Ran around the map for the first time in a month or two, it's looking really nice. Great work.
It only looks, but it's not. Though the pink wall helps a lot to make this map better than it ever was!
caged is still 10x better than nexus, i don't know why the NSL decided to include that broken map over this one.
Love the new textured rooms on lower left side of map - very pretty.
I still think top right corner of map is useless - it's really in the middle of nowhere and takes forever to get to as marines, making it impossible to properly lane block res up there. I would honestly delete one of the rooms either side and move tech point closer to middle of map.
Would also include a 2nd hole in the bridge glass outside satan's butthole - it's quite easy for a marine to hold that at the moment.
JektJoin Date: 2012-02-05Member: 143714Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
edited May 2015
I disagree about the top right of the map being useless. I think of caged as a veil-eque layout just tilted anti-clockwise and with a xr like central instead of nano. So in principle the map should play pretty much the same if the hive start location is on the sides (gen and sub). If aliens spawn sub the top right can seem useless for marines to cap since its so far away and difficult to block like you said. By the same logic though if aliens spawn in gen the same can be true of of the sub part of the map.
Haven't done any timings though or gotten a feel of the new rooms and how marine/alien favored they are, I'm really just saying how I think the map should play. If it takes marines much longer to run around the top right section of the map chasing skulks and capping then it does for the bottom left or lane blocking is significantly easier for 1 of these sections than that of course needs to be addressed.
An issue I see with the map if I'm comparing it to veil and thinking of evenly distributed RTs is the middle hive location (vent). Since its not actually in the lower right hand corner of the map in shipping tunnels (the longest distance from marine start) the alien expansion obviously favors the right side since its a longer travel time from marine start. I don't think this should be the case. It was OK before since purification used to be such an alien favored room, since the changes its a very marine friendly room now and cannot be cleared as easily as it used to be. Assuming the rooms themselves to be balanced for alien vs marine combat the distance time between these alien naturals should be the same.
Sorry I wrote a fucking essay. I am a pretty big fan of caged. Hope to see it in official build and used in some of the very few competitive matches that this game has left.
FlaterectomyNetherlandistanJoin Date: 2005-02-03Member: 39643Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
I'm a little puzzled how Purification is perceived as being marine favoured sometimes. Once I detail it, it'll change somewhat of course, but right now I mostly experience it as alien sided with all the cover and the passage below the walkway.
caged is still 10x better than nexus, i don't know why the NSL decided to go full retard and include that broken map over this one.
Two months have passed since season 6 started - I remember asking teams to decide what maps would they be interested to play on during the regular season. They all went for Mineral and Nexus in the first place. I also recall Caged being in a terrible shape, it was indeed unbalanced as hell and there was no way we could add this map again on the NSL rotation. Flate knows how much I enjoy playing his map and the tons of feedbacks I've provided so far (though I took a break, I'm working on it again). Nexus is currently working on by a competitive player (so was Jambi before) and despite its problems, remains quite promising. Without mentioning Caged had its chance, it's never 'retarded' to give a shot to more maps, as long as they're not completely unbalanced with no future promises.
Haven't done any timings though or gotten a feel of the new rooms and how marine/alien favored they are, I'm really just saying how I think the map should play. If it takes marines much longer to run around the top right section of the map chasing skulks and capping then it does for the bottom left or lane blocking is significantly easier for 1 of these sections than that of course needs to be addressed.
Half the problem is when you make aliens spawn in gen, you have to balance it accordingly. In it's current form, a Gen/Marine start spawn is probably more balanced than the others, despite the smaller distance between the two spawn points.
It's not just about timings around the bottom left compared to the top right either. The pathing that you have to take as a marine in each of these sectors basically forces the focus of the action around the circumference of the map, which means that if you want to get back to the centre of the map, it takes you a lot of time. The most similar scenario I can think of is probably electrical core on jambi - here are some timings (all with axe out and tight corners):
Monitoring -> Dat 1 RT = 11 sec
Dat 1 RT -> Gen RT = 8 sec
Gen RT -> Central (via aux) = 22 sec
Gen RT -> Central (via Dat1, monitoring) = 29 sec
Sanitation RT -> central = 10 sec
Lower waste RT -> central (via sanitation) = 20 sec
Jambi manages to balance out the time it takes from EC to grav with the short timings on the other side of the map (from repair and bay), so that ppl on that side can reinforce quickly. Caged currently doesn't have that as it takes much longer from lower and sewer to get to central, so reinforcing lanes is a much harder task- meaning skulks have greater opportunity to slip through and pressure res.
