German translation of NS2
Join Date: 2011-01-14 Member: 77445Members, Reinforced - Shadow

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->This is the comunity project to translate our favorite game into the german language!<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
This translation is intendet for the german speaking audience, who can't speak english.
<i>(The ones, who are able to speak english will use the english version anyway, even in countries with german as official language ...)</i>
The biggest problem with this translation is the tightrope walk between a good sounding translation and keeping the translation as close as possible to the english original.
(<acronym title='Contamination'>Verseuchung</acronym> vs. <acronym title='Infestation is a german word too!'>Infestation</acronym> for instance)
<b>Please feel free to help with this, or just leave a comment, I will answer to every post.</b>
You find the current version here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<b>How to make the translation work in game:</b>
1. copy the file to the folder ...\SteamApps\Common\Natural Selection 2\ns2\gamestrings
2. delete the old deDE.txt file
3. rename the new file to deDE.txt
4. start the game and type "option locale deDE" (without the " of course) in the console
5. Exit the game and start again
The translation should work now!
----------------------------- History and changelog----------------------------------
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Version 0.1 <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Translated terms:
* all tooltips
* MAC and ARC into MAK and ARK
* Marine building names: Kommandostation(CC), Extraktor (RT), Prototypenlabor (Proto lab), Waffenlabor, (Arms lab), Observatorium (obs), Roboterfabrik (robotics factory)
* Distress beacon = Notsignal
* Weapons of all kind: Schrotgewehr (SG) Flammenwerfer (flamer) Granatwerfer (GL), Beißen (bite), spucken (spit), Gallenbombe (bile bomb), Parasit, Stacheln (spikes) aufspießen (gore)
* Drifter flare = Leuchtfeuer
unstranslated terms:
*Marine building names: Armory (I just couldn't find a fitting name in german, but I think this is not necessary)
* a hive will be a hive, and a drifter will be a drifter
* Alien building names: Crag, Shift and Shade. but it sounds a little "denglisch" (german and english mixed together) to call 'em "Erwachsene Crag" and so on. ... come to think of it.. mybe "ausgewachsene Crag" is better.
* Alien lifeforms: gorge, lerk, fade, onos, skulk
* Commander is a commander commander, even if he enters the Kommandostation
Things unsure about:
* Phase gate. Should the name stay and if not, how soould we call it?
* fade: I couldn't find "blink"
* I changed the name of the Whip to Peitsche, but I am not sure if it is not better if the name stays "whip".. what do you think?
* Leap for skulk. I translated it to "Sprungangriff" but... hm.. sounds wrong.
* what is meand by "Sap" I didn't translate it because I just don't know what it is meand to be
Version 0.2
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
+ Proofread the whole thing and erased flaws and slips
+ Translated Armory into "Waffenkammer (Armory)
+ Translated Power Node into "Power Knoten" (Maybe Powerknoten is better?)
+ Translated Whip into "Peitsche (Whip)
+ Translated swipe and stab into "Schneiden und Stechen"... blink stays untranslated
+ Marture alien structures is now translated to "Struktur heranwachsen lassen"
+ Harvester is translated to "Ernter (Harvester)" .. Maybe I should rename it into "Erntestruktur".. I don't know
+ Recall is now "Rücksturz"
+ Energize is now "Energie verleihen"
+ Frenzy is now "Kampfrausch (Frenzy)"
+ PIERCING = "Gehärtete Stacheln (Lerk)"
+ Renamed the term "buildings" to "Anlagen" for marines
+ Renamed the term "buildings" to "Strukturen" for Aliens
+ SWARM = "Schwarm (extra Schaden bei Angriffen in schneller Folge)"
And I translated two tooltips and want to know your opinion:
+ FRIENDLY_UNOCCUPIED_HIVE_TOOLTIP = "Drücke Benutzen um eins mit dem Hive zu werden (Commander)" ( English backtranslation: <i>Press Use to become one with the Hive (commander)</i> )
+ ENEMY_IP_TOOLTIP = "Dieses Infanterieportal spuckt feindliche Marines aus. Zerstöre es!" (English backtranslation: This Infantery Portal disgorges enemy Marines. Destroy it!"
