While we're at it - I tried the Lightboost hack, but it seems to force VSync on for NS2. Anyone else have this issue?
Doesn't happen in any other game.
Also, if I accidentally turn on the Stereoscopic 3D option, it completely destroys my computer, creates memory leaks and sometimes I have to restart to fix it
I'm also looking to get a new monitor, though nothing out there seems to suit just yet.
I'm currently on 1920x1200 (I really hate 16:9!), but in addition to twitch gaming, I also do photography. My current monitor is a crappy TN panel that's got poor colour reproduction, but from what I read of LED panels, they generally have worse input lag and ghosting...
I have a CRT in the attic, but not enough desk space to use it again
Ideally, I want a 2560x1600 (Could cope with 2560x1440 at a push...) display at 120Hz with decent calibrated colour reproduction.
I suppose such a thing doesn't really exist yet Why oh why there aren't more high quality 16:10 displays out there I don't know (yeah I do, it's supply/demand...bah)
Even if you don't get 120fps now, you can eventually with a system upgrade. And in the mean time you get to enjoy the benefits of everything else that does run smooth, i.e. Windows desktop, etc.
While we're at it - I tried the Lightboost hack, but it seems to force VSync on for NS2. Anyone else have this issue?
Doesn't happen in any other game.
Also, if I accidentally turn on the Stereoscopic 3D option, it completely destroys my computer, creates memory leaks and sometimes I have to restart to fix it
Have you tried using the CLU method for lightboost?
I've never experienced vsync forced on, but ive experienced that when I used old method that my computer could freeze competly when stereoscopic 3D was enabled to fix that you need to hold CTRL+T but using the CLU method that wont be needed at all.
I personally wouldn't bother with a 120 or 144Hz monitor due to the fact they use TN panels which have bad colours and viewing angles. My next monitor will be an IPS panel, I know they have ghosting issues but the vibrant colours will be more than worth it.
I've never experienced vsync forced on, but ive experienced that when I used old method that my computer could freeze competly when stereoscopic 3D was enabled to fix that you need to hold CTRL+T but using the CLU method that wont be needed at all.
I wanted to try this out, but it looks like it requires the emitters / glasses? Unless I am doing something wrong :[
I've never experienced vsync forced on, but ive experienced that when I used old method that my computer could freeze competly when stereoscopic 3D was enabled to fix that you need to hold CTRL+T but using the CLU method that wont be needed at all.
I wanted to try this out, but it looks like it requires the emitters / glasses? Unless I am doing something wrong :[
You trick windows into thinking your monitor is one of the monitors with an inbuilt emitter. I didn't use the CRU method but it looks like that is covered in step 2? In this guide you download the LightBoost-Monitor-EDID-override.inf driver file and manually change it in device manager.
oops, my monitor for some reason shows up twice in the CRU dropdown and I overwrote the wrong one ahah
edit2: okay nevermind so it just leaves the box unchecked, but it still loads stereoscopic 3D (which i can disable) on game start, but then I still have vsync :P
Even if you don't get 120fps now, you can eventually with a system upgrade. And in the mean time you get to enjoy the benefits of everything else that does run smooth, i.e. Windows desktop, etc.
I disagree; if you can't currently make use of the 120hz in a game, wait until you can. New better monitors will come out, current prices will drop.
It's beyond worth it, however I don't utilize it too much in NS2 because I can't keep 120 fps during certain parts, especially mid/late game... it feels miserable
However in things like counter-strike source, where I can get like 500 + frames a second, it's pretty awesome lol (I cap at 262 though) I think if I force source to use 8 threads it can get to 999 fps and stay there
I personally wouldn't bother with a 120 or 144Hz monitor due to the fact they use TN panels which have bad colours and viewing angles. My next monitor will be an IPS panel, I know they have ghosting issues but the vibrant colours will be more than worth it.
I also have a 120hz 27in 2650x1440 IPS display. It looks absolutely stunning but I still prefer gaming on the TN panel 144hz 1080p ASUS. Game doesn't need to look super pretty when your playing comp. It just needs to be smooth.
I'm confused by people saying not to bother with a 120hz monitor unless you can get 120 fps - if you can get anything over 60 fps, say 80, then wouldn't you see an advantage with a 120 hz since with 60 hz you are missing those extra 20 fps?
Now the question of "is it worth it" is a different discussion. To me its not at all. $300 just to have a competitive edge is not my idea of money well spent lol..
I'm confused by people saying not to bother with a 120hz monitor unless you can get 120 fps - if you can get anything over 60 fps, say 80, then wouldn't you see an advantage with a 120 hz since with 60 hz you are missing those extra 20 fps?
Now the question of "is it worth it" is a different discussion. To me its not at all. $300 just to have a competitive edge is not my idea of money well spent lol..