Possible solution is to connect axillary directly to the upper part of access where the vent is.
Two months have passed since season 6 started - I remember asking teams to decide what maps would they be interested to play on during the regular season. They all went for Mineral and Nexus in the first place. I also recall Caged being in a terrible shape, it was indeed unbalanced as hell and there was no way we could add this map again on the NSL rotation. Flate knows how much I enjoy playing his map and the tons of feedbacks I've provided so far (though I took a break, I'm working on it again). Nexus is currently working on by a competitive player (so was Jambi before) and despite its problems, remains quite promising. Without mentioning Caged had its chance, it's never 'retarded' to give a shot to more maps, as long as they're not completely unbalanced with no future promises.
Mineral is a promising map that gets better with each iteration - I'm glad that was in the NSL, cause it's initial state was playable. Nexus is nowhere near the standard of mineral or caged, and was never in a playable state to begin with. I find it puzzling that people would vote for a map like that over something like caged which is so close to being a regular rotation map - a custom map cup or draft tournament imo is a better place for a map like nexus to feature first.
Nexus ... was never in a playable state to begin with. I find it puzzling that people would vote for a map like that over something like caged which is so close to being a regular rotation map - a custom map cup or draft tournament imo is a better place for a map like nexus to feature first.
Nexus had hundreds of games of testing in both pick up and public environments before it was chosen, and we worked with many high level players including those on Titus and Chams to tweak it for play in NSL. I'd appreciate your feedback nonetheless, but I don't seem to get any in that thread.
I still think top right corner of map is useless - it's really in the middle of nowhere and takes forever to get to as marines, making it impossible to properly lane block res up there. I would honestly delete one of the rooms either side and move tech point closer to middle of map.
This seems like a good idea. I know you just moved it further inward, but I think it might help with those significant distances. Honestly, I feel like AuxGen is a more or less useless room, and seems to only exist to make distances longer from the tech point to the center. Merging it with the eastern part of Access may help if you want to keep the map more or less intact, but the room itself in its current state feels like a waste of movement time for aliens but especially marines.
Mineral is a promising map that gets better with each iteration - I'm glad that was in the NSL, cause it's initial state was playable. Nexus is nowhere near the standard of mineral or caged, and was never in a playable state to begin with. I find it puzzling that people would vote for a map like that over something like caged which is so close to being a regular rotation map - a custom map cup or draft tournament imo is a better place for a map like nexus to feature first.
A Custom Maps Cup should be held in off-season anyway. It will be an opportunity for Caged to prove it's improved a lot lately, enough to get back on the NSL maps rotation.
But as said previously, Caged was far from the current iteration or even the past ones before the season starts. It was in fact less balanced than Nexus and yes, no kidding. We do not add maps on a regular season for the only reason we want more maps, we first have a look at map and then approve or not this said map. Nexus had a great potential at that time (still has though) while Caged reached a point adding it on the NSL would only be a mess for the players, besides the fact the map is actively being worked by Flate and we could have experienced 10 versions of Caged in about a sole season. Which is, let's say unthinkable for the proper conduct of the season. Also, if we want a map to be officially played, we'd better not show the worse iterations of it and wait for a proper build, wouldn't we?
Contrary to Caged, Mineral and Nexus (both made by competitive players), we do not see huge updates whilst a season is going on, or at least, they're waiting for a couple of weeks to make sure bigger changes do not affect matches. There was no way we could guarantee this with Caged. In other words, there's plenty of reason that made us choose Mineral and Nexus instead of Caged, it does not come down to: 'this map is way better than the other'.
bonageJoin Date: 2012-10-13Member: 162230Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
edited May 2015
@Zavaro@Pelargir Let's agree to disagree. I'm not trying to hate on nexus, but If i get time I'll do a write up as to why I think nexus doesn't currently work (at least from a comp perspective).
I find Caged oddly balanced for 6v6. The map design doesn't allow for great balance in such an environment.
