well, you were in exosuit ...only time I got trouble with reaper while on exosuit was when started drill its face while being carried ...stupid thing dumped me into void
I can suggest something if dream of videogames you play: 2-3 hours before going sleep read book / comics or watch movies/cartoons/series/anime ... kind of reset images subconscious would use (reason I do hate vid game dreams is that I do wake dead …
Well, adding more enemies started change my gameplay though quite bit (comparing gameplays between introduction of reaper and post "added more enemies") ...now my general habit is get seamoth, moonpool and perimeter defence and kill any fauna within…
For me, I track usual earliest game to mid game (aka start new save) what I noted on experimental is difficulty of getting out of pod is highly difficult nowadays, this feels very artificial difficulty increasing too by spawning pod to heavily stal…
For me as I start new game every few months have noted very early game is becoming annoying hard, recent save for example where life pod basically hangs on kelp forest side of border between kelp forest and safe shallows ... with frequent stalkers l…
on experimental, bit displeased how near dangerous kelp forests pod landed (from previous saves where it got somewhat nearer only safe kelp forest) but very pleased how easy acquiring seamoth was, although felt odd to get both mobile bay and seamoth…
crab snake is visual bug more like, had few show up around my shallows base think build 361xx , whats more they appear with "pick up" option for exosuit that bugs inventory if you loot it (seems database messed some peeper or other small edible fish…
Maybe, I feel like it may need to be met half way.
While I myself belong to end of really like em, I can understand that 90 second on some of basic tools may be too long for some, hence I still propose to alter smaller necessity level to… -
heck lets go then better way: triple the damn times because now it adds a real realism card into play... lets keep arguing left or right who is right game forever then ... lets keep running this cause you cannot understand people who like times and …
and I'm making suggestion of lower important to start equips into 40sec from 90sec as its more reasonable than everything crafted near instant where as you and endar keep going "remove entirely" instead of tying fit times that work for you without r…
similar question is "How instant gratification makes game better?"
also I must point that vocal major tends never be true major so this makes me wonder do silent major like or dislike timein Crafting speed Comment by raven0ak August 2016
like explained bit earlier, maybe change track of this talk from "turn left or turn right" into "hows middle road"
instead of lashing with "remove time" rather ponder "what times one would be okey" as in ...what items precisely have too long c… -
way still exists, albeit there seems now be on reaper swimming very close to aurora between safe pod and entry:) But there is also blockade: there is invisible wall where reactor core room is, blocking passage from under
Well, gotta add now something meaningful here: instead of going left or right (keep time) <-> (remove time) why not go find middle ground that satisfies both parties.
lets observe a little what card is "remove time" party really us… -
and IntrpidH, you belong to side who thinks 4 minute IRL food isn't fast enough:S no seriously this adds bit onto realism side and such waits arent bad ...like numerous times explained adjusted time only lengthens advanced tools crafting and only p…
blueprint you can get, but ingredient you lack. if you wish to not feel too much cheating use spawn exosuit only after obtaining blueprint
those water filter fragments are old, got answered in bug selection how to acquire it now: scan it in jelly shroom caverns
also check wrecks page, it details fragments found. mod station is in mountains one or blood kelp one -
just think if you gotten used to reaper attacks, get fully immersed into world ...hear scream and that thing is there with grin on its face saying hello instead of usual one:D (well, if you didn't have phobia level yet to reapers ...this may as well…
wish prawn suit had something to free itself form reapers latching... apparently repeatedly punching its face or trying to drill its brains out is not enough:)
ok, good to know, thanks:)
its light glitch only and fixes itself by running short "drilling" to empty space (think animation only lags and gets stuck for latest run animation which if you keep drilling to dead creature may stuck in)
in P.R.A.W.N. Bloodbath Comment by raven0ak August 2016
so was machine itself removed, or just update to textures coming? (I seriously hope they wont remove it... not much reason to use heavy weight power generators without these... also constantly collecting salt for travel supplies(salted peepers) gonn…
hope they add charge for rods and repair for knife (not so nice to have entire storage filled with 0% dura knifes)
current is only 90sec, nothing too bad, bulk materials such as cooking products (this includes water) are near instant and hopefully kept that way, and I too think most complex ones could take even longer to craft (like seaglide , stasis rifle, pro…
cooking the fish is not problem, its fast still:) also while in base you might just want to invest in marble melons:)
well, it kind of adds realism that you no longer chuck in bunch of wires, micro controllers and titanium ore and "pop" complex electronic device appears from thin air
in Crafting speed Comment by raven0ak August 2016
only fast travel I'd support fort this is building tube from a to b that carries user in it rather than walk along, but that tech should be really late game if ever added
dagoth: diamonds are often found in grand reef (which is hostile free zone), albeit diving there you kind need tanks and rebreather accompanied with batteries and seaglide (and possibly starting by building small base camp at sparse reef)
bumb this, anchors would still be nice:) happy managed get base in working order before it started to float away towards dunes
mind though you also need mobile bay fragments to build seamoth:) (those parts at least on experimental are harder to get than seamoth itself) also not sure if its just experimental but "some sandsharks" or "some stalkers" is severe understatement …