Damn still not fixed ? I thought it was.
Well if it's still not then there is no hope now the team has moved on developping subnautica below zero.
Also they don't seem to like VR much as they don't plan to make below zero support V… -
Yes, thank you for the bugfix.
Hurray !
I do think leaving bugs like this for monthes is just bad for early access in general.
It is very understandable that early access games will have bugs because it is in development, but those bugs should be fixed within a decent amount o… -
Asseto corsa (already told in previous post). This is my main VR game.
Be sure windirsat cleanup was done already, nothing more could be removed
I have a 128GB SSD, AC alone tak… -
(Quote) Doesn't matter.
If you have spare space on sdd: move the entire game.
Otherwise you'll certainly be happy to use the method I shared if you didn't knew about it.
No need to discuss for ages about whether or not it is fre… -
And ?... Do you think we should make a survey about ssd free space to know if my advice was legit ? (lol)
Lack of space isn't valid enough reason fo you ? ^^
I do that because of lack of space obviously and I'm certainly not the only one with a small ssd and with other games and apps already eating all the available space on it.
Yes, a workaround like this would be better than nothing to wait for a proper fix.
Although I"m sure a fix in the game code would be very easy, just need to check the docked vehicle coordinates when undocking is requested by the player. … -
You don't get it. The explained method is not for moving the game folder but the save folder only, leaving the game folder where it is.
This is for people who have a ssd but installed SN on harddrive. The many write acc… -
You often cannot install all your games to your SSD if you have a small size SDD, or just several huge games. My assetto corsa folder alone takes 40GB...
Given this thread this bug has been present for 9 monthes now...
I'm facing the bug too now I have my cyclops and want to use it to bring the prawn suit to far biomes and was hoping for a quick fix but when I see it has'nt been fixes for… -
Here is how I improved framerate A LOT and prevented almost all crashes:
I play with occulus CV1 and like many others (even those on monitors) my game started having very low FPS, long hangs and crashes and this was getting worse the mor…