Version 0.3
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- Fixed typos
- Renamed select from "Auswählen" to "Auswahl"
- Renamed ARC deploy and undeploy to "Kanone aufstellen" and "Kanone abbauen"
(thanks Wulf 21)
- Renamed recall to "Zusammenrufen"
- Renamed Leap to "Anspringen"
- Renamed Frenzy to "Blutrausch"
- Renamed swarm to "Schwarmangriff"
(thanks GohanZeta)
- Renamed lock door to "Tür verriegeln"
- Renamed jetpack fuel tech to "Jetpacktreibstoff verbessern"
- Renamed marine Research complete to "Forschung abgeschlossen"
- Renamed marine upgrade complete to "Verbesserung abgeschlossen"
(thanks basti1337)
- Renamed alien upgrade complete to "Verbesserung fertig entwickelt"
- Renamed alien research complete to "Forschung erfolgreich beendet"
- Renamed jetpack armor tech to "Jetpackrüstung verbessern"
(thanks Shilorius :-P )
Version 0.4 <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
# Renamed Powernode to Stromkasten
# Renamed Powerpack to Generator
# Renamed swipe to Hieb
# Renamed Phase Tech and Phase Gate to Phasentechnik and Phasentor
# Added in the Names of the Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun (P37, M39, Vortex) in the amory menue
# Renamed Peitsche back to Whip
# Renamed Waffenlager (Amory) to Armoy Waffenlager
# Renamed anspringen (leap) to Hechtsprung
# Renamed Ernter (Harvester) to Versorger
# Trying out ALIEN_ALERT_RESEARCH_COMPLETE = "erfolgreich beendet"
# Fixed a ton of typos and gramatical errors found by jeffco
Thanks to Basti, Wulf 21, Squart and jeffco for the efford!
Version 0.5 <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
~Added new lines for build [184]
~Renamed Munitionspack to Munitionspaket
~Renamed Waffenlager back to amory .. but keeping "erweitertes WaffenlageR" in.. let's see how that turns out
~Changed the Shade tooltip to "Die Sinne feindliche Spieler und Commander werden in Reichweite vernebelt (Passiv)"
~Renamed Sprengradius to Detonationsradius
~Renamed ARK "Kanone aufstellen" and "Kanone einklappen" to "ARK stationieren" and "ARK mobilisieren"
~Renamed Commander HUD message "Sentry wenig Munition" to "Sentry fast leergeschossen"
~Renamed Commander HUD message "Sentry keine Munition mehr" to "Sentry muss nachgeladen werden"
Thanks to Basti and Cron
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*** UPDATE** ***UPDATE *** ***UPDATE***<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
Version 0.6 <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (CURRENT VERSION)
> Renamed Konstruieren to Aufbauen
> Renamed Sentry Geschütz to Sentry Geschützturm
> Renamed Ressourcendüse to Ressourcenstutzen
> Renamed erweitertes Waffenlager back to Verbesserte Armory
> Renamed Generator back to Powerpack
> Changed the MAC-tooltip
> Changed the swarm-tooltip
> fixed some typos.
Thanks to basti and Floodinator
This translation is intendet for the german speaking audience, who can't speak english.
<i>(The ones, who are able to speak english will use the english version anyway, even in countries with german as official language ...)</i>
The biggest problem with this translation is the tightrope walk between a good sounding translation and keeping the translation as close as possible to the english original.
(<acronym title='Contamination'>Verseuchung</acronym> vs. <acronym title='Infestation is a german word too!'>Infestation</acronym> for instance)
<b>Please feel free to help with this, or just leave a comment, I will answer to every post.</b>
You find the current version here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<b>How to make the translation work in game:</b>
1. copy the file to the folder ...\SteamApps\Common\Natural Selection 2\ns2\gamestrings
2. delete the old deDE.txt file
3. rename the new file to deDE.txt
4. start the game and type "option locale deDE" (without the " of course) in the console
5. Exit the game and start again
The translation should work now!
