Andi moved "drillable prefab save/load" from To Do to Doing, and then later to Done; obviously something to do with the state of the resources when we save/load a game, have we drilled them or not, etc? Color Customization for Exosuit has some notes on it.
Andi: "@briancummings can i start on this task? I'm asking because when the fbx still changes multiple times, i might have to redo everything a few times, which is not ideal."
Brian Cummings: "I think what this requires is a mask for the different colors. I'm not sure if you made the old one but you should be able to work on that. I don't think the fbx will change much more except if we add more arms"
Not sure what the FBX is. One moment...
"FBX (Filmbox) is a proprietary file format (.fbx) developed by Kaydara and owned by Autodesk since 2006. It is used to provide interoperability between digital content creation applications. FBX is also part of Autodesk Gameware, a series of video game middleware."
Hey, now we know about a bit of the Software the Devs are using to make this game!
Andi archived "Write up for LDs how to set up drillable prefabs"; LDs = Level Designers? I think so...
Corey Strader joined Boulders Fix; some great art here!
Brandt Wojak completed Losing Consciousness (drown, poison) on Player Deaths
"Player shoulder fix (tools)"; is Done, obviously a small animation problem.
Ever wanted an explosive pet to give the neighbors that big "f-ck you?" Well, we'll soon be able to find Crash Eggs! Michael Schouten added, and then joined "Crash eggs placement"
Lots of cleanup work; all of the Seamoth and Cyclops upgrades (Cameras, Depth Mods, etc) were all moved to "Done"
Brian Cummings on Add climb in and climb out animations for the seamoth, "Currently I still see the bug in the editor where it plays the seamoth animation first, although it works perfectly fine in the experimental branch so i'm not sure what that is about. For the exosuit its teleporting the player out instead of keeping the player at the player position for the cinematic"
Fix Exosuit Docking at Cyclops is being worked on, too. Brian Cummings: "MOOONPOOL
for the player its "moonpool_exolaunchleft" and " *_exolaunchright"
for the moonpool arms its "exosuit_docked" instead of "vehicle_docked"
then in on the exo itself its moonpool_launchright and moonpool_launchleft
launchbay should trigger exosuit_docked instead of seamoth_docked
player should trigger exosuit_dock
and the exo should trigger cyclops_dock
Also added these player cinematic controllers"
There's... a lot of stuff here; hopefully someone with more experience than me can make sense of it all, but it's awesome and fascinating, if a bit technical.
When I used to fiddle with computer graphics I ended up using the FBX format a lot since it was one of the few file formats that retained rigging information when transfering between whatever application produced it and my Cinema 4D.
Ooooh Crash eggs hmm? What would the purpose of those be? xD
Maybe just for looks, sticking them in an aquarium... Since currently any predatory fauna that you hatch and raise and provide loving care and attention to.... Immediately turns on you the second you release it. Joy. No stalker pet for me
I'd get at least one for completion and because they're kinda cute when they aren't killing you, but...Get a large aquarium full of crashes and you suddenly have a silo full of explosive ammunition for the propulsion cannon thing.
I'd get at least one for completion and because they're kinda cute when they aren't killing you, but...Get a large aquarium full of crashes and you suddenly have a silo full of explosive ammunition for the propulsion cannon thing.
That's true, didn't think of that. Put them in your inventory, then supposedly stick them in your cannon and launch them at stuff you don't like.
SidchickenPlumbing the subnautican depthsJoin Date: 2016-02-16Member: 213125Members
Ever used the propulsion cannon on a crash plant? The first time you fire it, you snatch the crash powder out of the still-closed plant. The second time, you grab the crash itself. And IIRC, the third time you actually grab the plant.
