It Came About Because.....



  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    edited November 2003
    More for you, enjoy.

    The admiral was for finding and destroying this evil thing, but I reminded the admiral of his own words, the sentence to be decided and carried out by the victims. He and all of us were caught by the sentence passed. I blinked the B-rine to a secure padded room, and left him. It was now the scientists decision. It took two days. The dishevelled man that ask to see the admiral was a wreck, his discision had weighted heavily on his conscience. He asked the thing be removed and the B-rine be put on "L33 T3". "L33 T3" looked like Earth of the early 17th century without people, verdant, fertile, blue skies and fresh air, the planet was deadly to a fault.

    The flora was beauteous and gave off a charming scent that beguiled the wits of the unwary. It was also carnivorous, it moved albeit slowly to new feeding grounds never overgrazing any one area. It retracted into itself and moved, whenl it needed to feed it sank roots and stabilised itself then went into the feeding ritual. Few were able to withstand its attraction. The only way the fauna survived was to hunt at night, when the flora became dormant.

    The fauna was omnivorous, small and agile, able to eat almost anything except the armoured dormant flora. No single entity was dominant in this world of eat or be eaten. It gave new meaning to the saying, its a dog eat dog world. The rare beast was a flying creature that fed off the flora, it attacked with a spore that stunned the flora during its vulnerable transformation, it had to spore the flora when it was soft but before it was full changed. One plant collected and prepared fed a tribe for a month. A tribe never grew larger than a hundred.

    This information was given to the B-rine, all known data fed to his mind and then a choice given. Sent to this planet and located anywhere on it, or death. The B-rine queried death or death, he was given one hour to make his decision. The B-rine chose the planet and asked to be located at the peak of a mountain, he was relocated with enough rations for a month. He had been placed in a stasis chamber with a battery life due to fail one hour after planet fall. All his abilities he had when captured were returned.

    [For further information please read *B-rines of "L33 T3"*. The full unexpurgated version can be found in the Galactic Library].

    The memories we had from the scientist and the B-rine were sifted and collated. I informed the general that no other buildings had been penetrated, which caused the brass to breathe easier. The knowledge gained allowed Dr. Phind to identify and even turn some of the artifacts on. A smirk and a loud hah came from Dr. Phind he picked up a control that had been obscured, he turned a knob and a low hum began, He turned and watched what had appeared to be a blank wall slowly gaped open.

    The interior was black until the Dr. Phind turned a dial, blue light permiated this part of the complex. The science team entered and began to check all surfaces, one scientist saw a switch and without thinking turned it on. Well it was that the meld had trained my mind, I instantly and without thought turned the switch off and stunned the four B-rines that had phased in. The security teams I had sent with the scientists were quick to disarm and cuff the B-rines. Dr.Phind just looked at the scientist, he stammered apologies until Dr. Phind told him that from now on all objects were taboo.

    The meld looked for the explanation, and were at a loss. I was not gentle in my probing of the B-rines minds. "Minds?", asked Dr.Phind. Charlie gave us the explanation. He explained that my powers were increasing everytime I used them and at the moment the limit was unknown. The meld was stunned by the vibrant mellifluous voice, without conscious thought I melded everyone tight and shielded them on every level I was capable, then the voice came again, I instantly reacted and shielded against this new mode.

    The next moment a holographic display appeared, it spoke a language unknown. The holograph then mimed and gestured we should speak.

    I told Dr. Phind to choose what to do. He started speaking, pointing at things giving them names. He pointed at himself said his name and then asked me by mind to blink his laptop to him. The hologram looked at the laptop and it came to life, the screen scrolled at its fastest speed and was switched off. Then the hologram closed its eyes and then opened them and next minute we saw the main database being accessed, the admiral was about to pull the plug, I stopped him with the observation that if the hologram was hostile it could have caused us grief instead of communicating to us.

    The hologram gleaned all knowledge from our database and then in its mellifluous voice asked why we shielded it from our contact. I dropped the shield and the hologram instantly came to me, it had picked my mind as the leader. It asked that we talk seperately because I would need all the power I possessed and explained that the meld would suffer because they were incapable of the levels that we would need to communicate. Gaia it was who pulled the meld away. The voice asked in English that a bed be brought and a medical team to monitor me, the deed was done.

    The hologram waited till I was perfectly comfortable then asked if it could enterd my mind. I agreed. Gently and with great precision it filled my mind and was about to speak when it withdrew. It had sent a thought I saw but it was in its own language. I analysed the whole episode and was soon asking in its own language what the message was when I knew. It had contacted the builders.

    Seconds later a power beyond our present imaginings filled the circle that appeared before me. The next instant a member of the race that had built this place was before me. The hologram gave all information it had learnt to the builder, in was done in seconds and on levels that astounded me, it was some time before I was capable of deciphering the depths and levels of this communication.

