Things Players Would Really Like UWE to Address in Subnautica
Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members

This isn't a topic for hashing over issues that UWE has posted their position to be somewhat reluctant to address or even somewhat opposed to, like Multiplayer (technically impossible without massive rewrite) or the LR-ILR-endgame layout (UWE has a creative view of what they want).
This is to raise attention to things that UWE should address to improve Subnautica and the QoL of players, hopefully to give motivation to move it up in their priority to address.
When adding features, please put in a post with the feature capitalized on the first line.
If you think a feature should be addressed, agree with or awesome the post and perhaps comment as well with nuances.
This is to raise attention to things that UWE should address to improve Subnautica and the QoL of players, hopefully to give motivation to move it up in their priority to address.
When adding features, please put in a post with the feature capitalized on the first line.
If you think a feature should be addressed, agree with or awesome the post and perhaps comment as well with nuances.
What appears to happen with the scanner room is the list of items that can be scanned for gets built up starting with the savegame load and is displayed in alphabetic order. The problem with the current display is only 10 items can be displayed to be selected and the list can't be scrolled. As a workaround that sometimes works, you can unselect and exit the game, then start up and load the save and wait, hoping an item lower down on the list is picked up and can be selected before it's forced off the bottom.
Either scrolling of the list or some other UI revision should be done so that any particular item can be added.
When starting out or dealing with a seabase that has - for some reason - gone into deficit and is low on power, the ability to shut off equipment without deconstructing it to save power would be highly beneficial. This would be useful in early-game when gathered resources are short and only a few solar panels are operating (and thus unable to get through the night), as well as late-game when equipment which is energy intensive and useful is nevertheless not always necessary (such as multiple water purifiers), enabling players to conserve reactor fuel or other depletable power sources.
Gives you information on base integrity, power level, input, output and estimate until power runs out and allows you to turn on and off power users and producers remotely.
Allows to open or close bulkheads remotely.
Light management.
Seabase color option.
Seabase map.
Damage overview.
Flood warnings and flood levels.
Possibly with an upgrade console as well? With upgrades such as a power conservation module, a beacon module, or a mass repair of cracks in the hull like the Cyclops Fire Suppression System does for fires on the Cyclops.
With the new tank system in Experimental:
new features are needed to support tank swapping, as some tank swapping is still needed. As with Batteries, Powercells, and the tools that use them, the charge of a tank should be visible by hovering the mouse over the tank. Especially as it's possible (perhaps due to a bug) to load tanks from a storage locker and not have any oxygen in them.
As well, it would be helpful if tanks could be swapped between inventory and the paperdoll similar to the way Batteries are swapped. That way, 4 spots wouldn't have to be kept empty in the inventory to allow one tank to be removed before another is mounted.
I miss being able to push R to swap batteries, seeing that nifty reload animation rather then a sub menu with strange navigation. Something for air tanks would be good too.
A button that says multiplayer
when clicked on it shows this
Needing to unload the storage space of the smaller vehicle while undocked isn't just a hassle, but can also be quite dangerous in some cases. We really need to be able to access these inventories from within the cyclops.
Sometimes, the small things are also the most annoying, but thankfully shouldn't be hard to fix.
Shouldn't be hard to fix? Ummm.... why do you say that? As far as I know, there is nothing anywhere in the game that allows a player accessing one storage to see the contents of another storage. I think this is a very hard change and one we are extremely unlikely to see.
Just as an example: They would likely need to add at least a token storage locker somewhere in the Cylops to give you access... etc etc
Skyrim - Developed by a team of HUNDREDS of programmers
Subnautica - Developed by a SINGLE digit team of less than ten developers
Please keep that in mind when you say something is an easy fix.
Adding the ability for the propulsion cannon to pick up and move a storage containers, desks, beds, etc...
Whenever I find new blueprints, I find myself renovating my base to accommodate the upgrades.
For example: It becomes a long process to move storage containers because you need to unload the items from them, deconstruct them, place them in the new location, then re-load all the contents back into them.
Versus just picking it up with the cannon and placing it.
If you have the waterproof locker selected and you're near the seamoth, you can tether the locker to the seamoth and it will drag behind the vehicle. There should be tether strength, if you cut a corner and the locker gets stuck in the bend, the cord will snap.
This makes material runs more efficient.
Exactly, larger teams just mean they get things done faster, this is why a lot of AAA titles are able to be put out in a year or two once they're announced to the general public. Smaller teams while slower are able to put out a game just as good, hell if not better because they don't have a larger company driving the developer team to complete the game just to get money (Electronic Arts I'm talkin about you!). Larger game companies that buy up developer teams have a bad, very bad habit of abusing said teams in order to gain profit instead of making a enjoyable feature filled game.
Doesn't UWE have about 20 staff? I think we need a role call, before it becomes "The entire game was made by three people stranded on a island!"
Actually, it really wouldn't be that hard to fix, and wouldn't need any code added to allow one inventory to check the contents of another... just add an access hatch or two into upper deck of the cyclops. It doesn't need to be a complicated fix, just one where we can access our storage from inside...
Agreed, it was disappointing at best when i found I couldn't access prawn inventory from inside the cyclops.
Having to choose between a light or a tool is a video game trope that has long outlived its welcome, especially with how dark this game can be at times. A hands-free light doesn't have to be as bright as the dedicated light (so it still has some use) but it should be brighter than the laser cutter.
I really hope this is an unintended feature that the devs simply haven't gotten around to rather than an intentional design decision. It is far too easy to accidentally cut holes in your base with the knife when harvesting plants. This is unrealistic, immersion breaking, and extremely annoying. Please fix this ASAP.
I Agree with Gamer1000k on this one.
One thing I would like to see is more option in base building by adding more prefab types of modules to us. some examples could be a lager Multipurpose Room, A Sq. Storage Room (for the walls and walls of locker, [or even a room with locker already build in]), Indoor green house type room. Just like to see some option to how could be designed. After silent running patch I don't think many will be living on there cyclops much anymore. (to risking to store all your goods there) lol also if they add in monster raids on base it give them more to tear up.
Hands-free light is a great idea. There's no way to hook a light onto the front of the diving gear? Also considering some lights (the LED Light) consume power too quickly and are thus almost useless. I also put away the Flashlight and never use it after getting the Sea Glide and its lamp. Why have a light that takes up 1 extra inventory spot when you already have to allocate 9 for the Sea Glide to get around fast.