There's a new note on Colour Customization for Exosuit, written by Andi: "from what i have seen, the seamoth has multiple meshes, each with their own shaders"
Beneath each color-shader is its own underlying mesh; that's why we can change the individual colours; the seamoth console acts like a mini 'paint' program for the shaders atop the meshes? Base has a mesh, Stripe 1 has a mesh, Stripe 2 has a mesh, and even the name as well as the interior? Cool stuff, trying to guess how it all pieces together, like the biggest and best jigsasw puzzle...
Full detail is below, but in brief, a lot of heavy programming and rendering stuff was moved to backlog, though a card was added to To Do; something to do with the passage of time and increased performance. Also, Lots of NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. There's a detailed article on NullReferenceException here. This is some heavy shit, way beyond my ken. Any programmers or people who use Unity want to enlighten us?
Jonas Grohmann added and joined "Fix use of FixedUpdate" 9 hours ago; notes: "running the fixed time step at 15 FPS does give a significant performance improvement, although it doesn't look like it since so much of the game is driven by the fixed update. a lot of FixedUpdates use Time.deltaTime "
Jonas Grohmann moved Discuss VoxelandChunk with Max from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "I suspect some inefficiencies hiding in the way we generate and render terrain chunks."Really, ya think?
Jonas Grohmann moved Test ProtoMember changes with precompiled serializer from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "protobuf uses reflection to bypass public/private. but xbox doesn't support reflection so we implemented a custom precompiled version of the serializer which has to use public field access. that said, however, if you just want to get rid of [ProtoMember] fields it is safe to simply delete them. if protobuf can't find the field when deserializing it will just throw away the field's data. please don't delete the line though. just comment it out so that we can still see the type and the protomember field number. because we must not re-use that number. oh... i hope we remembered to test this case for the precompiled version..."
Jonas Grohmann moved "Fix scaling issue with animated props" from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "Hey Jonas. Brian said he might have briefed you on an issue we are having with props being scaled wrong, but wasn't sure if it had been looked into yet."
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix LargeWorldStreamer.Deinitialize() from To Do to Backlog9 hours ago; notes: "Message: DirectoryNotFoundException: Directory '/Steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica/SNAppData/SavedGames/slot0004/tmp' not found.
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix LargeWorldStreamer.Deinitialize() from To Do to Backlog9 hours ago; notes "Message
DirectoryNotFoundException: Directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SNAppData\SavedGames\slot0001\tmp' not found.
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix MonitorLauncher.Start() from To Do to Backlog9 hours ago; notes: "Message
IOException: Sharing violation on path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SNAppData\monitor.out
Jonas Grohmann (jonasgrohmann)Jonas Grohmann moved Fix VoxelandChunk.PushLayer() from To Do to Backlog9 hours ago; notes: "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix Vehicle.Awake() from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Jonas Grohmann moved "Fix CellManager.Cell.Awake()" from To Do to Backlog 9 hours agol notes: "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Jonas Grohmann moved "Fix scanning issues" from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes "Planters and farming trays on floating islands not scannable. Buildable right away."Weird one. We can scan them; we can build them.
Jonas Grohmann moved Review CS 29297 from To Do to Backlog9 hours ago; notes: "So now everything works quite well and I've tested it a bit. I'd love for you to review it. However, the one thing that isn't working is save/load. I've implemented it, but for some reason timeFabricationStarted is 0 on load, even after it wasn't 0 on save. I've added log messages in GhostCrafter.cs OnProtoSerialize and OnProtoDeserialize and have seen this problem in the debugger. I was hoping you would know the reason why that's happening and how to fix it.
CS# 29297
Once that's fixed, I feel safe committing it to main (or you can if you prefer). That is, unless there are other changes you think I should make that you find in the review."
Jonas Grohmann moved Add worldarrow for seeds from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: ""Ya know how there is the text that says 'cut creepvine with knife' when you first craft a knife and go near creepvine?" "Text 'Use knife to break open seed pod' could work. People saying a lot of players don't realize they need to use the knife to gather seeds"
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix observatory atmosphere volume from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes "does the current code actually work with multiple observatories? Can I put and AtmosphereVolume on the observatory prefab instead?"
