No-focus Servers
Join Date: 2003-06-09 Member: 17144Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">Call the Waaaaaaahmbulance</div> I got kicked out of a combat game last night (just the ready room not right off the server) for being a skulk and using.... Focus!
Apparently it was a rule on the server. Pretty lame rule, if you ask me. If you're being eaten by focus-skulks, erm, buy some armour! If you're being eaten by cloaked skulks, erm, buy scanner sweep.
Saying "You're not allowed to do that" doesn't seem right when the game has countermeasures built in.
Lame, or really lame?
Needless to say, I voted with my feet and left immediately.
Apparently it was a rule on the server. Pretty lame rule, if you ask me. If you're being eaten by focus-skulks, erm, buy some armour! If you're being eaten by cloaked skulks, erm, buy scanner sweep.
Saying "You're not allowed to do that" doesn't seem right when the game has countermeasures built in.
Lame, or really lame?
Needless to say, I voted with my feet and left immediately.
The only real counter to focus that I know of is resupply, armor 1 or more, and someone to weld you. Once you have no armor, irrespective of armor level or resupply, 1 more bite/swipe will kill you. Aliens however can easily heal both health and armor at the hive. I think this is what causes some people to get annoyed with focus.
So you can get Silence with Focus Mambo.
Unless you're talking about Combat, then you can still get Silence with Focus...
The only thing i consider 'lame' is the way its implimented. Instead of waiting for someone to break the rule and then kicking, they should try to install a plugin that blocks focus all together.
as alien using it, its to slow; and as marine facing it, it deals to much damage.
if i had to choose between focus and pheromones, <b>i will take phero!!!</b>
So you can get Silence with Focus Mambo.
Unless you're talking about Combat, then you can still get Silence with Focus... <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I meant if you had to choose between silence and focus 9 times out of 10 I'd go with silence (unless the rines re-learn the value of motion-tracking).
Learn to aim and get armor and play as a team and you will be fine. Jump around, try to dodge getting bit, don't ban focus.
If you can avoud a couple of bites and you have armor and a SG, you can own focus. and if you are in a group, that is slightly spread out (asuming FF is off) the skulk can only go after one person at a time, have the others shoot at it too.
There are plenty of counters, you just need to use them.
Remember, you will never get better if you don't try. Quit nubifing servers like that.
EDIT: just because this is teh intarweb: [/sarcasm]
In games where Marines actually stay together and work together I've found focus skulks to be half as effective, so I think thats the primary issue, not focus. Just my opinion ;o
Or trying to anyway <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif' /><!--endemo-->
anyways, focus banning is pathetic.
there are literallyt dozens of counters. tbh, these server's need to be named and shamed. banning any game trait or ability goe's against the spirit of the game.
NS was play tested with 100's if not 1000's of people. if it had been overpowered, it would have been tweaked there and then.
and fact's and figures speak for themselves.
shotgun vs focus.
shotteh doe's approx 10 or 20 more dmg in the same time frame as focus.
so why not ban shotty? hell, let's go ahead and ban gl, hmg, and jp. while were at it, let's ban lerk and celerity.
where do you draw the line? how doe's anyone who play's on these servers expect to compete in the world of competitive NS? <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Servers are ran by people who enjoy the game that they put online. They are either purests (those that play the way the developers made it) or they are not (those that change it to play they way they like).
This is with every mod out there, NS, CS, DoD, whatever the mod, server admins are able to run there server as they see fit.
Complaining about it, or creating a black list does nothing, other than clutter the forums, and make people either respond for/against such abuse/feature.
As can be seen in this post you have those for and against the idea, some saying it sounds cool, others writing 1337 gangsta saying they should be blacklisted...
Until you pay money or spend hours working on a game server, keeping it updated, and listening to people complain about pings, lag, mods, admin, stats, and countless other things people complain about, then really you have no base to there actions.
These servers are free, it is for the admins of those servers to decide (good or bad) how they want to play the game. Now if you help pay for the server, you may have a say, but if you don' as the original poster did and leave the server and go play elsewhere.
