Grand Reef Gubernatorial Election



  • QuillQuickcardQuillQuickcard Deep Grand Reef Join Date: 2016-11-22 Member: 224131Members
    Bugzapper wrote: »
    Oh dear...

    Another case of 'Voter's Remorse'?

    Four years from now, you might want to tick the box marked 'Benevolent Android Party'.

    Alexander Selkirk's the man for the job.
    • Two lifetimes of experience.
    • Decisive, not divisive.
    • Ecologically friendly.
    • 'Big Stick' Diplomacy a specialty.

    Vote BAP. We know which side our bread's buttered on. ;)

    But didn't Selkirk also cause the destruction of the jelly shroom caves when he was fired at by space ships.

    Let's not also forget he tried to commence a biological attack against the sea emperor / empress

    (Why didn't we create a royal monarch party now to think of it)

    Hm. Thick-skinned and hot-headed. An interesting combination.
    Future elections could use the toughness and resilience of sea sovereign.
  • BugzapperBugzapper Australia Join Date: 2015-03-06 Member: 201744Members
    edited November 2016
    But didn't Selkirk also cause the destruction of the jelly shroom caves when he was fired at by space ships.

    Let's not also forget he tried to commence a biological attack against the sea emperor / empress

    (Why didn't we create a royal monarch party now to think of it)

    I believe that the esteemed Fellow Traveler of the GCSC may be attempting to manipulate the truth as it stands, presumably to advance his party's agenda in the next election. As BAP's appointed media relations officer, I hereby submit my party's rebuttal to these baseless and quite frankly, blatantly libelous allegations.

    Point One: Our candidate Alexander Selkirk was initially the victim of an unprovoked and terminal act of aggression. Mr. Selkirk responded with non-lethal capture and restraint methods. All captives were returned physically unharmed within a reasonable period of time. The officer commanding Torgaljin commercial frigate 'De Ruyter' is understood to be solely and directly responsible for the destruction of the Jelly Shroom biome.

    Point Two: Any plans to launch an attack (either pre-emptive or retaliatory) against the native sentient population of Alpha Hydrae IV were purely conceptual, originally formulated as a contingency measure in extremis to protect the human colonists. Fortunately, Mr. Selkirk was able to stabilise a number of otherwise tense situations via careful diplomatic negotiations with the prime sentient life form of planet 4546B.

    In light of actual documentary evidence supporting BAP policies throughout numerous crisis situations, I respectfully suggest that you should review this information before publishing similar falsehoods during the next campaign. If your party persists in disseminating their own 'interpretation' of events relating to BAP activities on this world, it will certainly reflect unfavorably upon them in future.

    Good day to you, Sir.

    For, and on behalf of BAP,

  • phantomfinchphantomfinch West Philadelphia , born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days. Join Date: 2016-09-06 Member: 222128Members
    Welp I played with fire and I got burnt GG
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    After counting and considering all of the votes, the winner of this election is.... The Reefback!

    Yay! xD
  • SkopeSkope Wouldn't you like to know ;) Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218212Members
    All right, now that that's over... wait, what was the purpose of this election again?
  • Enderguy059Enderguy059 Australia Join Date: 2015-10-15 Member: 208486Members
    Wait, this was for the Grand Reef only?

    Whelp, Off to the Koosh Zone!!!
  • Julian1337331nailuJJulian1337331nailuJ The Grand Reef Gubtorial Election Or Something. Join Date: 2016-11-12 Member: 223824Members
    Ok I'm Moving My Base To The Airship. Nobody Noticed The Giant Airship That Probably Destroyed Millions.
  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members
    edited November 2016
    Dear losing parties.

    We have lost to the Reefbacks. Thus I will put into action an attempt to form the Political Confederacy of Independent and Self Reliant Ecosystems (PCISRE).

    Upon joining, you must submit to common ideals, mainly those concerning that of the National Violence Party, though negotiation's can be put in place.
  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    Dear losing parties.

    We have lost to the Reefbacks. Thus I will put into action an attempt to form a Confederacy of Independent and Self Reliant Ecosystems (CISRE).

    Upon joining, you must submit to common ideals, mainly those concerning that of the National Violence Party, though negotiation's can be put in place.

    We knew this would happen. We knew that they NVP would never accept any result but a win for their own people. We warned you. And nobody listened. When you all perish at the hands of those monsters, and you turn to us for help, not a fin will be lifted.
  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members
    edited November 2016
    Dear losing parties.

    We have lost to the Reefbacks. Thus I will put into action an attempt to form a Confederacy of Independent and Self Reliant Ecosystems (CISRE).

    Upon joining, you must submit to common ideals, mainly those concerning that of the National Violence Party, though negotiation's can be put in place.

