Ladies and gentlemen, I have been playing Subnautica for upwards of only about five or so days now, and I am absolutely in love with it. Regrettably, I have been more times busy than not this week and had to cut out time for my virtual expeditions- so I figured, if I can't play it, the next best thing would be to contribute to it. This game, in my opinion, is the forbearer of an awesome new genre of gaming experience: one that not only has an open map-sandbox mechanic, but one that takes a page or two (if not adding a bit of creativity) from real-life miracles and implementing them into a game in a fashion such as Subnautica did. Firewatch, although more of a game based on story and morale, has stepped up to the plate as well, and I am ecstatic to see what 2016 yields in the world of gaming.
Basically, I am going to flood these forums with ideas and notions until the devs check it out.
You'll probably get sick of me.