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix generator room atmosphere volume from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "use AtmosphereVolume instead of hardcoded range check"
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix crashed ship biome on map from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "use biome map instead of hardcoded range check. make water look radiated"
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix floating islands biome on map from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "use biome map to define nice border around the islands. make water look caribbean. use batch overrides below for grand reef."Aww, om backlog' I want my Carribean Floating Island Waters!
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix storage duplication in savegames from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; a note: "StoreInformationIdentifiers seem to multiply"A cause of save game bloat?
Jonas Grohmann added and joined, "Fix clip levels on xbox" to To Do; there's a note "look into that clip levels issue that's causing the jellyshrooms to not appear on xbox"
"FBX (Filmbox) is a proprietary file format (.fbx) developed by Kaydara and owned by Autodesk since 2006. It is used to provide interoperability between digital content creation applications. FBX is also part of Autodesk Gameware, a series of video game middleware."
Hey, now we know about a bit of the Software the Devs are using to make this game!
FBX is a very commonly used 3D export format that many engines, including Unity, support for skinned and static meshes.
So in this context, "the FBX" means "the 3D model." Andi is asking if the mesh is in a finished state and textures can be worked on without doing them, then redoing them, then redoing them as the mesh and its texture coordinates change -- which is a suboptimal use of a texture artist's time.
Big 42MB update coming down... wonder what's changed?
Brought back the feature where you can't load saved games or start new games again..... ugh.....
Waitaminute... 'nother tiny 1.5MB Update...
Now... ***Testing...***
Try checking south from the mountain island. I've spotted floating terrestial plants and boulders above water before the menu breaking update. I suppose that's where the new island will appear.
Well, the Exosuit looks a lot different, and it has a new voice and footstep sounds! Don't try to dock it in a Moon Pool, though; you'll get stuck. Saving and loading works fine, but the baby Crabsnakes are still bugged; they don't animate right, and they clip through your tank. Drat...
SidchickenPlumbing the subnautican depthsJoin Date: 2016-02-16Member: 213125Members
Much of the stuff on there I recognize from before, just reshuffled and pushed out later (as expected).
The card for "Temperature gating on player", however, I hadn't noticed before, and it seems interesting. We may be blocked from entering certain areas by heat, it would seem. This does make some sense, as I've been in locations (especially around smoker vents) where the temperature was close to 60 degrees celsius (or 140 degrees farenheit), which is apallingly hot. According to this webpage, the human body would die after about 10 minutes of exposure to that sort of heat.
From this, it's not much of a stretch to conclude that we'll need special equipment to explore the lava zones without being cooked.
Charlie Cleveland moved "Change starting loot in Escape Pod to be non-random and supplies" from Backlog to Done; so we'll have the proper supplies as dictated in the PDA.
Work commences on Drillable Resources; it's 27% Done
Andi moved "drillable prefab save/load" from To Do to Doing, and then later to Done; obviously something to do with the state of the resources when we save/load a game, have we drilled them or not, etc?
Color Customization for Exosuit has some notes on it.
Andi: "@briancummings can i start on this task? I'm asking because when the fbx still changes multiple times, i might have to redo everything a few times, which is not ideal."
Brian Cummings: "I think what this requires is a mask for the different colors. I'm not sure if you made the old one but you should be able to work on that. I don't think the fbx will change much more except if we add more arms"
Not sure what the FBX is. One moment...
"FBX (Filmbox) is a proprietary file format (.fbx) developed by Kaydara and owned by Autodesk since 2006. It is used to provide interoperability between digital content creation applications. FBX is also part of Autodesk Gameware, a series of video game middleware."
Hey, now we know about a bit of the Software the Devs are using to make this game!
Andi archived "Write up for LDs how to set up drillable prefabs"; LDs = Level Designers? I think so...
Corey Strader joined Boulders Fix; some great art here!