It used to be VERY alien sided, and we basically only saw aliens wins on it apart from a very few top level comp teams. And these marines wins may as well be a thing due to the difference in skill level in these particular match ups. I think that was the reason why it was taken out of nsl seasons in the first place, as well as the fact it changed several times mid-season. As far as I know, Mineral and Nexus (despite being new) were more balanced when they were introduced, so provided more interesting gameplay for comp players. I think so far, this has been a success.
Now, what's the aim for Caged ? Being a comp map or a pub map ? I don't think Caged will ever properly work in comp and I don't even think Flat wants it to work that way.
To me, Caged (as of right now) is a mix between veil and eclipse. I actually think Caged is a better Eclipse than ns2_eclipse. But it still needs some work. So keep on
Now, what's the aim for Caged ? Being a comp map or a pub map ? I don't think Caged will ever properly work in comp and I don't even think Flat wants it to work that way.
I strongly disagree with the idea that you have to either balance a map for either pub or comp - they are not mutually exclusive. A good map will be balanced for both environments (eg summit, tram etc) - something which i think caged has the potential to be.
I've witnessed plenty of comp matches on it that have been enjoyed - yes there are issues, but none of them too far-gone to not fix in time. The map is really starting to come into its own now with the new rooms and textures and I feel like it's gonna get over the line very soon.
You don't have to teach this to me bonage, it's something that I'm well aware of. However, I don't think it works well in a 6v6 environement, which is the comp environment. And sadly no pub plays 6v6. If a map is balanced for a minimum amount of players, it's gonna work with more, it's gonna be messy as fuck but balanced somehow. If a map doesn't work well in a 6v6 setup (because as said earlier, map-size is too important to do anything mapcontrol-wise, zoning, lane-blocking, balancing pushes and counterpushes) it might work with more players, like 8v8 or even just 7v7.
A comp map will always be balanced for pubs (tram, summit, biodome), but a good and balanced pub map (like mineshaft or even refinery that are considered balanced if you look at the ns2stats) might not work in a comp environment. Just because of the difference in terms of number of pawns on the map and map-size/design. Anyway, that's my point.
Also : think I already talked about this to you Flat when I said "enforce Vent spawn for aliens". But I really hate the dynamics of the Sewer spawn. Just because you have to send one marine on the Sewer lane over and over again to lane-block, get crushed, defend the RT or make sure Lower doesn't get capped. That marine is alone the whole game (unless you switch your guy) and gets crushed everytime. I'm telling you that because I played that role no one wanted to play quite a few times lately and that was really boring gameplay. Sure you have similar stuff on Veil, especially with Sub Access spawn I feel, but that doesn't make it cool either way imo
caged is a refreshing map to play on, its quite different to the typical layout we see of tram/ summit and its the best looking custom map to play on. Once finished i can see it as an official map and whilst it will never get played as often as veil, tram and summit i can see it getting played more than kodiak and eclipse. But like kodiak and eclipse its probably not going to be played in comp all that often.
FlaterectomyNetherlandistanJoin Date: 2005-02-03Member: 39643Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
Keep up the conversation please!
CHANGELOG [10th of may 2015]
o Added scaffold prop to glass window in Purification because STOP RUNNING INTO THE GLASS, YOU'LL HURT YOURSELF
o Made light props between the windows of the glass bridge in Upper Wasteflow non-collidable
o Removed two barely used vents from Ventilation
o Severed connection between east corridor of Central and Central's southern exit
o Added a ladder in the Stability - Shortcut vent
Having the ladder here is actually really nice for enabling north-capping marines to quickly swap over to block monitoring, a good start to increasing accessibility to the northeast side of the map.
FlaterectomyNetherlandistanJoin Date: 2005-02-03Member: 39643Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
New build!
CHANGELOG [24th of may 2015]
o Finished detailing Sewer, barring the exits towards Purification
o Detailed the corridor between Sewer and Lower Wasteflow
o Fixed fades not being able to move through Lower Wasteflow vent
o Various small hole, stuck-spot and occlusion geometry fixes
FlaterectomyNetherlandistanJoin Date: 2005-02-03Member: 39643Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
New build! Some significant layout changes this time. Central Processing is a leeetle more important again.