    The builder asked whether I would allow a mental meld, I gave it permission. It asked whether it could probe my mind as well. I opened my mind and allowed Krysz access to my mind, Krysz was about to comment on the level of trust I had given it when he sighed. "You have come a long way in a short time Thinker and most of it by yourself, would you like to be trained properly now. I must tell you that the teacher of your mothers teacher was my humble self, and I would be honoured to train you and feel it is my duty to do so".

    Perplexed by the thought of sadness that emanated from Krysz I agreed. "I must explain before we begin, the mistake was mine that your mother was ill trained. I had dismissed your mothers teacher before the full teaching was applied, and so it was flawed training that she recieved, if I had checked, this would not have happened, wait, you do not know, I had better train you now. Are you ready?" Krysz asked.

    Not knowing what to expect I agreed. I lay there and nothing happened. Then the world exploded, I was in pain unlike any I had ever known, I fought, tried and failed. The pressure eased I relaxed, at that moment I knew and reacted instinctively, the pain although constant was disappearing. The attacks came on levels so deep and profound that I wondered what could top this , then I saw that I was reacting to the stimuli faster and faster and was able to think seperate to my defence, then the attacks increased in strength and power, I fended them all and began to push the mind away from me, as suddenly as it started it ceased.

    I knew this mind was incapable of ever hurting or surprising me again, I was thinking on levels unknown to even this mind. My mind was training itself constantly and Krysz was pleased. He watched me where he could and marvelled when he couldn't, I felt a building of power and was amazed to see that I had analysed and figured the nature of it.

    At a call from Krysz three more builders arrived and began another assault on me, fending them became easier as time passed. The three joined with Krysz and asked to further my training, I agreed. The next minute we were a galaxy away, the meld asked me to explain it. I tried to do so but did not have the tools or language.

    The meld was amazed that instinctively I knew what had happened, and asked to probe my mind, I opened it fully. The meld started to probe then gave a cry for help, I reached and with the help of a new presence brought them back.The new presence was the whole of the aliens race melded, they had come because they had to remove the knowledge from their immature selves I had sent them back to their past before they left on their voyage. They gave me the tools and language as reward for helping fix a portion of their history.

    The new meld trained me with all the knowledge and techniques they possessed. I asked them to train all that could be trained, they declined saying that I was more suited and more knowledgeable. I replied that I had knowledge, power etc but they had spent many millenia teaching/training minds. I was unskilled and could possibly injure through lack of expertise, I gladly offered to let them control my mind and the meld for this purpose. My offer was accepted. I was pleased I had done so, their delicacy and control were a joy to watch. I gained infinately more watching them perform this task than I would if I had blundered around.

    I now surpassed them. In the process they had seen the insidious evil that was Bollard and his crew. They were astonished that any species could do such things and appalled that they thrived on it. They were incensed that minds of power could be so base.They tried to charge into the base and were astounded when they rebounded on the shield. I quickly gained control before they committed an irrevocable act that would debase their culture forever.

    The general pointed out that I had already penetrated the shield, and without the benefit of their training, now was the time to allow me to lead, in this situation I was more suited. They saw the generals words had merit and gave me control of the total meld, they also showed me an injury to a person they had caused by their unbridled rush to quell this abomination. Their horror that they had permanently scarred a sentient being was eclipsed by unalloyed joy and happiness at finding the person only stunned.

    I checked the meld and found only one problem, the scientist that had passed sentence, he was in a turbid state. The alien minds were at a loss as to why he felt the way he did. They asked did he wish to kill the B-rine, the scientists anguished cry was explanation enough. They faced the scientist and said that it was a fitter punishment than death, he has been given a humane sentence more than his victims ever recieved. The scientist saw the rationale. With the meld adding support and agreement the scientist again joined fully into the meld.

    With this new meld and the full understanding of the alien science I penetrated the shield with ease. I slowly scanned the room and was gratified to see that Bollard and his underlings hadn't found the controls to the network. The laughter of delight from the scientist was welcome, and the picture of what he had done almost caused the meld to fragment, the control the alien minds had save us.

    The scientist had found the control panel early in his captivity and had disabled it, simply by shutting and locking it. The time Bollard had wasted trying to find this panel was welcome. They had gained control of limited portions through bypassing the panel. This had reduced the ability of the building. The destruction of the jury rigged power was simply a matter of turning a switch. To make the reconnecting of the power impossible the alien portion showed me the technique of fusing the material shut.

    Without the knowledge of the alien techniques and no amplified power Bollards reign was coming to an end. I had cloaked the meld with shields new invented from the alien knowledge, it was what save us from discovery. Six B-rines and two scientists entered and shone a new torch around, as it came to us I automatically adjusted the shield to absorb the beam and used the power to probe the minds and stun them. All eight were placed in stasis chambers. The scientists minds revealed more nanites which we removed and contained.

    The absence of the eight was noticed, and ten fade/human hybrids came, I stunned them instantaneously and blinked them to stasis chambers. I felt Bollard scanning the area and followed his probe, he was hooked into a heavily modified stasis chamber. It had its own power source and many attachments that proved to be weapons of considerable power. The problem with relying on powered mechanisms is the power. I turned his power off.