----------------------------- History and changelog----------------------------------
<!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->
Version 0.1 <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Translated terms:
* all tooltips
* MAC and ARC into MAK and ARK
* Marine building names: Kommandostation(CC), Extraktor (RT), Prototypenlabor (Proto lab), Waffenlabor, (Arms lab), Observatorium (obs), Roboterfabrik (robotics factory)
* Distress beacon = Notsignal
* Weapons of all kind: Schrotgewehr (SG) Flammenwerfer (flamer) Granatwerfer (GL), Beißen (bite), spucken (spit), Gallenbombe (bile bomb), Parasit, Stacheln (spikes) aufspießen (gore)
* Drifter flare = Leuchtfeuer
unstranslated terms:
*Marine building names: Armory (I just couldn't find a fitting name in german, but I think this is not necessary)
* a hive will be a hive, and a drifter will be a drifter
* Alien building names: Crag, Shift and Shade. but it sounds a little "denglisch" (german and english mixed together) to call 'em "Erwachsene Crag" and so on. ... come to think of it.. mybe "ausgewachsene Crag" is better.
* Alien lifeforms: gorge, lerk, fade, onos, skulk
* Commander is a commander commander, even if he enters the Kommandostation
Things unsure about:
* Phase gate. Should the name stay and if not, how soould we call it?
* fade: I couldn't find "blink"
* I changed the name of the Whip to Peitsche, but I am not sure if it is not better if the name stays "whip".. what do you think?
* Leap for skulk. I translated it to "Sprungangriff" but... hm.. sounds wrong.
* what is meand by "Sap" I didn't translate it because I just don't know what it is meand to be
Version 0.2
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
+ Proofread the whole thing and erased flaws and slips
+ Translated Armory into "Waffenkammer (Armory)
+ Translated Power Node into "Power Knoten" (Maybe Powerknoten is better?)
+ Translated Whip into "Peitsche (Whip)
+ Translated swipe and stab into "Schneiden und Stechen"... blink stays untranslated
+ Marture alien structures is now translated to "Struktur heranwachsen lassen"
+ Harvester is translated to "Ernter (Harvester)" .. Maybe I should rename it into "Erntestruktur".. I don't know
+ Recall is now "Rücksturz"
+ Energize is now "Energie verleihen"
+ Frenzy is now "Kampfrausch (Frenzy)"
+ PIERCING = "Gehärtete Stacheln (Lerk)"
+ Renamed the term "buildings" to "Anlagen" for marines
+ Renamed the term "buildings" to "Strukturen" for Aliens
+ SWARM = "Schwarm (extra Schaden bei Angriffen in schneller Folge)"
And I translated two tooltips and want to know your opinion:
+ FRIENDLY_UNOCCUPIED_HIVE_TOOLTIP = "Drücke Benutzen um eins mit dem Hive zu werden (Commander)" ( English backtranslation: <i>Press Use to become one with the Hive (commander)</i> )
+ ENEMY_IP_TOOLTIP = "Dieses Infanterieportal spuckt feindliche Marines aus. Zerstöre es!" (English backtranslation: This Infantery Portal disgorges enemy Marines. Destroy it!"