CHANGELOG [31st of may 2015] o Added back the res node in Central Processing o Removed the railings and barrels from the north side of Central Processing o Renamed Squiggle to Bypass o Severed the connection between the western Central Processing corridor and Bypass o Connected Bypass to Life Support. o Connected the east exit of Purification directly to Ventilation instead of the south exit of Life Support o Detailed Monitoring's north-east exit to Stability
with central getting the res node it kinda makes me think that lower waste res and sanitation res should be removed and 1 placed back in upper waste
the map is such a hard layout to balance perhaps trying to swap the 2 rooms sanitation and upper waste around would help since sanitation is now purpose built to hold a node
FlaterectomyNetherlandistanJoin Date: 2005-02-03Member: 39643Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
New build!
CHANGELOG [13th of june 2015]
o Fixed small holes below ceiling arch in east corridor of Central Processing
o Put pipes above Sewer exit corridor into Lower Wasteflow to show skulks cannot go overtop
o Fixed back of trim props along the big pipe that goes from Main Hold to Monitoring (and from Monitoring to Stability) being transparent
o Removed some more railings from Central Processing
o Started detailing some more of Upper Wasteflow
o Widened south exit of Central Processing
o Used BeigeAlert's Quick Model Material Swapper tool to reduce saturation of the Veil pillar props in Sewer to make them match the surrounding props more
FlaterectomyNetherlandistanJoin Date: 2005-02-03Member: 39643Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
edited June 2015
CHANGELOG [21st of june 2015]
o Fixed missing pillar girder in Sewer (thanks @BeigeAlert)
o Put collision geometry on the pillar girder in Sewer
o Further detailing of Upper Wasteflow
o Added the vent from Upper Wasteflow to Bypass (formerly Squiggle) back in.
o Added back a previously removed portion of Bypass to make room for the vent exit
o Fixed various small holes
o Added collision geometry to the pipes in the diagonal section between Purification and Ventilation
o Added collision geometry to the pipe on the wall from Main Hold to Monitoring for easier wallwalking
Feedback from Hohey (a friend of mine who played yesterday)
He likes to "bunnyhop" in the DAT-1 stairs and finds it annoying that he bumps into the kind of ceiling structure there. I'd like to say that I've had some issues with it as fade as well.
To him, the map is a big too dark overall (does the map has low lights btw ?) and as he played mostly (as marines) in the northern part of the map (Monitoring => Generators) he thought the map had too many corners. Hard to effectively check and counter ambushing skulks.
And a gorge slide yeyeye
It only looks, but it's not. Though the pink wall helps a lot to make this map better than it ever was!
caged is still 10x better than nexus, i don't know why the NSL decided to include that broken map over this one.
Love the new textured rooms on lower left side of map - very pretty.
I still think top right corner of map is useless - it's really in the middle of nowhere and takes forever to get to as marines, making it impossible to properly lane block res up there. I would honestly delete one of the rooms either side and move tech point closer to middle of map.
Would also include a 2nd hole in the bridge glass outside satan's butthole - it's quite easy for a marine to hold that at the moment.
Keep going!
Haven't done any timings though or gotten a feel of the new rooms and how marine/alien favored they are, I'm really just saying how I think the map should play. If it takes marines much longer to run around the top right section of the map chasing skulks and capping then it does for the bottom left or lane blocking is significantly easier for 1 of these sections than that of course needs to be addressed.
An issue I see with the map if I'm comparing it to veil and thinking of evenly distributed RTs is the middle hive location (vent). Since its not actually in the lower right hand corner of the map in shipping tunnels (the longest distance from marine start) the alien expansion obviously favors the right side since its a longer travel time from marine start. I don't think this should be the case. It was OK before since purification used to be such an alien favored room, since the changes its a very marine friendly room now and cannot be cleared as easily as it used to be. Assuming the rooms themselves to be balanced for alien vs marine combat the distance time between these alien naturals should be the same.
Sorry I wrote a fucking essay. I am a pretty big fan of caged. Hope to see it in official build and used in some of the very few competitive matches that this game has left.
Two months have passed since season 6 started - I remember asking teams to decide what maps would they be interested to play on during the regular season. They all went for Mineral and Nexus in the first place. I also recall Caged being in a terrible shape, it was indeed unbalanced as hell and there was no way we could add this map again on the NSL rotation. Flate knows how much I enjoy playing his map and the tons of feedbacks I've provided so far (though I took a break, I'm working on it again). Nexus is currently working on by a competitive player (so was Jambi before) and despite its problems, remains quite promising. Without mentioning Caged had its chance, it's never 'retarded' to give a shot to more maps, as long as they're not completely unbalanced with no future promises.