I've become pretty adept at dodging fades and focus fades are actually easier, less swings, more shotgun blasts inbetween the swings. With damage 3 it doesn't take much especially if they are close-up to you and you land every little pellet <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Onos is a different story, takes a bit more jumping/dodge and is kinda difficult. Although I did find out that a catalyst marine outruns a non-celerity onos, now THAT was amusing. I high-tailed it out of my base after killing a skulk and lured the onos all the way back to his own hive and managed to get a clip into the hive before he got me <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
The GL is ten times more lame and game ruining.
They paid the server.
There's a good 400 NS servers at any time.
I don't think it'll hurt either of you if you allowed them to do whatever they wanted with their server.
So you can get Silence with Focus Mambo.
Unless you're talking about Combat, then you can still get Silence with Focus... <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I meant if you had to choose between silence and focus 9 times out of 10 I'd go with silence (unless the rines re-learn the value of motion-tracking).<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Why would you need to choose between Focus and Silence(NS)?
If anything, a better representation would have been Focus and Scent Of Fear. I would choose SoF of course.
Unless you're talking about Combat again, and it would depend on the situtation. If I was a Lerk or staying a Skulk, Silence would be a more better option then Focus but in the long run I would probably have Focus anyways, except as a Lerk.
On another note, in Combat I would always choose Silence over Cloaking because it is a way better upgrade then Cloaking in my opinion, because it really irratates me when I see cloaking fades and onos jacking off.
Now getting back on topic. Yes, there are servers that restrict certain items because they believe that certain *item* is unbalanced. You did not pay the server, it is for the admins and server operators to decide what goes on in their server. If you don't like it, go try a different server.
I saw one admin that would use admin_teleport on you if you attacked the CC... as allien...
as alien using it, its to slow; and as marine facing it, it deals to much damage.
if i had to choose between focus and pheromones, <b>i will take phero!!!</b> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
i counter that with my ultimate CO weapon...SUPER LERK!!
Yup im that annoying lerk who gasses you Jp's to death the zooms across the room to take out like 3 hvys before i rush back to the hive with my focus/clerity/adren/regen/cara of doom. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Servers are ran by people who enjoy the game that they put online. They are either purests (those that play the way the developers made it) or they are not (those that change it to play they way they like).
This is with every mod out there, NS, CS, DoD, whatever the mod, server admins are able to run there server as they see fit.
Complaining about it, or creating a black list does nothing, other than clutter the forums, and make people either respond for/against such abuse/feature.
As can be seen in this post you have those for and against the idea, some saying it sounds cool, others writing 1337 gangsta saying they should be blacklisted...
Until you pay money or spend hours working on a game server, keeping it updated, and listening to people complain about pings, lag, mods, admin, stats, and countless other things people complain about, then really you have no base to there actions.
These servers are free, it is for the admins of those servers to decide (good or bad) how they want to play the game. Now if you help pay for the server, you may have a say, but if you don' as the original poster did and leave the server and go play elsewhere. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Exclude the server, the admin, the rights and we have only bad courtesy
1. Scanner sweep is very undepndable, and hardly ever works correctly.
2. Scanner sweep costs a point.
3. Accusing ANYONE of whining just because you don't agree with what they say is highly elitist and generally rude.
I could very well say, for example, that you are whining about how you got kicked for using focus, because I personally don't think focus + cloak is paticularly balanced either. So. Think about that.
my only beef with focus is with the people who get it 30 secs into game and spawncamp, preventing any marine comeback (unless there is a leet marine)
personally, i never use it (after 3 (i think) focus bites, it would be more efficiant to not have focus)
It's easy to defeat cloaked focusers. One or two marines get scan, and the rest get a bit more armor. If many of the aliens went for cloaking: boom, you've basically made them all waste an upgrade, which puts marines ahead of the game, since fewer marines need to get scanning to counter cloaking than there usually are cloakers.
as alien using it, its to slow; and as marine facing it, it deals to much damage.
if i had to choose between focus and pheromones, <b>i will take phero!!!</b> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
What about medspam. Focus is the counter to medspam.