It really depends on how much has been added.
If it is just a small biome then I would lean towards free. If it is an extensive expansion then paid would be fine. -
Hummm. It is a shame how loads of ghost leviathans just start spawning when you get into the end-zone.
I wonder how on earth they will make it work... the area is an island surrounded by a void... all of a sudden a land bridge opens up or perhaps the predators disappear to allow you to go through the void to a new biome? Hmm
The ghost leviathans spamming the area in the void just seems a bit.. cheap. They look really out of place anywhere near the surface.
Well because I use the ultra capacity air tank, it slows me down quite a bit. The ultra glide fins just get me back up to normal swimming speed, which is why I use them.
Kinda fun but also ruins the immersion of the game. Also it is just quite a short period so honestly would rather the devs spend their time on more important stuff than fluff like this.
When the game is launched I am going to start from scratch and experience everything fresh.
I appreciate the eye candy update but don't really think it was needed as the game looks amazing anyways. Thanks for making it entirely option as I will certainly use some of the settings but certainly never the motion blur.
Nope, I don't put artificial challenges into the game. I have other games to play and a life to live without putting pointless challenges into the game, which are not needed.
Sure if I was a kid with a very limited game library then perh… -
I would quite like a light-bream, which you can sweep around the terrain as opposed to a large wide angle thing.
Lovely! Because there is a new mesa, I suppose we need to generate a new map if the world has been made larger.
I don't have a problem with this... we have all being playing a beta game at a discounted price. Why shouldn't it go up in price for the finished game?
Blughh... the wall of text posts have reared their ugly heads again!
Honestly please try and cut it down, as I feel that it cuts down on any constructive feedback that other players may have, if they fear getting a full page reply from y… -
Wow what a wall of text this thread is starting to become.
Would be great if some people could become a bit more succinct as it can't be great for any devs reading this and trying to get a good idea of what the playerbase wants. -
I think it is important to note that although it may be too easy for you, not everybody has the same level of skill.
Personally if I find things like silent running to be too powerful (which I don't) then I would just not use it. -
I really wouldn't compare subnautica stealth to dishonoured... you are in the sea in a big submarine. You can't exactly go and hide behind a bin.
Good point sayerulz... I suppose now that I think of it, it is strange to have lots and lots of predators all over the place but it seems that only in a few zones do you actually get standard fish.
Yes more fish please... also I would like the fish to slowly be able to re-populate as I eat them all.
Mmm I really think the rates of thirst and hunger should be reduced. I remember when I played I just decimated the local population of bladderfish and then salt with my excessive thirst. Then I ate all of the fish in the locality. It is a shame they…
Do we have batteries or energy storage? I don't really want my solar powered base to go dark and flood during the night.
Oh shame... this really ruins my day as I used my cyclops as a mobile base.
Honestly guys, I think a lot of you long term players are asking for things that I think are detrimental to regular players.
I say this because a lot… -
I would be quite happy if they allowed us to build solar panel chargers on the subs.
I don't have a vending machine yet, but good tip on the heated knife..
I don't think you should spoil the storyline too much by asking these questions. I found a great deal of pleasure in the game from just discovering new stuff that would had been spoilt by reading the forums.
Well.... at the moment, preserved fish is the only way to take food with you on long journeys.
I don't like the Cyclops being so fragile. It is a pain to keep repairing it and personally I would prefer it to be very tough as it is a nice safe mobile base.. or at least it was.
I can see that a lot of you are up for it being quite w… -
Ops, sorry that comment was a bit out of topic, but yes I agree there should be something dangerous on that island apart from those spider things.
I don't understand why they had such a difficult time surviving on that island, when I can easily feed myself with a single potato pot.
Honestly I am not too bothered with the lack of multiplayer. It seems that these days we have loads of multiplayer options and a decent single player game with narrative is a rare thing, which I appreciate greatly.
No kids telling me abo… -
I wouldn't had thought there be a problem with you creating these for yourself, the issues tend to arise when you want to sell them!
in 3D Printing time :) Seamoth 150 mm 3D Print Comment by william1134 January 2017