    He was incensed, and had his minions turn their rings on to maximum pain, to forestall any potential perceived threat while he checked for the disturbance. I used the meld to reduce the effectiveness of the nanites to remove the chance of permanent injury, I removed the B-rines as I found them. This time I reduced them to mental stasis before blinking them to totally enclosed holding cells, made from the building materials. When the last was removed I teleported the scientists, removing their nanites. Until I could probe them I put them into mental stasis, and holding cells.

    It was unfortunate that I had given Bollard so much lead time he had had many years to prepare his defences. This time he used children. Bollard had planned well his ultimate defense, they all had nanites inserted in their brains that stayed dormant only if he was within a mile of them. The alien meld solved the problem, we teleported the children to an underground chamber while teleporting Bollard to a maze above ground. He was placed in a shield surrounded by hard vacuum, inside a chamber. We had found all the children and fixed any hurts they had sustained.

    We removed the nanites from them and returned them to Wellworld to await the awakening of their parents. As a precautionary measure we placed them into holding cells with toys and things to keep them occupied. Lucky we did, a few had been merged and they were trying to evolve to fades, I checked them all and stunned and put into mental stasis those who were changed. I couldn't allow anything to interfere with what was about to occur.

    I confronted Bollard and his attempt to reduced my effectiveness was a pitiful affair, although to a normal person/mind it would have been devastating. I had confronted and removed my mothers demise to the sad affair it was. Bollard then said that I was more capable than my mother. He tried to unman me by showing me the tortures he had used and participated in. I just looked at him and sent him pity, this penetrated his careful shield and sent him bananas. He tried to attack using physical means only to find himself outmatched.

    He tried mental attacks but found they were ineffective, his last trump was to show a picture of a building where 500 hundred people were. the building sat on top of enough explosives to reduce the building to dust. he spoke out loud saying that unless he sent a signal in the next five minutes it would detonate. The alien minds took the meld and removed all the people and showed Bollard the now empty building.

    I had sent a tendril of thought into Bollards mind and probe every memory, satisfied that no more surprises were forthcoming I had the meld build a vast impenetrable glass enclosure over the maze. Bollards thoughts were incapable of penetrating this barrier. I teleported to the floor of the structure looking down at Bollard, his look of despair showed that he now realised how outclassed he was. He slumped onto the ground in a posture of defeat. I was not fooled. I went invisible to Bollard and watched for a short while as he tried to find a way of escape.

    I went to Wellworld and probed each scientist and removed the Bollard plants to chambers in the maze. The B-rines were stripped of all their armour and weapons awakened and also placed into cells in the maze. The scientists were given one piece coveralls to dress in then teleported to the floor overlooking the maze. The meld rejoined together and teleported there as well. We held another court with the admiral again elected as judge, the scientist had been placed with his friends and work mates to inform them of the procedure and to give his story. In the meantime the captives had been told they could choose their own counsel to defend them.
  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    edited November 2003
    More still for your enjoyment. I promise it does end.

    They asked for Bollard. They looked at him and saw the look of defeat, they all clamoured for mercy. Due to the meld and the probing of minds we had every evil they had committed even down to harsh words. They were shown their accusers and the list of crimes and offered the choice of exile onto "L33 T3" or face the people they had abused. The majority of the B-rines chose exile, as they did they were teleported with all knowledge and one months supplies.

    The remaining twenty plus Bollard were obstinate and full of their own superiority, although Bollard was looking grey. A scientist stepped forward and pointing at a B-rine demanded that he be given two knives and placed in the chamber with him. The general reminded him that the B-rine was a trained soldier and able to blink. The scientists knew who was the leader here and looking at me asked me to probe his mind. Upon doing so I and the assembled meld burst out laughing, the scientist was teleported in.

    The first thing he did was to put one knife into its scabbard on his belt, and then walked towards the B-rine, he constantly taunted the B-rine asking why doesn't he blink behind and attack his back, that was all he was good at. Now that no other B-rine or machine was here to help why was he waiting was he scared, of an old man. The b_rine was totally perplexed he had tried blinking and evolving from the word go, nothing worked.

    The scientist then told him that he had a negating ability and now that the boosting machines weren't here it negated all the B-rines abilities. Bollard remarked that now he knew why some experiments failed completely and others wouldn't work properly. The scientist looked at Bollard and nodded, the B-rine charged. The scientist had been pretending full attention on Bollard, when the B-rine got close the scientist side stepped and stabbed him in the back just above the pelvic bone.

    There's your knife, if you can reach it, you poor excuse for a soldier, I've seen better fighting on the school playground than you've displayed. The soldier lost his temper and pulling out the knife ran towards the scientist, the scientist started running away from the soldier, this infuriated the B-rine who tried harder to catch the scientist. The scientist always stayed out of reach and taunted the B-rine. It wasn't long before the injury from the first thrust and the stupid way the enraged B-rine had pulled the knife out took its toll.