Half the problem is when you make aliens spawn in gen, you have to balance it accordingly. In it's current form, a Gen/Marine start spawn is probably more balanced than the others, despite the smaller distance between the two spawn points.
It's not just about timings around the bottom left compared to the top right either. The pathing that you have to take as a marine in each of these sectors basically forces the focus of the action around the circumference of the map, which means that if you want to get back to the centre of the map, it takes you a lot of time. The most similar scenario I can think of is probably electrical core on jambi - here are some timings (all with axe out and tight corners):
Dat 1 RT -> Gen RT = 8 sec
Gen RT -> Central (via aux) = 22 sec
Gen RT -> Central (via Dat1, monitoring) = 29 sec
Sanitation RT -> central = 10 sec
Lower waste RT -> central (via sanitation) = 20 sec
EC RT -> skylights -> grav = 18 sec
Supply RT -> offload -> grav = 14 sec
Repair RT -> grav RT = 10 sec
Baywing RT -> grav RT = 12 sec
repair RT -> hub = 9 sec
Logi RT -> hub (via south) = 10 sec
ET RT -> hub = 15 sec
obs RT -> hub (via south) = 15 sec
Jambi manages to balance out the time it takes from EC to grav with the short timings on the other side of the map (from repair and bay), so that ppl on that side can reinforce quickly. Caged currently doesn't have that as it takes much longer from lower and sewer to get to central, so reinforcing lanes is a much harder task- meaning skulks have greater opportunity to slip through and pressure res.
Possible solution is to connect axillary directly to the upper part of access where the vent is.
Mineral is a promising map that gets better with each iteration - I'm glad that was in the NSL, cause it's initial state was playable. Nexus is nowhere near the standard of mineral or caged, and was never in a playable state to begin with. I find it puzzling that people would vote for a map like that over something like caged which is so close to being a regular rotation map - a custom map cup or draft tournament imo is a better place for a map like nexus to feature first.
Nexus had hundreds of games of testing in both pick up and public environments before it was chosen, and we worked with many high level players including those on Titus and Chams to tweak it for play in NSL. I'd appreciate your feedback nonetheless, but I don't seem to get any in that thread.
This seems like a good idea. I know you just moved it further inward, but I think it might help with those significant distances. Honestly, I feel like AuxGen is a more or less useless room, and seems to only exist to make distances longer from the tech point to the center. Merging it with the eastern part of Access may help if you want to keep the map more or less intact, but the room itself in its current state feels like a waste of movement time for aliens but especially marines.
A Custom Maps Cup should be held in off-season anyway. It will be an opportunity for Caged to prove it's improved a lot lately, enough to get back on the NSL maps rotation.
But as said previously, Caged was far from the current iteration or even the past ones before the season starts. It was in fact less balanced than Nexus and yes, no kidding. We do not add maps on a regular season for the only reason we want more maps, we first have a look at map and then approve or not this said map. Nexus had a great potential at that time (still has though) while Caged reached a point adding it on the NSL would only be a mess for the players, besides the fact the map is actively being worked by Flate and we could have experienced 10 versions of Caged in about a sole season. Which is, let's say unthinkable for the proper conduct of the season. Also, if we want a map to be officially played, we'd better not show the worse iterations of it and wait for a proper build, wouldn't we?
Contrary to Caged, Mineral and Nexus (both made by competitive players), we do not see huge updates whilst a season is going on, or at least, they're waiting for a couple of weeks to make sure bigger changes do not affect matches. There was no way we could guarantee this with Caged. In other words, there's plenty of reason that made us choose Mineral and Nexus instead of Caged, it does not come down to: 'this map is way better than the other'.
It used to be VERY alien sided, and we basically only saw aliens wins on it apart from a very few top level comp teams. And these marines wins may as well be a thing due to the difference in skill level in these particular match ups. I think that was the reason why it was taken out of nsl seasons in the first place, as well as the fact it changed several times mid-season. As far as I know, Mineral and Nexus (despite being new) were more balanced when they were introduced, so provided more interesting gameplay for comp players. I think so far, this has been a success.
Now, what's the aim for Caged ? Being a comp map or a pub map ? I don't think Caged will ever properly work in comp and I don't even think Flat wants it to work that way.