Version 0.3
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- Fixed typos
- Renamed select from "Auswählen" to "Auswahl"
- Renamed ARC deploy and undeploy to "Kanone aufstellen" and "Kanone abbauen"
(thanks Wulf 21)
- Renamed recall to "Zusammenrufen"
- Renamed Leap to "Anspringen"
- Renamed Frenzy to "Blutrausch"
- Renamed swarm to "Schwarmangriff"
(thanks GohanZeta)
- Renamed lock door to "Tür verriegeln"
- Renamed jetpack fuel tech to "Jetpacktreibstoff verbessern"
- Renamed marine Research complete to "Forschung abgeschlossen"
- Renamed marine upgrade complete to "Verbesserung abgeschlossen"
(thanks basti1337)
- Renamed alien upgrade complete to "Verbesserung fertig entwickelt"
- Renamed alien research complete to "Forschung erfolgreich beendet"
- Renamed jetpack armor tech to "Jetpackrüstung verbessern"
(thanks Shilorius :-P )
Version 0.4 <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
# Renamed Powernode to Stromkasten
# Renamed Powerpack to Generator
# Renamed swipe to Hieb
# Renamed Phase Tech and Phase Gate to Phasentechnik and Phasentor
# Added in the Names of the Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun (P37, M39, Vortex) in the amory menue
# Renamed Peitsche back to Whip
# Renamed Waffenlager (Amory) to Armoy Waffenlager
# Renamed anspringen (leap) to Hechtsprung
# Renamed Ernter (Harvester) to Versorger
# Trying out ALIEN_ALERT_RESEARCH_COMPLETE = "erfolgreich beendet"
# Fixed a ton of typos and gramatical errors found by jeffco
Thanks to Basti, Wulf 21, Squart and jeffco for the efford!
Version 0.5 <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
~Added new lines for build [184]
~Renamed Munitionspack to Munitionspaket
~Renamed Waffenlager back to amory .. but keeping "erweitertes WaffenlageR" in.. let's see how that turns out
~Changed the Shade tooltip to "Die Sinne feindliche Spieler und Commander werden in Reichweite vernebelt (Passiv)"
~Renamed Sprengradius to Detonationsradius
~Renamed ARK "Kanone aufstellen" and "Kanone einklappen" to "ARK stationieren" and "ARK mobilisieren"
~Renamed Commander HUD message "Sentry wenig Munition" to "Sentry fast leergeschossen"
~Renamed Commander HUD message "Sentry keine Munition mehr" to "Sentry muss nachgeladen werden"
Thanks to Basti and Cron
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*** UPDATE** ***UPDATE *** ***UPDATE***<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
Version 0.6 <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (CURRENT VERSION)
> Renamed Konstruieren to Aufbauen
> Renamed Sentry Geschütz to Sentry Geschützturm
> Renamed Ressourcendüse to Ressourcenstutzen
> Renamed erweitertes Waffenlager back to Verbesserte Armory
> Renamed Generator back to Powerpack
> Changed the MAC-tooltip
> Changed the swarm-tooltip
> fixed some typos.
Thanks to basti and Floodinator
<ul><li>Skulk, skulks (sneaks) about in the shadows</li><li>Gorge, gorges on stuff to be able to regurgitate buildings and random nasty bacteria stuff</li><li>Lerk, likes to lurk (lork) on the cliff (clorf)</li><li>Fade, seems to fade into nothingness during his blinks</li><li>Onos comes from people screaming "OH NOOOO!", when they first encountered the Onos. So yeah, translating it into Ohnein, or something :D</li></ul>
Some suggestion perhaps?
<ul><li>Ready Room: "Bereitschaftsraum" or perhaps "Vorbereitungsraum"</li><li>Phaze Gate: Teilchen Pforte</li><li>Sap means something along the lines of dazing someone or sapping somone's strength</li><li>Fade: Schneiden (swipe -> slice), Stechen (stab), Blinken (Blink kinda refers to: You blink you die!)</li></ul>
I think, only the tooltips and stuff should be translated and the names of the buildings should be in brackets if the text could be that long, for example:
armory (Waffenkammer)
yeah weird word, but its right, there is nothing realy match to it.
or phase gate (teleporter) would be wrong but give the building sense.
I guess you meant "blinzeln". Maybe it's "blinken" in the Netherlands :)
Btw. we already had a discussion about that in the <a href="" target="_blank">twitter thread</a>. Everybody thinks that we should leave the names of the liveforms untranslated.
Since there are no more english words in the game, most players will also switch to their own language for chatting/giving orders. (As french speaking players love to do in all games, no offence tough, it's just a fact)
IMO this will create large barriers between servers wich house players of specific languages. And total chaos on a server wich houses players with different languages.
I really like Price's idea.
I agree with you all. Alien lifeforms shouldn't be translated.. and it would sound stupid in german anyway.
