem, infact the whole lower bar info is out of site. yes I have tried changing the FOV, yet does not help.
Would have thought they would have wanted peoples feed back for VR too at this stage, yet still after … -
This problem is quite a big issue though. The above solution did not work and we VR customers are many now. You talk about finishing the game, yet is it not better to have
the VR customers actually be able to give feed back a… -
Problem resolved, thx for your help. New graphic card was needed.
A suggestion for this was found on another site and want to run it by you guys..
i.e. Increase the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) processing time by adjusting the Timeout Detection and Recovery registry value
Exit all W… -
First off, thank you HeatSurge for helping enlighten SteveRock on the Afterburner software, I missed that myself.
Soul_Rider (cool name), Yes, I have had my settings set at stock too, in fact I have already had the g-card replaced with a… -
StveRock, thx for the insight, yet having said that this game is instigating a crash at its start every time, were I can manage to play other games for a whole evening... sometimes!
CarNagE1, um, will definitely not overlook your tip as … -
It happen more often lately and not always while in a game; it can just quit or re-start without me doing anything, so thought my settings using "Afterburner" might be wrong after all re-core voltage or the memory clock? As I do get the constant mes…
Hi Steve, I found what you were looking for and thanks for your time.
ok, would not let me peaste it in, so enclose it instead.