    We knew this would happen. We knew that they NVP would never accept any result but a win for their own people. We warned you. And nobody listened. When you all perish at the hands of those monsters, and you turn to us for help, not a fin will be lifted.

    Not a fin will be lifted. Not that you'd do so in the first place.

    Your party will not be a part of the Political Confederacy anyway.


    Neo-Luddite Advocation Party

    Greater Ambush Association

    Agricultural Advancement Agregation.

    The Public Health and Safety Party


    Greater Communist Sheol Conglomerate

    Surprisingly Appealing Hypnosis Party

    Foreign Migration Minority Advocates

    By the next election, we can all win! United, we maintain equilibrium.

  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    Dear losing parties.

    We have lost to the Reefbacks. Thus I will put into action an attempt to form a Confederacy of Independent and Self Reliant Ecosystems (CISRE).

    Upon joining, you must submit to common ideals, mainly those concerning that of the National Violence Party, though negotiation's can be put in place.

    We knew this would happen. We knew that they NVP would never accept any result but a win for their own people. We warned you. And nobody listened. When you all perish at the hands of those monsters, and you turn to us for help, not a fin will be lifted.

    Not a fin will be lifted. Not that you'd do so in the first place.

    Your party will not be a part of the Political Confederacy anyway.


    Neo-Luddite Advocation Party

    Greater Ambush Association

    Agricultural Advancement Agregation.

    The Public Health and Safety Party


    Greater Communist Sheol Conglomerate

    Surprisingly Appealing Hypnosis Party

    Foreign Migration Minority Advocates

    By the next election, we can all win! United, we maintain equilibrium.

    Well, good luck with your harebrained scheme, seeing as everyone else can accept the results. I don't see too many people joining you.
  • Julian1337331nailuJJulian1337331nailuJ The Grand Reef Gubtorial Election Or Something. Join Date: 2016-11-12 Member: 223824Members
    WILL NOBODY NOTICE THE GIANT MODA FAKEN AIRSHIP THAT IS CLOSE TO THE AROURA!?!? That's It. I'm Hacking Into The Precursor Gun And Aiming It At The Election.
  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members
    edited November 2016

    I haven't denied the results.

    I'm preparing for the future.

    The more parties there are, the more separation, the more the Reefbacks will win with no contest.

    But you seem to enjoy submission. I wouldn't expect anything less from you Mesmers.
  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members

    I haven't denied the results.

    I'm preparing for the future.

    The more parties there are, the more separation, the more the Reefbacks will win with no contest.

    But you seem to enjoy submission. I wouldn't expect anything less from you Mesmers.

    Submission? No, I simply don't mind having leader who is, how should I put this, open to suggestions.
  • QuillQuickcardQuillQuickcard Deep Grand Reef Join Date: 2016-11-22 Member: 224131Members
    You have all been affected by the vile technologies brought here by outsiders. I mean, come on. We're voting instead of destroying the titanium abominations that litter our ocean floor! These are places of DEATH. Full not of water, but of AIR. They are deadly to us. Join the Neo-Luddites. The ocean will not be safe until the day every last remnant of these alien infestations is gone, and their relics turned to dust.
  • Enderguy059Enderguy059 Australia Join Date: 2015-10-15 Member: 208486Members
    edited November 2016

    Greater Communist Sheol Conglomerate

    You exclude us out of all people?

    Of course. A natural thing you large predators would do, single out the shoals you feed upon. We as the GCS are severely disappointed in you, as excluding the largest group this party stands will only hurt you victory chances in any upcoming elections.
  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members
    edited November 2016

    Greater Communist Sheol Conglomerate

    You exclude us out of all people?

    Of course. A natural thing you large predators would do, single out the shoals you feed upon. We as the GCS are severely disappointed in you, as excluding the largest group this party stands will only hurt you victory chances in any upcoming elections.

    The election says otherwise for your party.
  • hugothesilverdragonhugothesilverdragon canad Join Date: 2015-11-30 Member: 209620Members
  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members
    With approval from the Neo-Luddite's representative, we plan on forming the Political Confederacy of Independent and Self Reliant Ecosystems, or PCISRE/CISRE.

    Should any Crabsquids have a concern with this new plan, please step forward. I will be happy to address the issue with you.
  • phantomfinchphantomfinch West Philadelphia , born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days. Join Date: 2016-09-06 Member: 222128Members

    (Everyone who diddnt vote reefback)
  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members

    (Everyone who diddnt vote reefback)

    There are those in the Public Health and Safety Party joining the Shoal. Would you not want more accurate numbers?
  • QuillQuickcardQuillQuickcard Deep Grand Reef Join Date: 2016-11-22 Member: 224131Members
    Psh. You'll never get votes with such convoluted party names.

    I propose that the NVP merge with my group to form the Blue Party. Our goal is simple.