@ Price and subshadow: I think you are right. Even in the Ziegenfarm we are all speaking english. At the momend it would be better anyway not to release the translation because it will split the players as subshadow described - which we don't want. My translation is for the momend the game is in 1.0 and has sold more then (let's say) 3'000'000 copies. Then there will be some servers in a foreign language (like in the NS1 era)
At the momend I tried to keep the the names as close to the original as possible (Roboticy Factory = Roboter Fabrik e.g.) but with the Harvester, whio armory and readyroom it just doesn't work because it sounds completely different in german.
So for theese names I can iimagine to use brackets for the translation, at least in the tooltips.
I like most translations, especially translating "squad" with "Einheit" is perfect. Thought about this for a while. In Operation Flashpoint "squad" was translated with "Zug" which 1. isn't exact (a US squad has about 14 members while a German Zug has 33 as far as I know.) and 2. is a term that will likely only be known by Bundeswehr members and people who have for whatever reason some knowledge about military terms.
I think replacing ae, oe, ue, ss with ä, ö, ü, ß shouldn't be a problem. They already said somewhere that they even will support stuff like arabic (written right-to-left), basically they will support every letter in the Unicode. I've seen that the file is in UTF-8 format, so basically every character that can be typed and saved in the file will hopefully be supported by the game. Maybe they just wrote ue in the line they translated themselves because they had no ü on the keyboard and were to lazy to look up the ASCII code for ü XD.
Maybe a good translation for "deploy" would be "aufstellen" or "aufbauen", undeploy "einklappen" or "abbauen".
A lookup in the <a href="|de&q=node&hl=de" target="_blank">google dictionary on node</a> came up with "Netzknoten", which would be a good translation by itself, but somewhat too far from the original. Maybe putting the original name in brackets (or other way round) is really a good idea.
"resource nozzle"... no better idea than "Resourcendüse",yet.
The German translation for sentry is "Wachposten", but sentry turret = "Wachgeschütz" somehow doesn't sound right.
power pack.... if no better idea maybe simply "Batterie". (Technically a battery are several single cells packed together in a row like in a car battery 6 * 2V cell = 12 V battery. But people tend to use "Batterie" even for single cells or for saying that it can't be recharged in common language.)
I'm having no problem with the translation of "advanced" as "erweitert" or "distress beacon" as "Notsignal"
"phase gate" ... no idea.
"splash radius" ... well, word translation for splash is "spritzen", but using "Spritzschaden" for "splash damage" is something no one does and would be a bad translation. Your translation "Sprengradius" doesn't fit exactly as well since its not like they would use explosives to blow something up. ("sprengen" = "to blow up" for the English speakers). Since you could translate "splash damage" with "Gebietsschaden" or "Gebietswirkung" maybe a good translation for "splash radius" is "Wirkradius" or longer "Wirkungsradius".
"schneiden" for "swipe" and "stechen" for "stab" could fit or not. I'm not too sure about that.
<b>If</b> we translate names of alien structures, we <b>could</b> as well translate "crag" as "Fels" and "shade" as "Schatten" but I have no idea for a good name for "shift", yet. I have no better idea for harvester as well, maybe we really need to do it in a original name in brackets or vice versa style.
If we translate "mature" with "ausgewachsen", maybe we could just use "Crag aufwachsen lassen" for "Upgrade to Mature Crag".
For the structure abilities: if "werfen" is a good translation for "lob" depends on what it actually does I think. I don't know if we should translate "recall" with "Rückruf" or "Zurückrufen". Sounds too much like calling back a faulty product. (I think it will instantly teleport aliens back to a hive or something).
Alien abilities: I think a good translation for frenzy would be "Kampfrausch". "when multiples attacks" should somehow be paraphrased instead of word-translated (like "bei Angriffen in schneller Folge" or something like that. "leap" could be translated with "Satz" but this is somewhat ambiguous. Depending on what "sap" does, it maybe could be translated as "Schwächen". Maybe "piercing" can simply be translated as "durchdringen", don't know.