Brandt Wojak completed Losing Consciousness (drown, poison) on Player Deaths
"Player shoulder fix (tools)"; is Done, obviously a small animation problem.
Ever wanted an explosive pet to give the neighbors that big "f-ck you?" Well, we'll soon be able to find Crash Eggs! Michael Schouten added, and then joined "Crash eggs placement"
Lots of cleanup work; all of the Seamoth and Cyclops upgrades (Cameras, Depth Mods, etc) were all moved to "Done"
Brian Cummings on Add climb in and climb out animations for the seamoth, "Currently I still see the bug in the editor where it plays the seamoth animation first, although it works perfectly fine in the experimental branch so i'm not sure what that is about. For the exosuit its teleporting the player out instead of keeping the player at the player position for the cinematic"
Fix Exosuit Docking at Cyclops is being worked on, too. Brian Cummings: "MOOONPOOL
for the player its "moonpool_exolaunchleft" and " *_exolaunchright"
for the moonpool arms its "exosuit_docked" instead of "vehicle_docked"
then in on the exo itself its moonpool_launchright and moonpool_launchleft
launchbay should trigger exosuit_docked instead of seamoth_docked
player should trigger exosuit_dock
and the exo should trigger cyclops_dock
Also added these player cinematic controllers"
There's... a lot of stuff here; hopefully someone with more experience than me can make sense of it all, but it's awesome and fascinating, if a bit technical.
Ooooh Crash eggs hmm? What would the purpose of those be? xD
Maybe just for looks, sticking them in an aquarium... Since currently any predatory fauna that you hatch and raise and provide loving care and attention to.... Immediately turns on you the second you release it. Joy. No stalker pet for me
That's true, didn't think of that. Put them in your inventory, then supposedly stick them in your cannon and launch them at stuff you don't like.
Drillable Resources is Done.
The Buildable Communications Relay is Done
There's a new note on Colour Customization for Exosuit, written by Andi: "from what i have seen, the seamoth has multiple meshes, each with their own shaders"
Beneath each color-shader is its own underlying mesh; that's why we can change the individual colours; the seamoth console acts like a mini 'paint' program for the shaders atop the meshes? Base has a mesh, Stripe 1 has a mesh, Stripe 2 has a mesh, and even the name as well as the interior? Cool stuff, trying to guess how it all pieces together, like the biggest and best jigsasw puzzle...
Full detail is below, but in brief, a lot of heavy programming and rendering stuff was moved to backlog, though a card was added to To Do; something to do with the passage of time and increased performance. Also, Lots of NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. There's a detailed article on NullReferenceException here. This is some heavy shit, way beyond my ken. Any programmers or people who use Unity want to enlighten us?
Jonas Grohmann added and joined "Fix use of FixedUpdate" 9 hours ago; notes: "running the fixed time step at 15 FPS does give a significant performance improvement, although it doesn't look like it since so much of the game is driven by the fixed update. a lot of FixedUpdates use Time.deltaTime
Jonas Grohmann moved Discuss VoxelandChunk with Max from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "I suspect some inefficiencies hiding in the way we generate and render terrain chunks." Really, ya think?
Jonas Grohmann moved Test ProtoMember changes with precompiled serializer from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "protobuf uses reflection to bypass public/private. but xbox doesn't support reflection so we implemented a custom precompiled version of the serializer which has to use public field access. that said, however, if you just want to get rid of [ProtoMember] fields it is safe to simply delete them. if protobuf can't find the field when deserializing it will just throw away the field's data. please don't delete the line though. just comment it out so that we can still see the type and the protomember field number. because we must not re-use that number. oh... i hope we remembered to test this case for the precompiled version..."
Jonas Grohmann moved "Fix scaling issue with animated props" from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "Hey Jonas. Brian said he might have briefed you on an issue we are having with props being scaled wrong, but wasn't sure if it had been looked into yet."