To me, Caged (as of right now) is a mix between veil and eclipse. I actually think Caged is a better Eclipse than ns2_eclipse. But it still needs some work. So keep on
I strongly disagree with the idea that you have to either balance a map for either pub or comp - they are not mutually exclusive. A good map will be balanced for both environments (eg summit, tram etc) - something which i think caged has the potential to be.
I've witnessed plenty of comp matches on it that have been enjoyed - yes there are issues, but none of them too far-gone to not fix in time. The map is really starting to come into its own now with the new rooms and textures and I feel like it's gonna get over the line very soon.
A comp map will always be balanced for pubs (tram, summit, biodome), but a good and balanced pub map (like mineshaft or even refinery that are considered balanced if you look at the ns2stats) might not work in a comp environment. Just because of the difference in terms of number of pawns on the map and map-size/design. Anyway, that's my point.
Also : think I already talked about this to you Flat when I said "enforce Vent spawn for aliens". But I really hate the dynamics of the Sewer spawn. Just because you have to send one marine on the Sewer lane over and over again to lane-block, get crushed, defend the RT or make sure Lower doesn't get capped. That marine is alone the whole game (unless you switch your guy) and gets crushed everytime. I'm telling you that because I played that role no one wanted to play quite a few times lately and that was really boring gameplay. Sure you have similar stuff on Veil, especially with Sub Access spawn I feel, but that doesn't make it cool either way imo
CHANGELOG [10th of may 2015]
o Added scaffold prop to glass window in Purification because STOP RUNNING INTO THE GLASS, YOU'LL HURT YOURSELF
o Made light props between the windows of the glass bridge in Upper Wasteflow non-collidable
o Removed two barely used vents from Ventilation
o Severed connection between east corridor of Central and Central's southern exit
o Added a ladder in the Stability - Shortcut vent
Having the ladder here is actually really nice for enabling north-capping marines to quickly swap over to block monitoring, a good start to increasing accessibility to the northeast side of the map.
CHANGELOG [24th of may 2015]
o Finished detailing Sewer, barring the exits towards Purification
o Detailed the corridor between Sewer and Lower Wasteflow
o Fixed fades not being able to move through Lower Wasteflow vent
o Various small hole, stuck-spot and occlusion geometry fixes
CHANGELOG [31st of may 2015]
o Added back the res node in Central Processing
o Removed the railings and barrels from the north side of Central Processing
o Renamed Squiggle to Bypass
o Severed the connection between the western Central Processing corridor and Bypass
o Connected Bypass to Life Support.
o Connected the east exit of Purification directly to Ventilation instead of the south exit of Life Support
o Detailed Monitoring's north-east exit to Stability
the map is such a hard layout to balance
CHANGELOG [13th of june 2015]
o Fixed small holes below ceiling arch in east corridor of Central Processing
o Put pipes above Sewer exit corridor into Lower Wasteflow to show skulks cannot go overtop
o Fixed back of trim props along the big pipe that goes from Main Hold to Monitoring (and from Monitoring to Stability) being transparent
o Removed some more railings from Central Processing
o Started detailing some more of Upper Wasteflow
o Widened south exit of Central Processing
o Used BeigeAlert's Quick Model Material Swapper tool to reduce saturation of the Veil pillar props in Sewer to make them match the surrounding props more
CHANGELOG [21st of june 2015]
o Fixed missing pillar girder in Sewer (thanks @BeigeAlert)
o Put collision geometry on the pillar girder in Sewer
o Further detailing of Upper Wasteflow
o Added the vent from Upper Wasteflow to Bypass (formerly Squiggle) back in.
o Added back a previously removed portion of Bypass to make room for the vent exit
o Fixed various small holes
o Added collision geometry to the pipes in the diagonal section between Purification and Ventilation
o Added collision geometry to the pipe on the wall from Main Hold to Monitoring for easier wallwalking
He likes to "bunnyhop" in the DAT-1 stairs and finds it annoying that he bumps into the kind of ceiling structure there. I'd like to say that I've had some issues with it as fade as well.
To him, the map is a big too dark overall (does the map has low lights btw ?) and as he played mostly (as marines) in the northern part of the map (Monitoring => Generators) he thought the map had too many corners. Hard to effectively check and counter ambushing skulks.
credits to Hohey for the videos