Tooltips: Simply translating "structure" with "Struktur" isn't very good I think. However "Gebäude" (building) would be wrong, too. Luckily the <a href="|de&q=structure&hl=de" target="_blank">google dictionary</a> can help here as well. My preference would be "Anlage" or "Aufbau". (but these would not fit for alien structures)
However I can agree with most everything else. Good work so far!
Btw. we already had a discussion about that in the <a href="" target="_blank">twitter thread</a>. Everybody thinks that we should leave the names of the liveforms untranslated.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
It's actually something much weirder to none Dutchies -> Knipperen. And yeah, you can't really rename names. Although they do try sometimes in movie translations, I prefer original over dubbs any time :/
I'm glad that you like my translation so far!
<!--quoteo(post=1862989:date=Jul 24 2011, 03:01 AM:name=wulf 21)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (wulf 21 @ Jul 24 2011, 03:01 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1862989"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Maybe a good translation for "deploy" would be "aufstellen" or "aufbauen", undeploy "einklappen" or "abbauen".<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You are right. But I thaught that it sounds a little strange and not that clear. That is why I tranlated it into "firemode" (Feuermodus) and "movementmode" (Bewegungsmodus) to make it more clear what the modes do.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->A lookup in the <a href="|de&q=node&hl=de" target="_blank">google dictionary on node</a> came up with "Netzknoten", which would be a good translation by itself, but somewhat too far from the original. Maybe putting the original name in brackets (or other way round) is really a good idea.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Hm Netzknoten sounds good,but you are right, it is to far away from the original.
Maybe we can mix the words togerter and simply call it "Power Knoten"? It is "denglisch" again but every german will understand that, even the ones who never had english in school. What do you think?
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->The German translation for sentry is "Wachposten", but sentry turret = "Wachgeschütz" somehow doesn't sound right.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is why I call it "Sentry Geschütz" .. I made it a Geschütz (turret) from the brand name "Sentry"
It might be a little strange but this was the best solution for translating the name and keep it somewhat near the original.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->power pack.... if no better idea maybe simply "Batterie". (Technically a battery are several single cells packed together in a row like in a car battery 6 * 2V cell = 12 V battery. But people tend to use "Batterie" even for single cells or for saying that it can't be recharged in common language.)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--> Thats right! If we turn the Power Node into the "Power Knoten" then maybe we can leave it just a Power Pack. what do you guys think?
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->"phase gate" ... no idea.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Me neither. "Teilchen Pforte" as koji suggested is to far away from the original and is not self-explanatory.
Maybe we use "Phasentor" .. or maybe it stays the Phase gate.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Your translation "Sprengradius" doesn't fit exactly as well since its not like they would use explosives to blow something up. ("sprengen" = "to blow up" for the English speakers). Since you could translate "splash damage" with "Gebietsschaden" or "Gebietswirkung" maybe a good translation for "splash radius" is "Wirkradius" or longer "Wirkungsradius".<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Wirkungsradius may sound a little more appropriate but it could be mistaken that the ARK gets a bigger attackrange while Sprengradius (because it blows up alien structures) is perfectly clear..
I am unsure about that.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->"schneiden" for "swipe" and "stechen" for "stab" could fit or not. I'm not too sure about that.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--> I will try it out. Let's use that until we get a better translation ;)
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->If we translate "mature" with "ausgewachsen", maybe we could just use "Crag aufwachsen lassen" for "Upgrade to Mature Crag".<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--> Great Idea! I will change that.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->For the structure abilities: if "werfen" is a good translation for "lob" depends on what it actually does I think<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--> I'm notz sure, but wasn't the whip supposed to trow acid or bile bombs? Thats why I went with "werfen" for lob.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I don't know if we should translate "recall" with "Rückruf" or "Zurückrufen". Sounds too much like calling back a faulty product. (I think it will instantly teleport aliens back to a hive or something).<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I gues that too, but I have no better idea than "rückruf" Maybe we can make it "Raumschiff Orion-style" like "Rücksturz zum Hive" .. that sounds somewhat awesome! .. or stupid? what's your opinion?
