So much this! Too many people forget that NS1 actually had a lot of variety going for it, at least compared to NS2.
It wasn't just combat, siege also used to be hugely popular and imho back then there was a bit more of a "spl… -
Of course it's an impossibility that the people "crying" over "unbalanced teams" are different people than those who play for fun, those must be the same people! It couldn't be that the "crying" ones are those that think others are… -
Siege maps and combat always did all of these things + allow for some experimentation.
Been trying to argue for more casual modes like these, or at least separate balance configs for pubs and comp. play, to be in NS2 out of t… -
I can't see this working and i don't even understand why people are considering it at this point.
At this point the community consists of a couple of dozen people, not even enough to fill official playtesting positions.
Splitting that sm… -
Yes, we did have a very broken and incomplete mod of combat.. until UWE decided to charge extra for that limiting the variety in gameplay even furtherin Has "Balancing" Doomed This Game? Comment by rebirth June 2015
Some of the reactions in this thread serve pretty much serve to confirm the review..
"If you want balance, you gotta ask the top tier players!"
"Making the game balanced and competitive will give it huge mass appeal, just like with Starc… -
(Rest of his post is also pretty much spot on)
You have to work with what you got, if all you got is the NS2 community, guess what? You've gotta work with that and start from there. Renouncing what little you got, in fa… -
I doubt any new players actually care about the Hive system, not to mention that it just feels very very broken.
Broken because the search never seems to work, broken because you have to link accounts trough an interface that's horribly … -
I don't think something like that would work at this point: I just spent €15 on this game that confuses me/doesn't appeal to me, now I've got the option to pay more money, for some changes that might turn out good or … -
See that's the issue I'm having here, I'm trying to figure out what went wrong where! Because as somebody who has not been involved in actually building/selling this "new game", it ain't really that obvious to me. But good s… -
But that's once again shifting responsibility to the community, like always!
I only knew about this whole thing after the news of its actual release, because I'm not really that active in the "community", i just play on… -
I feel like a sucker for having paid 15€ for this, especially since i read the "justifications" and "reasons" for why this went the way it went, after having spent those 15€.
Earlier comments by acid_rain said it had been Charlies idea … -
Stop blaming Halloween, Evolve or Santa Claus, what else did anybody with half a brain expect?!
NS2 is no Call of Duty or Counter Strike, there is no giant community with millions of players that you can just split up willy nilly between diffe… -
It's the fault of the games design, there are no easy ways to get started in the game because it lacks any non-competitive "messing around modes", no explore mode does not count because it does not really allow for experimentation.… -
So because this thread derailed at some point, you would suddenly disregard all the earlier suggestions, a list you previously called out as being quite useful?
How about you start taking all of this way less personal, … -
There is this "new" thing in town, i don't know if you ever heard about it, it's called League of Legends. Maybe you should look that up and review your reasoning again?
The reasons why NS2 won't work as F2P are far sim… -
Many others have already pointed out that NS1 also had a lot less visual clutter, tracking anything had been way easier in NS1, for both sides. Also people might have forgotten: But even NS1 had "alien vision", sure it didn't chang… -
That's one of the weakest arguments you can make in this case. Natural Selection prides itself with the asymmetrical nature of the teams, so the argument of "Marines have to deal with this too" hardly holds any weight.
… -
When Gorgeous got released and UWE told us how grateful we should be for this "free post-release content", i pointed out that the game still is missing tons of promised/basic features before it could considered "finished". For … -
And how does that matter when the community will be able to churn out mods at a fraction of the costs for UWE? I get that UWE wants money in their hands right now, but a competition among the community, with such high cash pr… -
Yes, you keep telling yourself that, it won't change the fact that 99,9999% of the gaming population won't care.
UWE is selling content and they are charging a price for it, end of story.
The majority of gam… -
People can do all the math they want, it still boils down to one simple fact:
UWE is charging like $15 for a decal and like $20 for a playerskin.
Now ask yourself: Are these prices low enough for "impulse buys"?
Do these pric… -
Skulks and Marines don't need to be able to do the same things, but they should stay viable units throughout the whole game. And for most units "viable" more or less boils down to "should have a chance to kill". Getting 1-Shot, regardless of your up…
A marine with 3/3 upgrades indicates only one thing, that the round has arrived in late-game. It says nothing at all about the quality of the Kharaa team in that situation. That's the main reason why a Skulks should still be able t… -
For one concede made the "barrier" at which an round ends way lower. Getting a whole team to F4, required a whole team to actually F4. Recycling required the comm to actually recycle.
But since concede got added… -
It's funny how you try to make something look bad that's imho one of the coolest things about NS1.
Yes Combacks are fun, when they are actually possible. Yes some people like long rounds. And no: Turtling wasn't a 100% guaran… -
I don't think i have to admit that NS2 is more popular than NS1 was, even in terms of number of people who have actually played it.
Maybe it's just rose colored nostalgic glasses, but to me it feels/looks like NS2 is not even… -
Imho it's too early to make these kinds of calls.
Many people are busy trying out the new toys (or simply focus on getting them) instead of playing "properly".
Give it some time until the novelty wears off and people are going back to pl… -
It's not a design decision along the lines of "We want it to be played this way" but rather a design decision along the lines of "it's less effort for us this way" and that's all kind of sad.
Because NS2 did change nothing at… -
Welding doors shut used to work in beta, so the code is in the game.
But it got removed because in most cases it gave Marines no advantage at all, it mostly ended up being a disadvantage. As it would block Marines from using routes that Kharaa…