This must be the first game in history that makes hitboxes BIGGER.
Just to make shooting Skulks easier. Marines jumping with 100% accurate aim wasn't quite enough ;p
The fact that the player's viewpoint is already too low com… -
Long time player here, pubs.
I don't know all the ins and outs but do i understand correct that Gorges can't make a tunnel now at the start of a game because tunnels are a nuisance to Marines overall? -
Ok thank you.
(Quote) I see. How are the bars determined?
Good tip @Kouji_San, i will do that.
Overall it's not a deal breaker. But i'm a pc gamer and i need numbers! Bars are for consoles yooooooI had been playing a lot since the update, i think maybe one match from obtaining the skin. Today i saw a server saying unlock in 5 minutes. I curiously joined to see what it was about, then within a minute the skin was unlocked to my surprise. I gu…Can't i just always have Uke AV? Why are there not simply a few AV choices integrated into vanilla NS2 please? Something along those lines w…(Quote)
Wait, you fixed the spawn-looking-at-the-floor bug?
After all these years.. Is it really done? There be cheering and drinking.
Just to safeguard, can we get an achievement, "I've seen the floor.", if it happens ag…Is BlackArmor tradable now then? I rarely use it 8-)Thanks for the update!Make early game lifeforms tougher. Skulks and Marines. Lets see if that makes the engagements longer and lessen the spawn-die-spawn-die cycle early players and newly players get into.I understand the emotion. There is wrongdoing.. Hopefully you can get past this quick! If i ever meet you in real life whiskey is on me.Ok i see. Thank you MaxAmus.All these tweaks, nerfs and what not for the sake of balance. Slowing down Skulks, drifters expensive and easy to kill, marine jumping higher than Skulks.. Though i understand some motivation behind the decisions from the devs it feels like it made …I think the OP has perfectly described the gameplay impressions as an alien, namely skulk, vs marine.
Actually i found myself nodding while reading his post and it suprised me that i apparently felt the same but hadn't thought so deeply about …(Quote) I remember in one of the latest LAN comp matches where some people commmented that (on LAN) marine weapons shred through aliens and that it's because of loss/errors in regular netcode that it isn't that obvious.
Maybe if NS2 n…The more i think about it, whether jumping is OP or not, the jumping aspect itself is just silly looking. 9 out of 10 Marine vs Skulk encounters end up in a jumping match.
Like i remember way, way back, there was a post on why marines wa…(Quote)
Free gorge tunnels, whips throwing back grenades, man i really miss those.
I feel NS2 went from great fun to -nerf nerf nerf-, regular fun. UW and forum goers taking all the fun out the game for balance schmalance. But …(Quote) Great that you brought it up internally.
I understand it's not easy to change but i hope there will be a solution someday not too far in the future.
There's some good thoughts on the subject in this thread. Overall i think like ironhorse says, it seems the animation just has the legs come up too high.
As an oldskool and still avid Quake player i understand how important (circle/straf…(Quote) Ah with the few of us left here. It's all love.
Crazycat, yes i know. It's not that i can't deal with it…How about:
- Fixed that marines no longer jump higher than Skulks.Getting killed when you're already around the corner. Bascially ns2 is horrible with any lag. You can be a fade with cara, hop happily around the corner, spot a few marines with sg's, Quickly retreat. Then suddenly die when you're not even there any…15 seconds longer to make a Gorge tunnel...+1 GL spam is sucking the joy out of the game as an alien.Admins, players, do us all a favor and (vote)kick players with a name that's a weird collection of unpronounceable characters. Also kick the noname having ones (space characters).This was during my first games since the latest patch. FWIW, i wasn't the only Aliens player who commented about the loud fade sounds.(Quote) What setting would you suggest for the following setup to shorten loading times:
Win 7 64bit - i7 3770K (3.50GHz) - 16GB RAM - 3 x SSD (samsung 840 pro) (OS and Steam separate ssd's)
ThanksI gave a copy to a friend and really pushed him to try playing many times. He joined me on Aliens and during encounters when he saw the marines jumping around, he just laughed at the bunnyhopping and that it made the game look stupid on top of being…Is there a reason why the fade blink sound is so loud now? It drowns out everything else. What was wrong with it being a normal volume?
It's like the earbleeding skulk jump sound is back with a vengeance. Please devs, change it back to h…