    The scientist stopped in the middle and said, nows your chance come get me, if you can. The B-rine had realised Bollard had been trying to get his attention and looking towards him was chagrined to see the glass darken. The alien minds said no outside advantage would be given. The B-rine looked and saw the scientist standing with hands on hips shaking his head. This sent him into a frenzy, he attacked with the knife trying to score an injury only to find the scientist evaded every move and dealt him a vicious blow in return. The scientist asked if he wished for a quick death, the B-rine refused.

    The scientist finally knowing futility at the B-rines stupidity went on the attack, he firstly shattered the right kneecap of the B-rine then followed it up with twin shutos to both shoulders shattering both, the B-rine knew then that he had always been outclassed and why this particular scientist had always withstood the tortures from him, always without making a sound. What rank asked the B-rine, Master 7th Circle replied the scientist. Please make it quick Master asked the B-rine, whereupon the scientist jabbed two fingers into the carotid artery and then stepping behind shattered the base of the skull. The B-rine died with a smile on his face.

    What happened asked a scientist, the man met his better Maker told him. The scientist went and retrieved the second knife and was blinked back to our room. He returned the weapons to their owners. One rine asked the admiral if he could present the knife to the scientist. Permission was granted. The rine asked the Master to accept the unused knife and would he consider a pupil in less trying times. The Master told the rine to call on him and accepted the knife.

    The Master bowed to me and thanked me. Justice is served he said. A female scientist stepped forward and said that she had a major dispute with a female B-rine but was unable to dispel justice, I asked if the meld could probe her mind she was happy to oblige. It was sickening the things this B-rine had done, they could have been taken or used to write the torturers guide.

    The admiral, a great lover of history suggested the ancient practise of choosing a champion. The scientist thought this a splendid idea. The suggestion was agreed by the B-rine in question with a sneer. The scientist walked to Maker and asked if she would champion her. Maker agreed instantly. The B-rine suddenly went pale. The remembered insults and bastardisation she had inflicted on Maker at basic training came to her mind, and that was replaced by the memories of the unarmed combat course where Maker had taken her revenge.

    The B-rine tried to bluff Maker but stopped when she realised that Maker was so different than when they were at first basic training camp. The B-rine felt the vast difference between them, and turning to the admiral asked whether the rules were to be applied correctly, the admiral nodded yes.The B-rine then said that as she had allowed the use of a champion she was allowed the choice of weapons, the admiral worriedly replied yes. The B-rine replied Quarter staffs, thinking to maximise her height advantage and use the skills she had. Maker nodded yes.

    The quick acceptance by Maker gave the B-rine pause and well it should. The q-staff was Mules favourite weapon and he had delighted in giving us bruises while training us with them. He had been more serious with Maker because she was smaller than the rest so he had delighted in showing her extras. Well that he did, Maker picked hers up and straight away blocked a blow from her opponent, the combat was a joy to watch, the skill of the B-rine and Maker was formidable.

    Maker had been constantly in combat and was fitter and healthier, the B-rine had spent her last few years as a jailer and had stopped training. The end was predictable after the first minutes. Maker had blocked for the first three minutes, then unleashed a barrage of blows each more devastating than the last, it was designed to slowly draw the weapon away from the body in a series of blows then when the body was less guarded to strike the killing blow. Maker had learnt her lessons from Mule to perfection.

    Maker was teleported to our room. The next scientist to step forward said to scan her mind and see for themselves. The womans memories of being shot at while forced to flee naked was not the worst of things five thugs had done, Deadeye just walked to the woman and said he would return the favour if she desired. The woman said only if they were subjected to the same degradation, no chivalry to be used.and what qualifications did he have.

    Deadeye showed her the Constellation Star with crossed rifles. The woman looked puzzled not knowing the significance. The admiral told her it meant that Deadeye was one of only two people to ever receive the award and had gained it three times and was not allowed to compete again. The award was for a perfect score of a thousand out of a thousand on a full service shoot. Which included static or still targets, moving, zero g, and 2.5 kilometre range with the .50 calibre sniper, the only weapon allowed. The admiral also told her that Deadeye was our sniper. The woman was satisfied with his ability.

    The admiral asked how she wanted the sentence carried out. She asked they be stripped naked and that they were given 15 paces start and then Deadeye was to shoot bits of them and that they have their bits shot if they turn or veer from the straight line. She lowered her coverall to show the wounds these animals had inflicted. The look on Deadeyes face showed that he wished they would veer from the straight path. The B-rines asked for mercy, the admiral looked to the woman, she shook her head no.

    Deadeye asked for and received the Tokkler 37 saying to the woman that it had been sighted earlier, I ask to show her mentally, she shuddered but said yes. I sent a light touch to her mind and the thanks she gave me plus the opening of her mind was acknowledgement of my tenderness, I saw that her mind had been abused as well and asked if she would accept healing, she was still fearful but said yes. I had the alien minds guide me and when we finished she was whole. I asked her if she wished the sentence carried out, she replied yes.

