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  • I'd love to be able to spend pres on upgrades for my skulk. I think a damage increase should cost pres and only be available when for instance camo is available (or something). Could be cool to link spore buildings to such abilities, or even have to…
  • Devour was the best! I really really miss it.
  • I suggest that a running marine that bumps an alien does 1 damage! :D
  • Many times I've been on rookie friendly servers and seen "pros" dominate the game and creating an environment of malice and loathing, people start stacking with the good players and whichever team they join, wins. I've never seen this happen on norm…
  • What about an entity that costs 40 res, doesn't fly and can gain the ability of chambers (shift, craig, shade), it would need to find a chamber and press e or something. It can bite like the skulk but is less mobile and bigger, 300 HP and 200 armour…
  • ...when you have a large payday you have the urge to turn into an Onos.
  • Too much. Increased damage if you hit head would be nice though. Something like 30-40.
  • I also miss being able to tag buildings. For some balance I think marines should have a smart map, where if one marine spots a structure it stays there on the map until another marine or a scan confirms that its not there anymore.
  • Have camo give a modest cloak (can still be seen by trained eyes) if you stay perfectly still, so you can hide, but doesn't cloak in any other way except that the marine minimap will never show anything with the ability. Buildings hidden by shades w…
  • Would be very convenient. However I've been on several french servers where english is ok to speak and write, although there are also many that speak only french so that means team cohesion isn't as great. The only thing I won't do on french servers…
  • It would be convenient to have binds to upgrades. I think it could be done in NS1 through console like "bind x up_cara" or something to that effect. But that would mean that you would have to have 3-6 keys perma-bound to the upgrades. Unless of cour…
  • Rippsy, your calculations are not quite accurate, but you put up all the relevant points why. There is an escalation of force lost when there are fewer players and 1 is bad. So on a 12 player server 1 person has more responsibility and if that perso…
  • Only for mid-late game where you put your crags for a healing base.
  • Your title is a good idea. If comm could research additional ammo clips for the guns. So for LMG's instead of the 5 clips (1 in and 4 extra) you could have 7 clips. Could be called "ammo pouches" or something.
  • (Quote) It wasn't as straight forward as that. Even though Defense was preferred the other two were just as good IF the team knew how to use it.
  • Yeah I think NS1 and NS2 are the same in that regard, you end up playing a lot more than you intended =)

    There are s…
  • Thank you Chizzler. I've actually already seen you around :) I play under Ascophyllum because that is the genus name of the speci…
  • Thanks 3del! that is very helpful.
  • Thank you Warrior J, I will most definitely give the game a try.

    Would like to hear from others too. Anybody that disagrees with Warrior J or has some other spin on this matter?

    I know that in NS1 that it was not fun when peo…