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Members, Reinforced - Shadow


  • (Quote) Eh.. this gave me cancer. No one said its "the one true statement", or, "WORSHIP ALLAH OR DIE IN HELLFIRE" -kinda thing. I for one don't want to play 2 different versions of NS2. I enjoy competetive games, but I also enjoy public gaming,…
  • (Quote) No.

    Let me quote Grissi's signature, it hits the nail in the head; "There is no competitive balance or casual players balance. The game is either balanced or not balanced. It's the same game after all."

    I can't com…
  • Dear diary.
    We played the mod yesterday and stacked aliens like never before and still lost (I blame you min kärlek wiri), alltough I was mainly bunnyhopping the entire game and figurin' stuff out. King_yo too stronk.

    Onto the feedba…
  • (Quote)
    Now this is a harsh thing to say and couldn't be more inaccurate. Sure the movement bug caused alot of issues, but it wasn't impossible to win alien rounds. I would like to clear this out what people are saying.

    Nexzil …
  • I got interested in NS2 in the late beta, and the first negative thing I said about the game to my friends was that the armoury heals armor. I'd be more than happy to see this feature disappear and replaced with welders.

    However, the cur…