    Deadeye lay on the ledge we had provided and told the guiltty that he would give them the count of fifty to go and that any deviation would be severely punished. The absolute conviction in Deadeyes voice sent them fleeing. Deadeye turned to the women and said start counting. She countered very slowly, one B-rine stupidly looked behind and had his ear shot off and part of his testicles. The others hearing his scream ran faster hoping to outdistance the Tokkler 37. The woman suddenly sped her counting up.

    At fifty Deadeye shot the leaders toes on his right foot, the left fingers on the next, the small finger on another. He was very efficient and the woman enjoyed the show. The B-rine who had his toes shot turned and had a portion of his pe**s shot off, but kept coming, the rest turned and did the same thing. After all had suffer from their bits being shot they kept coming slowly losing parts of their body until they were about 100 yards away. They sat down, with their arms and legs crossed. This didn't disturb Deadeye at all he had target practise.

    The woman though was deeply disturbed and asked Deadeye to shoot each through the heart and so end their suffering. He nodded compliance. The woman called out goodbye. The B-rine stood and Deadeye waited to see what he would do, he looked at each of his fellows and they stood, their next motion shocked the group of scientists to their core. The B-rines all bowed together and saluted Deadeye, he stood and returned the salute. He then shot each in the heart as requested. He said to the woman, in the end they regained their humanity and you gave them a dignified death you have saved their souls, the woman looked amazed.

    The scientists were shocked and formed a circle and had a discussion, they agreed and an elected spokesman asked that all be shot except for five who they asked be made to fight. When asked why he said the rest want justice against the majority but the five made sport against all of us by turning into fades and hunting and killing at least thirty of our number and family so we want them to experience the same.They were asked if they wanted them to keep their ability to change.

    Yes so they can suffer more. They were asked how do you know it will be okay, the smallest man I had ever seen said I have the ability to remember what I see, and I saw that you all can evolve, we wish them to know what it is like, and there are five of you who can do this for us. I asked what about Bollard, the group shuddered but said that it was my choice what to do about Bollard, leader to leader. It will be what he will ask for if you give him a choice, he won't dirty his hands on us the inferior specimens.

    I turned to the team and asked if they wished to do this, they replied they have to they were asked. The first was the biggest B-rine of the bunch and he was asked what he wished to evolve into. He pointed at Mule and said Onos basic ability no upgrades, Mule nodded acceptance. The pair were forced evolved and the meld locked them into the basic Onos. They were placed fifty yards apart and told to begin. The B-rine charged, Mule stood still until ten yards seperated them he fell to the ground, the scientists groaned.

    The B-rine thinking he had intimidated Mule went flat out, Mule dropped his head waited till the B-rine was on his head then stood and tossed his head at the same time, the B-rine was tossed backwards and Mules horns gutted him like a fish. Mule went over and finished him off, with a couple of slashes. The B-rine died quickly but not before saying well done.

    The next B-rine chose Learner saying he always wanted to kill an officer, he chose gorge. Learner picked they get one ability. So it was set, they were asked what ability they wished, they were evolved and set. The B-rine chose cloaking, Learner chose adrenaline. The B-rine ran to the side then slowed to a walk, thereby cloaking, Learner spat four times, then moved slowly side to side at random. He repeated, a trail of green showed where the B-rine had been, Learner kept up the rythym of four spits whilst moving randomly side to side, then repeating. Learner rarely missed and before long the B-rine lay dying, he asked they be returned to human form. Learner agreed. The B-rine asked how, Learner replied that he turned on hive sight, and so the B-rine was highlighted. The B-rine laughed, coughed and died.

    The next chose Scout and skulk, I felt sorry for the B-rine. The skulk was Scouts favourite, a fast lean hunter. Scouts choice, no abilities but bite. The contest was short and swift the B-rine hadn't touched Scout, Scout had bitten a rear leg nearly clean off on the first pass, the dragging leg and the lack of mobility meant the finish came quickly.

    The next chose Finder and lerk. Finder chose basic level 1. The battle went back and forth with no-one the winner, the battle was close and hard fought. The winner emerged with a startling change of tactic. Finder suddenly dove at the B-rine and bit into his wing, the injury was small but telling. The loss of speed allowed Finder to dominate, the battle became a one sided affair thereafter.

    The last B-rine chose Fade and Apache. Apache chose level 1 claws. The battle began with both rushing the other and slashing, neither scored a hit.The battle became a rush feint swipe pull back affair. The B-rine decided to run further into the maze, Apache smiled. If the B-rine had seen that smile or had known Apaches forte he would have just stood and waited for the inevitable. Apache just casually strode into the maze and seemed so nonchalant, one of the scientists complained. The admiral explained the briefing to them. They crowded the glass.