    A return to the proper order of things. And the elimination of the technology of interlopers that tarnishes our perfect world.
  • phantomfinchphantomfinch West Philadelphia , born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days. Join Date: 2016-09-06 Member: 222128Members
    edited November 2016
    Psh. You'll never get votes with such convoluted party names.

    I propose that the NVP merge with my group to form the Blue Party. Our goal is simple.

    A return to the proper order of things. And the elimination of the technology of interlopers that tarnishes our perfect world.

  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members
    Psh. You'll never get votes with such convoluted party names.

    I propose that the NVP merge with my group to form the Blue Party. Our goal is simple.

    A return to the proper order of things. And the elimination of the technology of interlopers that tarnishes our perfect world.

    We've made a deal with one representative with your party.

    But Blue Party? Nah. Need a better name.
  • phantomfinchphantomfinch West Philadelphia , born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days. Join Date: 2016-09-06 Member: 222128Members
    edited November 2016
    Psh. You'll never get votes with such convoluted party names.

    I propose that the NVP merge with my group to form the Blue Party. Our goal is simple.

    A return to the proper order of things. And the elimination of the technology of interlopers that tarnishes our perfect world.

    We've made a deal with one representative with your party.

    But Blue Party? Nah. Need a better name.

    Bureaucratic And Democratic Aligned Senate of Superpowers. THE B.A.D.A.S.S PARTY

    You may use this name if you do not exclude us labourers from the greater shoal
  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members
    Psh. You'll never get votes with such convoluted party names.

    I propose that the NVP merge with my group to form the Blue Party. Our goal is simple.

    A return to the proper order of things. And the elimination of the technology of interlopers that tarnishes our perfect world.

    We've made a deal with one representative with your party.

    But Blue Party? Nah. Need a better name.

    Bureaucratic And Democratic Aligned Senate of Superpowers. THE B.A.D.A.S.S PARTY

    No. We aren't democratic, we are naturalist. We believe in equilibrium with no governmental interference.

    The Confederacy of Self Reliant Ecosystems. CSRE?

    I shortened my previous suggestion.
  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    Psh. You'll never get votes with such convoluted party names.

    I propose that the NVP merge with my group to form the Blue Party. Our goal is simple.

    A return to the proper order of things. And the elimination of the technology of interlopers that tarnishes our perfect world.

    We've made a deal with one representative with your party.

    But Blue Party? Nah. Need a better name.

    Bureaucratic And Democratic Aligned Senate of Superpowers. THE B.A.D.A.S.S PARTY

    No. We aren't democratic, we are naturalist. We believe in equilibrium with no governmental interference.

    The Confederacy of Self Reliant Ecosystems. CSRE?

    I shortened my previous suggestion.

    Naturalists? No, the term you're looking for is anarchist.
  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members
    Psh. You'll never get votes with such convoluted party names.

    I propose that the NVP merge with my group to form the Blue Party. Our goal is simple.

    A return to the proper order of things. And the elimination of the technology of interlopers that tarnishes our perfect world.

    We've made a deal with one representative with your party.

    But Blue Party? Nah. Need a better name.

    Bureaucratic And Democratic Aligned Senate of Superpowers. THE B.A.D.A.S.S PARTY

    No. We aren't democratic, we are naturalist. We believe in equilibrium with no governmental interference.

    The Confederacy of Self Reliant Ecosystems. CSRE?

    I shortened my previous suggestion.

    Naturalists? No, the term you're looking for is anarchist.

    Anarchy implies that there is a government to overthrow.

    Nature is what we seek. Nature is how we run ecosystems, not empires.
  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    Psh. You'll never get votes with such convoluted party names.

    I propose that the NVP merge with my group to form the Blue Party. Our goal is simple.

    A return to the proper order of things. And the elimination of the technology of interlopers that tarnishes our perfect world.

    We've made a deal with one representative with your party.

    But Blue Party? Nah. Need a better name.

    Bureaucratic And Democratic Aligned Senate of Superpowers. THE B.A.D.A.S.S PARTY

    No. We aren't democratic, we are naturalist. We believe in equilibrium with no governmental interference.

    The Confederacy of Self Reliant Ecosystems. CSRE?

    I shortened my previous suggestion.

    Naturalists? No, the term you're looking for is anarchist.

    Anarchy implies that there is a government to overthrow.

    Nature is what we seek. Nature is how we run ecosystems, not empires.

    There is one to overthrow, and everyone with common sense realizes that and isn't about to stage some stupid revolution.
  • QuillQuickcardQuillQuickcard Deep Grand Reef Join Date: 2016-11-22 Member: 224131Members
    Maybe before we do elections we should draft a constitution.

    I propose that we enshrine the protection of basic rights:
    The right to freely swim, dive, and surface
    The right to kill and consume prey as needed
    The right to not quarter soldiers
    The right against self-incrimination
    The right to collect scavenged metal
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