Natural Selection 2 News Update - NS2 Build 177 Released
Technical Director, Unknown Worlds Entertainment Join Date: 2002-03-15 Member: 318Super Administrators, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, Constellation, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts, Future Perfect Developer

Can't wait to go home and try it :)
Great Patch guys! Do we has get shiftz now?
Date: 05/10/11
Time: 21:14:17
Build 177
Starting Natural Selection 2
RenderDevice: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 (
Error: Sound 'materials/door/onos_step' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/onos_step' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/footstep_left' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/footstep_right' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/onos/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'marine/structure/arc/deploy' couldn't be loaded (An invalid parameter was passed to this function. )
Error: Sound 'materials/door/bash' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/bash' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/healing_mound_heal' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/skulk/bite_hit_electronic' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/door/spikes_ricochet' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/spikes_ricochet' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/metal/spikes_ricochet' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/organic/spikes_ricochet' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/rock/spikes_ricochet' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/thin_metal/spikes_ricochet' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'marine/structures/sentr_spin_up' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/upgrade_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/research_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Connecting to server
Client connected and authenticated on the server.
Loading 'maps/ns2_tram.level'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/phase_gate/phase_gate.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/robotics_factory/robotics_factory.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/prototype_module/prototype_module.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/shift/shift.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/shade/shade.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/onos/onos.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/onos/onos_view.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/cocoon/cocoon.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/heavy/heavy.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/minigun/minigun.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/minigun/minigun_view.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/jetpack/jetpack.model'
Couldn't open file 'cinematics/marine/arc/target.cinematic'
Direct3DDevice::Texture create/initialize failed [dds].
Direct3DDevice::Texture create/initialize failed [dds].
Chat All - Bluethunder2k: and what does spreading the infestation do?
Chat Team 1 - ZippySpeedMonkey: denies you a place to palce irmes
Chat Team 1 - ZippySpeedMonkey: place items
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Please solve the hitrate bugg, i'ts unplayable now :(
both skulk and fade doesnt work
in some moment server tick rate, die
Tick rate still drops through the floor (this happened after we built a 2nd hive)
Particle effects really hammer the frame rate (can we maybe get a flag to turn them off till they have been optimised)
Tho i noticed it seems like its easier to hit if you're not on the ground. Not completely sure tho.
but the first 2 times i loaded it, the sound was ######t.
it freezes now every time a minute or 2 into the game.
I will go play ns1 and let these drugs i took do their thing.
Also it seemed to be easier for me to kill marines this time around, so the hitboxes did improve some.
is it just me or is the build footage a million times smoother than anything seen before?
watch the video again(+listen), also read the title. :)
Rockdown looks awesome, but there is some strange server side tick rate drop that happens in Westwing.
DI still is lagging the server once spread a lot, it still needs improvement.
There seems to be some Server side tick rate problems compared to 176, went to Team 156 server, Lunixmonster, West and found that server tick rates were lower all over.
Fixed skulk ability to bite marines and the changes to rockdown have made me so happy! This is getting better all the time.
I like this idea, might allow for teams to make a comeback even when they've been pushed back to a single base. Also refocuses the pursuit of tech points to more of an projection/expansion of map control.
At any rate, excellent change I reckon!
At any rate, excellent change I reckon!<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
It's a good idea but teching on one base should be longer than on several bases.
Something like this might work well as a compromise. Some sort of ability that each hive/comm chair has that gives a clear and wanted bonus.
I know I should not use this example, but I'm going to anyways. So in starcraft 2, each command center for each race has a unique ability that helps that race out so the more you expand and command centers you have the better off you are. For marines they get mules to harvest extra res and scans to decloak people. For protoss they get nexus boost which speeds up the production of any building tech or unit related. For zerg, they can produce queens that allow them to pop extra larva so they can get bigger armies faster plus it is their only way of producing any unts at all.
If marines and aliens each had some very unique ability that might help to encourage tech point capturing. Right now macs aren't enough. Aliens kind of have the bonus of free extra DI and eggs, but maybe they should get something else?
Perhaps teching is too cheap right now. A team can turtle on one base (specially marines) and still have enough resources to get grenades/flamethrowers. But i'm sure that will be sorted out when we have proper large scale balance testing.
Add Some king of teleport platform ... as attachment into Commander center (and work in same way as Hive :) )
...but NS2HD's video shows how beautiful the game looks and sounds so far. Also shows the lag some people get, if you noticed, one of the rine's was jumping back and forth.
Yea, I downloaded NS2HD#188 and watched in slow-motion (about 16%) in VLC. It really shows up all the little issues like this.