    Next minute Apache blinked and crashed into the foliage, he turned and blinked to the foliage on the leg of the next lane this went on with supposedly better control. The last we saw was Apache blinking to the middle of the lane then turning and lost from view. I stood puzzled , I had seen Apache, been traiined by him, had also trained him. The lack of control worried me, I lightly touched Apaches mind and withdrew. The alien meld came to me and asked why I had been fearful, I showed them the Apache of before and then now, aaah you worried that someone had taken control, this does you credit but you should not have violated the terms, and if someone had taken control, I asked.

    The aliens mentally shrugged, the will of the universe.

    A mental cry broke our contact, it was so full of agonised pain and a feeling of great despair washed over us. I was sure that I had suffered but the harsh longing and the indescribable anguish of unfulfilled destiny was an experience I hope to never repeat. The next moment Apache appeared in plain view, he was distraught, I teleported him to my side and awaited him. He asked if I wanted to know the details, I felt his deep need to share, to lessen this burden of shame and guilt. I asked him if he wished any other to join us, he replied he needed the anchor.

    It began with an awareness of travel through darkness, then light, of standing opposite the enemy. The ancient enemy, one who has gained the power and the ability, but chooses to misuse and abuse the gifts. To go against all that the Nation and the elders stood for, a depraved abomination. The awareness that the ancient and ongoing tales were true almost destroyed him. The surfacing of another memory was his salvation. He remembered the ritual and the shamans words before sensation left him.
  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    edited October 2003
    This is the end, please enjoy.

    You will forever more in these councils be called Balance, upon you is placed a burden that few are suited to shoulder. You are to be the instrument of justice against the folly of this council. Many moons ago we shared our wisdom and knowledge, despite the great elders wishes and advice, the student turned our teachings against us and drained us of our power and lore. It has taken many seasons to regain what was stolen. We have waited many turnings for you to come.

    The moment when you most need these teachings they will come to your conscious mind, but in the meantime they will be buried so that you may go about normal life wihout suffering. The constant knowledge will otherwise destroy you. The council of elders buried the knowledge deep and covered it with a pleasant but bittersweet memory of a fair maids favour turned to nought. The choosing of another warrior, for being the son of a chieftain.

    The wisdom and cunning of the device made him laugh inside, no-one would have expected the underlying knowledge, until the moment was needed. He looked out and saw with distaste the likeness of the man opposite, he saw the fullness and rightness that he had been chosen. A jolt of mental power rocked him but he had been prepared by the elders, Thinker had added and refined without knowing the shield that was his. It was done to balance, he finally understood the teachings of the elders, and he knew the will of the great creator, the balancer of all things.

    Thinker had been sent and the happenings of the last ten seasons were to prepare him for this moment in time. He looked again at his enemy and saw consternation, the mental blow had been sufficient to have stunned if not kill him outright. The fact he had not been stunned should have warned the enemy that he faced an opponent of quality.

    The enemy ran toward him so he did the same, he saw that the enemy was right handed so went to his enemies left. During a flurry of blows that did no damage, Apache saw the enemy trying to change him to the right so he stayed to the left. Separation and again the rush and flurry of blows, again no damage. The next few minutes were repeats. Apache saw the dawning of realisation by the enemy, that the longer the trading of blows went on, the more likely that Apache would prevail.

    The enemy turned and ran further into the maze, Apache stopped for a minute and analysed the situation. Apache smiled, a wicked smile of deception and slowly walked nonchalantly into the maze. Apache blinked directly into the maze wall crashing into the foliage and making a great deal of noise, he cursed softly. Yes his plan was working, hearing the enemy running away down the leg away from him had stopped and Apache could sense him looking back.

    Apache straightened and turning slowly shook himself as though hurt, he rubbed his right shoulder. From the corner of his eye he saw the enemy look and blink away. Apache finished turning and blinked to the end again, crashing into the wall with less force, again the pantomime of injury. Apaches peripheral vision saw the enemy watching him. Apache repeated the performance several times with less disaster and more control. Apache blinked to the middle of the lane and grunted as though in a bit of pain.

    He stopped and listening heard the enemy stop just feet into the lane on the next leg. .Apache blinked to six feet from the end of the lane then using his stealth, he walked to the edge of the next leg then blinked to the centre six feet into it. He turned rapidly and stabbed the enemy twice, The surprise was total and devastating, the enemy collapsed at Apaches feet who jumped back a few feet to be sure no counter attack was forthcoming.

    Apache seeing that the two wounds had destroyed any ability for attack, walked to the enemy and turned his head, He wanted the enemy to watch the descending blow. At the moment the blow ended his life the enemy lost the ability to control his mind, he showered Apache with his life memories and a scream of agonised pain and a feeling of great despair escaped him along with a harsh longing and the indescribable anguish of unfulfilled destiny.