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix LargeWorldStreamer.Deinitialize() from To Do to Backlog9 hours ago; notes: "Message: DirectoryNotFoundException: Directory '/Steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica/SNAppData/SavedGames/slot0004/tmp' not found.
Stack trace
System.IO.Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (System.String path, System.String searchPattern, FileAttributes mask, FileAttributes attrs)
System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories (System.String path, System.String searchPattern)
System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories (System.String path)
System.IO.Directory.RecursiveDelete (System.String path)
System.IO.Directory.Delete (System.String path, Boolean recursive)
LargeWorldStreamer.Deinitialize ()
UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception, Object)
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix LargeWorldStreamer.Deinitialize() from To Do to Backlog9 hours ago; notes "Message
DirectoryNotFoundException: Directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SNAppData\SavedGames\slot0001\tmp' not found.
Stack trace
System.IO.Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (System.String path, System.String searchPattern, FileAttributes mask, FileAttributes attrs)
System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories (System.String path, System.String searchPattern)
System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories (System.String path)
System.IO.Directory.RecursiveDelete (System.String path)
System.IO.Directory.Delete (System.String path, Boolean recursive)
LargeWorldStreamer.Deinitialize ()
UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception, Object)
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix MonitorLauncher.Start() from To Do to Backlog9 hours ago; notes: "Message
IOException: Sharing violation on path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SNAppData\monitor.out
Stack trace
System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options)
System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize)
System.IO.File.Create (System.String path, Int32 bufferSize)
System.IO.File.Create (System.String path)
MonitorLauncher.Start ()"
Jonas Grohmann (jonasgrohmann)Jonas Grohmann moved Fix VoxelandChunk.PushLayer() from To Do to Backlog9 hours ago; notes: "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
VoxelandChunk.PushLayer (UnityEngine.Mesh hi, UnityEngine.Mesh lo, Int32 layer)
VoxelandChunk.BuildLayerObjects ()
Voxeland.BuildChunk (Int32 cx, Int32 cy, Int32 cz)
Voxeland.BuildBestChunk (Vector3 lsRef, Vector3 lsForward, Boolean forceRebuild)
Voxeland.BuildBestChunk (Vector3 lsRef, Vector3 lsForward)
Voxeland.Update ()"
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix Vehicle.Awake() from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Vehicle.Awake ()
ProtobufSerializerExtensions:LoadObjectTreeFromBytes(ProtobufSerializer, Byte[], Action`1, Int32)
Jonas Grohmann moved "Fix CellManager.Cell.Awake()" from To Do to Backlog 9 hours agol notes: "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
CellManager+Cell.Awake ()
CellManager.UpdateCellManagement (Int32 maxMs)
LargeWorldStreamer.Update ()"
Jonas Grohmann moved "Fix scanning issues" from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes "Planters and farming trays on floating islands not scannable. Buildable right away." Weird one. We can scan them; we can build them.
Jonas Grohmann moved Review CS 29297 from To Do to Backlog9 hours ago; notes: "So now everything works quite well and I've tested it a bit. I'd love for you to review it. However, the one thing that isn't working is save/load. I've implemented it, but for some reason timeFabricationStarted is 0 on load, even after it wasn't 0 on save. I've added log messages in GhostCrafter.cs OnProtoSerialize and OnProtoDeserialize and have seen this problem in the debugger. I was hoping you would know the reason why that's happening and how to fix it.
CS# 29297
Once that's fixed, I feel safe committing it to main (or you can if you prefer). That is, unless there are other changes you think I should make that you find in the review."
Jonas Grohmann moved Add worldarrow for seeds from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: ""Ya know how there is the text that says 'cut creepvine with knife' when you first craft a knife and go near creepvine?" "Text 'Use knife to break open seed pod' could work. People saying a lot of players don't realize they need to use the knife to gather seeds"
Jonas Grohmann moved Find missing subtitles from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix observatory atmosphere volume from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes "does the current code actually work with multiple observatories? Can I put and AtmosphereVolume on the observatory prefab instead?"