No, you think it's an improvement but it feels the same as getting below 60 fps on 60hz, you get this feeling of input lag and distortion, it's hard to explain, anyway the monitor is for sure worth the investment, the only game I can't keep a constant 120 fps on is ns2, also far cry 3 at ultra and bioshock infinite at ultra stress me below 120fps, but if I were to do something as simple as lower MSAA or super sampling, I'd probably get a large increase in frames. (take note those games are being played in their ultra settings, while ns2 is on all possible lowest) only thing I can do further for ns2 is play in 1024x768 or etc, which isn't going to happen cause I'm not serious enough into it to go all black bar mode
Also the best part is you don't need to worry about screen tearing, because screen tear on a 60hz lcd can be BRUTAL. All in all I'd put it like this. Also I remember there being a 120hz model out somewhere that was $269~ back THEN, this is when I got my benQ for $369 or 379, so I'm assuming it's all even cheaper now. If I find the name out I'll let you know, I'm pretty sure it started with a P
CRT > 120hz > 85hz > 60hz
As responsive and smooth the 120hz is, it still never gave me that immediate feel that my CRT gave me, however CRT monitors are very bad for your eyes and huge on power. Also I never experienced a 120hz CRT and can only imagine how incredible it feels.
I'm confused by people saying not to bother with a 120hz monitor unless you can get 120 fps - if you can get anything over 60 fps, say 80, then wouldn't you see an advantage with a 120 hz since with 60 hz you are missing those extra 20 fps?
Now the question of "is it worth it" is a different discussion. To me its not at all. $300 just to have a competitive edge is not my idea of money well spent lol..
You need to be able to achieve a steady 120 FPS in order to see the full, smooth splendors of a 120 hz monitor. Just an extra 20 FPS won't be as impressive and you might not even notice the difference. If you're only playing NS2, the absurd frame rate dips are the sole reason why I won't recommend buying a 120 hz monitor. This wouldn't be a problem if the lowest frame rate drop was around 100~ FPS, but this requires significantly better performance from the game logic, future CPUs, or likely a combination of the two.
I think you'll be surprised by how much money people will spend for competitive advantages. Real life examples include steroids, bribes, etc. Sure, 120 hz monitors may be a bit expensive, but you can look out for sales, buy used, save up money, or happen to earn a lot. Either way, a lot serious, competitive FPS players make this investment. The difference between 60 and 120 FPS is huge, especially for FPS games.
As someone who has played competitive games at all levels, getting a 120hz monitor to do 2d gaming (instead of 3d stereoscopic gaming) is worth it if you can push the FPS. It will be smoother, and you will predict your opponents better. It's even better if you can do 3 monitors in eyefinity at 120hz, but I'm not quite there just yet myself.
If you can push the FPS reliably, get the monitor and make sure it runs in 120hz mode.
It's worth noting if you use DVI you need to get a Dual-Link cable, and make sure it's plugged into a Dual-Link DVI port. Single-Link is insufficient to push 120hz. If you can do DisplayPort from your card to your monitor, that will help simplify things.
You don't necessarily need to push 120fps all the time, aim for 90fps, but if you can try to get 120fps consistently, it will be just that much smoother.
I'd recommend the Benq 120hz series. The height-adjustable-stand makes it worthwhile to pay a bit extra for it, and the latest model in the series has native DisplayPort to make it easier to work with.
Is there at least any >=8bit panels that support this?
You would think with as big of a deal this is more monitors would start to support it and have Nvidia create a direct program for it. Really would like to see this on some higher resolutions too...
As responsive and smooth the 120hz is, it still never gave me that immediate feel that my CRT gave me, however CRT monitors are very bad for your eyes.
That depends, I had great CRT and it was way better than all the LCD I tried, it took me a long time to get used to LCD when I was forced into it, my eyes hurt me badly and had tears after several minutes. While going to my awesome CRT was so smooth and comfy.
I also was forced to work on some more common CRT during the same time, and yes, some CRT can be awful too.
Ok I know this thread is old and dead, but I just wanted to say... I love having my 144 Hz monitor, how did I play before, I just don't know... :P
Thanks for everyone's input and the links to calibrating color and such. Much help!
Now I just need to RMA my mouse, because it decided to stop working the day I got my new monitor... been using a laptop mouse for gaming, and that's not good...
I'm using that one, a lot of different profiles though
Doesn't happen in any other game.
Also, if I accidentally turn on the Stereoscopic 3D option, it completely destroys my computer, creates memory leaks and sometimes I have to restart to fix it
I'm currently on 1920x1200 (I really hate 16:9!), but in addition to twitch gaming, I also do photography. My current monitor is a crappy TN panel that's got poor colour reproduction, but from what I read of LED panels, they generally have worse input lag and ghosting...
