Lifepod floating away!
Join Date: 2016-01-07 Member: 211050Members
Is this happening to anyone else? I go out wandering and come back and the escape pod has floated off in some direction, FAR from its original place. It's getting really annoying pushing it back every time. On top of that when standing in the escape pod I tend to move around without walking. I hope this gets fixed some time soon

Like anchor your cyclops.
Why not push it back you say?
There's a Reaper swimming near it ._.
so it do happen to you?
I always use the escape pod because I can never get enough power for my bases
I build my main base near it and it kept floating into it and doing damage, so I pushed it a little ways away and used the teraformer to make a pen for it.
My main base has 800 power (needed for the water I make lol) from 3 Solar Panel platforms at the surface.
Another base I have in the Great reef has over 1k just for fun as I linked together 6 smokers with thermaplants lol
Yeah i ended up doing is making a halo-like sculpture around it
2 solar panels are enough for a "basic" base. Platform 1 room hatch. Fabricator and fill it full of lockers. If you need more. You can place a room, and 4 panels on a platform. Not pretty, but functional. It can always be rearranged.
I found a way to pen it without the teraformer lol
OOoo I like this! Better than my dirt halo lol
even a small base has better power production and more room but nice job keeping it there.
Those reapers have made me the Queen of the Prometheus School of Running Away from Things.
I clipped the Escape Pod on my first attempt in making platforms around it and it bugged. Went flying high up in the air and came down in the zone I like to call Reaper Hotel, something like 10 reapers. I just reloaded my game rather than push it all the way back.
Good call there. My escape pod started migrating on me too, so I tried to do your solution, and may have ended up with a better one - I managed to get the pod sitting on top of a foundation. If it stays there when I reload I'll post a picture.
Hehe.. new hardcore game and my pod is floating, stalkers are stalking (more aggressively it seems) and running away is the order of the day! Couldn't agree with you more.
There's my lifepod on a pedestal. Seems to be staying in place.
Saves making a beacon for base heh.
On a related note... anyone know if the world of Subnautica is round? If you start a new game in creative, spawn a seamoth, get in, and put a book on your keyboard holding down the "go forward" button, can you actually sail around the world?
Well in my main file, I left some enameled glass in there before it just drifted off, then when I climbed up it glitched out of existence, reappeared way in the Dunes, and it's stayed there ever since.