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix generator room atmosphere volume from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "use AtmosphereVolume instead of hardcoded range check"
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix crashed ship biome on map from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "use biome map instead of hardcoded range check. make water look radiated"
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix floating islands biome on map from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; notes: "use biome map to define nice border around the islands. make water look caribbean. use batch overrides below for grand reef." Aww, om backlog' I want my Carribean Floating Island Waters!
Jonas Grohmann moved Fix storage duplication in savegames from To Do to Backlog 9 hours ago; a note: "StoreInformationIdentifiers seem to multiply" A cause of save game bloat?
Jonas Grohmann added and joined, "Fix clip levels on xbox" to To Do; there's a note "look into that clip levels issue that's causing the jellyshrooms to not appear on xbox"
There's a new card been added to To Do called Tweak Grappling Hook Arm; notes: "should work more like a rope and let the exo swing, factor in gravity"
Color Customization for Exosuit has been moved to Doing.
There's a new card been added to To Do called Tune Exosuit Jump Jet Upgrade"; nothing of note on it, yet.
Tom Jubert added and joined a new card, "LD Sign Texts"; notes: "Redraft/write signs for Aurora and elsewhere"
What're you doing you sneaky Crabsquid? Don't think I don't see you there!
FBX is a very commonly used 3D export format that many engines, including Unity, support for skinned and static meshes.
So in this context, "the FBX" means "the 3D model." Andi is asking if the mesh is in a finished state and textures can be worked on without doing them, then redoing them, then redoing them as the mesh and its texture coordinates change -- which is a suboptimal use of a texture artist's time.
The card Lava Falls and Steps has been moved to Done
A new card has been added, "Prison Lava Chamber"; this must be where the mighty Sea Emperor will be!
The Boomerang and Eye-Eye have been completed on Lava Zone Reskins
New card added and joined by Andi, "Exosuit Claw / Drill Arm should be able to crack Limestone"
The card, "Tweak Grappling Hook Arm" is Done.
Plus: ILZ first ever flora - magma grass.
Brought back the feature where you can't load saved games or start new games again..... ugh.....
Waitaminute... 'nother tiny 1.5MB Update...
Now... ***Testing...***
Try checking south from the mountain island. I've spotted floating terrestial plants and boulders above water before the menu breaking update. I suppose that's where the new island will appear.
MVMaxim Vigovsky completed lightmaps and lods on that horrifying Precursor Gun, yesterday at 4:56 AM
Andi moved "tweak grappling hook arm" from Doing to Done
Much of the stuff on there I recognize from before, just reshuffled and pushed out later (as expected).
The card for "Temperature gating on player", however, I hadn't noticed before, and it seems interesting. We may be blocked from entering certain areas by heat, it would seem. This does make some sense, as I've been in locations (especially around smoker vents) where the temperature was close to 60 degrees celsius (or 140 degrees farenheit), which is apallingly hot. According to this webpage, the human body would die after about 10 minutes of exposure to that sort of heat.
From this, it's not much of a stretch to conclude that we'll need special equipment to explore the lava zones without being cooked.
Andrew Jones joined and added this card to doing, ILZ Lighting/Detail Pass
"Tune Exosuit Jump Jet Upgrade" is Done.
They're adding Ghost Mushrooms to Lava Zone Entrances.
Lost River Ground Textures is 82% Done.
Charlie Cleveland moved "Change starting loot in Escape Pod to be non-random and supplies" from Backlog to Done; so we'll have the proper supplies as dictated in the PDA.
And this one, too, a new hanging plant for the Lost River!
Couple of interesting bits; heat sources and drillable loot are going to be added, and there's LOTS more work going on with the Lost River...
We know the Multipurpose Room is going to be taken away, but they're adding a fragment for it and other things as they do a Big Pass at Loot and Fragment distribution
They're also doing a pass on middle-tier recipes.