I have a CRT in the attic, but not enough desk space to use it again
Ideally, I want a 2560x1600 (Could cope with 2560x1440 at a push...) display at 120Hz with decent calibrated colour reproduction.
I suppose such a thing doesn't really exist yet
Tried this a while back as well and got the same result. Ill stick to the standard settings for 144hz.
Still works beter than my Acer LCD.
I play with 60-120 fps range, Usually end up doing pretty good.
Even if you don't get 120fps now, you can eventually with a system upgrade. And in the mean time you get to enjoy the benefits of everything else that does run smooth, i.e. Windows desktop, etc.
Have you tried using the CLU method for lightboost?
I've never experienced vsync forced on, but ive experienced that when I used old method that my computer could freeze competly when stereoscopic 3D was enabled to fix that you need to hold CTRL+T but using the CLU method that wont be needed at all.
You trick windows into thinking your monitor is one of the monitors with an inbuilt emitter. I didn't use the CRU method but it looks like that is covered in step 2?
In this guide you download the LightBoost-Monitor-EDID-override.inf driver file and manually change it in device manager.
edit2: okay nevermind so it just leaves the box unchecked, but it still loads stereoscopic 3D (which i can disable) on game start, but then I still have vsync :P
I disagree; if you can't currently make use of the 120hz in a game, wait until you can. New better monitors will come out, current prices will drop.
However in things like counter-strike source, where I can get like 500 + frames a second, it's pretty awesome lol (I cap at 262 though) I think if I force source to use 8 threads it can get to 999 fps and stay there
We got a badass over here
For those with a BenQ XL2420T, here is calibration porn for it: http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/benq_xl2420t.htm
I also have a 120hz 27in 2650x1440 IPS display. It looks absolutely stunning but I still prefer gaming on the TN panel 144hz 1080p ASUS. Game doesn't need to look super pretty when your playing comp. It just needs to be smooth.
Now the question of "is it worth it" is a different discussion. To me its not at all. $300 just to have a competitive edge is not my idea of money well spent lol..
No, you think it's an improvement but it feels the same as getting below 60 fps on 60hz, you get this feeling of input lag and distortion, it's hard to explain, anyway the monitor is for sure worth the investment, the only game I can't keep a constant 120 fps on is ns2, also far cry 3 at ultra and bioshock infinite at ultra stress me below 120fps, but if I were to do something as simple as lower MSAA or super sampling, I'd probably get a large increase in frames. (take note those games are being played in their ultra settings, while ns2 is on all possible lowest) only thing I can do further for ns2 is play in 1024x768 or etc, which isn't going to happen cause I'm not serious enough into it to go all black bar mode
Also the best part is you don't need to worry about screen tearing, because screen tear on a 60hz lcd can be BRUTAL. All in all I'd put it like this. Also I remember there being a 120hz model out somewhere that was $269~ back THEN, this is when I got my benQ for $369 or 379, so I'm assuming it's all even cheaper now. If I find the name out I'll let you know, I'm pretty sure it started with a P
CRT > 120hz > 85hz > 60hz
As responsive and smooth the 120hz is, it still never gave me that immediate feel that my CRT gave me, however CRT monitors are very bad for your eyes and huge on power. Also I never experienced a 120hz CRT and can only imagine how incredible it feels.
I think you'll be surprised by how much money people will spend for competitive advantages. Real life examples include steroids, bribes, etc. Sure, 120 hz monitors may be a bit expensive, but you can look out for sales, buy used, save up money, or happen to earn a lot. Either way, a lot serious, competitive FPS players make this investment. The difference between 60 and 120 FPS is huge, especially for FPS games.
If you can push the FPS reliably, get the monitor and make sure it runs in 120hz mode.
It's worth noting if you use DVI you need to get a Dual-Link cable, and make sure it's plugged into a Dual-Link DVI port. Single-Link is insufficient to push 120hz. If you can do DisplayPort from your card to your monitor, that will help simplify things.
You don't necessarily need to push 120fps all the time, aim for 90fps, but if you can try to get 120fps consistently, it will be just that much smoother.
I'd recommend the Benq 120hz series. The height-adjustable-stand makes it worthwhile to pay a bit extra for it, and the latest model in the series has native DisplayPort to make it easier to work with.
You would think with as big of a deal this is more monitors would start to support it and have Nvidia create a direct program for it. Really would like to see this on some higher resolutions too...
I also was forced to work on some more common CRT during the same time, and yes, some CRT can be awful too.
Thanks for everyone's input and the links to calibrating color and such. Much help!
Now I just need to RMA my mouse, because it decided to stop working the day I got my new monitor... been using a laptop mouse for gaming, and that's not good...