    He recognised that he had mistaken and underestimated Apache entirely, and that he had been outmatched from the beginning. The whole event had lasted but seconds but Apache got the life memories of the enemy. Apache blinked to the start and was in turmoil and distraught, he looked up to me and was grateful when I teleported him to my side and stood awaiting him. After the details of the battle had been related he opened his mind to us.

    I saw with instant clarity how the enemy had been trained, and how he had then stolen the full knowledge and power from an unsuspecting elder and the rest of the council. I saw the memory that had caused him such grief, the enemy had killed the chief elder for trying to stop him. The chief elder had been Apaches' father and the enemy his grandfather. The incident had devastated a young Apache who swore vengeance.

    The great elder had been delayed by a snowstorm and the need of another tribe, he had arrived one and a half years after the event. He went into conclave with the council. The first order of business was to choose a new chief. They then discussed the events and tried to apologise to the great chief for such reckless behaviour. He dismissed their actions and told them it was the will of the great creator. Else why was he delayed in the time of direst need. He inquired about Apache. He was gratified that the best but aging warrior had taken him in.

    The council then discussed and devised a strategy of deep cunning to insure that Apache was trained and equipped with the skills necessary to undo their folly. They spent years making Apache into the warrior of Balance. They kept telling the children of the tribe tales about the TSA and the Frontiersmen, always making sure that Apache was in hearing as they began. They also made sure to state that the best training was available to Marines. They were gratified when he asked the council for permission to join the TSA. The shaman had seen this as the best way to insure the meeting would come about.

    Maker now saw the reason for Apaches reluctance to reciprocate her affection, he had a reluctance to be spurned in love again and he had been subconsciously feeling the treachery of his grandfather. Maker made him aware she saw the underlying problem and that she would personally kick his behind forever and a day if he contiued his now childish behaviour, at the first sign of anger Maker said in the sweetest voice aha you do feel for me, weeee. We cracked up, it broke Apaches reserve, he laughed too.

    The meld looked to Bollard who had been able to see every part of the action due to alien technology. He had seen every battle and the demise of his plans. He looked to me and said in a disdainful voice I choose you to a duel of minds. The intended insult was wasted I knew he was bluffing, he knew he was outclassed and thought I had not enough control and would kill him quickly. He was sadly mistaken. I had had plenty of time to think of an appropiate punishment.

    I asked the meld to excuse me and teleported myself and Bollard to the floor at the same time. He saw the power that I had available and asked for a quick death. He had awakened my ire, I showed him the memories of my mothers moments and he qualled and soiled himself. I had deliberately shown him the punishment I had devised. He looked to the assembled scientists and appealed to their mercy. The small man stepped forward and put his thumb down, the rest followed suit.

    I asked the alien race to make and prepare an escape pod that had heat shielding and a basic replicator. The requirments were for nourishing gruel and water, and the unit to be solar powered but without propulsion. The scientists were intrigued by the notion but didn't fathom my intent or they may have shown leniency. I teleported Bollard into the pod and teleported it to its destination. At this the meld dissolved the glass like barrier and we teleported to Wellworld.

    When there we spent some time removing any abilities and the memory of them from the children. We reunited the kids with their parents and spent a little while basking in the joy that was present. I pulled the meld to the reporter Stone and asked whether he had caught the proceedings. He answered yes and thanked us for the specialised camera. Just one part he had missed he said. The punishment of Bollard I replied, he nodded yes.

    I asked if he had a problem with being in the openness of space, no he replied puzzled. I made a large clear bubble and asked anyone who wished to come to enter. The children rushed into the bubble they wanted to enjoy the flight. Everyone entered and we rose slowly into the sky, when we left orbit I teleported us to a short distance away from the pod. One of the children remarked that the horrible man was in it, then everyone noticed the sun. They would have panicked had I not been ready for it.

    Stone used the camera to pan the faces and show the mixed reactions of everyone. He came to the front of me and asked what was happening, I explained that the pod was on a diminishing orbit and that it would survive until it had enter the corona in fifteen years. I warned that anyone who thought of helping watch what happens. I had had an unmanned probe try to capture and release the pod, the pod suddenly was flung into the sun.

    I asked Stone to pan back and looking into the lens said this is no fantasy, any who get within one thousand kilometres of the pod will be thrown into the sun no exceptions. I could feel the shock and horror my statement produced. Stone catalogued the deeds of Bollard and asked for a vote whether sentence should be carried out. I had the result placed on the walls of Bollards pod. The known worlds voted 99.99% for sentence to be carried out.

    I was the only one to hear Bollards cry of despair. I teleported everyone to the atmosphere of Wellworld and allowed the bubble to slowly descend so the children could marvel and begin to rekindle the love and awe of the wonders of the universe, the parents were also delighted by the experience. When the bubble was settled on the ground I dissolved it and let everyone mill around to make the decisions of how best to finish their lives.

    I took my team into the command bunker and before I could utter a word the admiral said I was discharged with highest honours. I turned to Apache and asked him to deliver a message to the great elder and the shaman, he opened his mind for the message. I turned to Maker and told her to look after Apache, she promised she would. Learner turned to the admiral and asked to be discharged as well, the admiral said no they were marines and had years of service to perform.

    The look of disappointment on his face cracked the general and admiral up, they relented and told them that a new mission had been recieved from HQ that was strictly volunteer, they explained that I was being made Ambassador at Large for the Terran Worlds and would need a staff, the team all moved forward. We were told we had two weeks to finalise things and we would be back here to depart with the alien race. This had been the admirals idea I knew.

    The general turned to the admiral and asked permission to join the staff, the admiral asked why. The general answered that he thought of me as the son he never had and this unruly bunch needed an officer of rank and experience to keep them in line. Permission was granted with the sly remark that it had taken the general long enough. I went and embraced the general and thanked him.The admiral dismissed us.

    The last thing to happen was Stone asked to join so he could film the travels for humanity. He was accepted.

    <span style='color:yellow'>Thanks go to all the books, stories, movies, people or any form of entertainment I have ever read, heard, seen, met or experienced, they have of course influenced me in some way. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had writing it. I apologise for the length.</span>

    <span style='color:orange'>If you would like more stories please say so. Any mistakes please tell me.</span>
  • zoobyzooby Join Date: 2003-08-26 Member: 20236Members
    wow...what can I say?

    just one thing: What came about?
  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    edited October 2003
    I knew there was something I forgot, thanks zooby, I now have to remember what my original point was, I was having so much fun I lost the plot maybe.

    No--on plot I think, the point originally was that it came about because they were the best. This was true, as everyone else was killed who the Thinkers thought were better, and by the experience and training they have gone through they are definately the best, they are a team, they have the best comm, and now they work instantly without having to speak, just a thought to one another if they aren't in meld and the other team member/s know the full situation.

    Also it came about that they were chosen because every other "GOOD" team had been killed trying to take back this world. It revolves around the first paragraph.

    And this paragraph which gets lost as you read more, <span style='color:yellow'>"Remember all the times we kept hearing, [here come the best] I think we can now say we are the best, why? because the teams we always thought of as better for whatever reasons are now dead or injured and no longer teams". "A major setback has happened and we have been called in because we are NOW the best".</span>

    Thanks go to the following:- Everyone who read this and anyone who gave encouragement or critical advice. I thank you. ALSO---

    Bui Lder------------------Builder
    Dr. Phind Oute----------Find out
    Del Iver-------------------Deliver
    Reas Onble--------------Reasonable
    Mi Nor--------------------Miner

    And maybe others I've missed I was trying to be sneaky but as no one posted about the names I think I was too clever for my own good.
  • TalesinTalesin Our own little well of hate Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7710NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators
    An excellent read, I must say. No need to apologize for length, when it is justified.

    So. When do we get to read about the B-rines of "elite"? <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> Unless that was just a quick way to snip that branch of the plot, without intending to go into it?
  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    edited November 2003
    The Galactic Library has assured me a copy of *B-rines of "L33 T3"* had been transmitted. The slight delay has been due to sun spot activity which should subside. We can read the first portion on Tuesday next. They apologised most sincerely, but as is their policy no guarantees are made.

    They have extended my loan by an extra month for inconvenience suffered. They hope that the Galactic Weather Bureau have got the sun spot activity forecast correct, which states normal activity will occur, so all transmissions will be back to normal.

    The title is wrong and the forum won't let me change it. It should be l-3-3-t with no hyphens but the "bots"? keep changing it. The title means large size 33 terran world, or the world is terran but has 33% variation and is 3 times larger than Earth.
  • TalesinTalesin Our own little well of hate Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7710NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators
    edited October 2003
    It's a censored word on these forums, as it's over-used in the gaming community. I'd suggest using L-337 as the planet name (for a harsh/scientific name), LE-37, or LEE-7 (after its discoverer, Olivia "Quiet" Lee) if you must use a derivative along those lines. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    Okay for anyone who has read the name already the new name taking Talesins advice is L33 T3 which funny enough fits the large 33% variation terran 3 times larger and cause Talesin explained so well is named in honour of Olivia "Quiet" Lee. Thank you Talesin.

    I also like to thank the people who write stories in these forums for the inspiration, ideas and encouragement, without your stories I wouldn't have used my imagination and written. I would have to go back and read every paragraph and every story to find the names of people who gave me inspiration, eg, the Black Deltas, Mimics, mutating humans, merging with hives and others, you will know who you are, well basically every writer who wrote something.

    Thank you sincerely.
  • zoobyzooby Join Date: 2003-08-26 Member: 20236Members
    Ahahaha!!! 100th reply!!

    Let's see that new thang!
  • Vulgar_MenaceVulgar_Menace Join Date: 2003-10-29 Member: 22118Members
    That is possibly the best thing Ive read all year. excellant job <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • noobynooby Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15717Members
    Thanks everyone and Vulgar Menace thank you.
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