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Alien abilities: I think a good translation for frenzy would be "Kampfrausch". "when multiples attacks" should somehow be paraphrased instead of word-translated (like "bei Angriffen in schneller Folge" or something like that. "leap" could be translated with "Satz" but this is somewhat ambiguous. Depending on what "sap" does, it maybe could be translated as "Schwächen". Maybe "piercing" can simply be translated as "durchdringen", don't know.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Translating "frenzy" with Kampfrausch is a good Idea. I think I rename it to "Kampfrausch (Frenzy)"
But I don think "Satz" is a appropriate translation for leab because I think of "Sentence" if I hear the word first. (The word "Satz" has a double meaning)
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Tooltips: Simply translating "structure" with "Struktur" isn't very good I think. However "Gebäude" (building) would be wrong, too. Luckily the <a href="|de&q=structure&hl=de" target="_blank">google dictionary</a> can help here as well. My preference would be "Anlage" or "Aufbau". (but these would not fit for alien structures)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Anlage for the Marine buildings is fine! It sounds way better then Gebäude (building) because if I hear "Gebäude" I think of skyscrapers or houses. For the Alien side I would still like to go with "Struktur".. to make the teams more different
On a sitenote..
How shall I name the Alien commander ?
Should it stay "Alien commander" or should I go with something like Hivemind ?
(Sorry, I had to split this into 2 posts becaus I made to many quotes)
LOL maybe? sounds cool and weird the same time ;)
BTW updated first post!
If I made some mistakes or if you have a better translation, use the system on github or send me a PM.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
If I made some mistakes or if you have a better translation, use the system on github or send me a PM.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
In my opinion your translation is good, but it feels like you translated a little to less text or just translated it directly instead of corresponding. For example translating "red Squad with "roter Squad" or "Zum ausgereiften Shift erweitern" sounds a little weird, at least for myself.
But I do like "Tür verriegeln" instead of "Tür abschließen"(this is how I translated it) and "Jetpack Treibstoff instead of "Jetpack Benzin" and I will change it in this translation as well in the next update, if you don't mind.
Anyway, the translation in this threat is supposed to be a community project. So please feel free to take a look at it and make somen improvement suggestions :-)
Some things that came to my mind:
Lob(schleudern), afaik Mature Whips get those cyst like globs on their upper end which they then "lob" at enemy structures.
Power Node(Netzschalter/Netzsicherung) referring to its purpose to when being built to power up a room and when destroyed to "cut" power to that area
Power pack(Generator/(Not)Stromgenerator) referring as well to its simple purpose of powering areas with unrepairable nodes
recall(zurückholen/zusammenrufen) as long as its going to get all (dead)Aliens back to the Hive recalling them
Crag aufwachsen lassen should probably be called (heranwachsenlassen) even if its a lil longer but its basicly what happens to it^^
Structure(Marine) basicly its either an (Anlage) or to even more simplify it its a (Maschine)
Structure(Alien) probably call it (Auswüchse) or something like that, cause theyre somehow related to the hive that created it, allowing it to on the other hand to evolve deeper
Leap(anspringen) pretty much describes what it does imo
Command Console(Kommandoposten/Kommandostand)
Armory(waffenkammer/Waffenschrank) probably even call it (Waffenfabrik) as it sort of warps in new weapons on demand
Phase Tech/Gate (Phasen Technik/Tor/Tür) as Phase is basicly the same in german in the ways they "work" they alter the Phase of an Object making it easier to be transported/transmitted and restoring the original Phase afterwards
AA Upgrade (aufrüstung zur erweiterten Waffenkammer/schrank/fabrik)
Flamer alt (Flammerwerfer Sekundärangriff/feuer)
Blink(blinzeln) as most MMOs translated it in their german versions
Energize(aufladen/Kraft verleihen)
Frenzy(Blutrausch(heilt dich beim töten eines Gegners)
Swarm(Rudelangriff(erhöht deinen Schaden wenn du auf ein von andern schon angegriffenes Ziel gehst)
build Hydra(Hydra heranzüchten)
ARK deploy/undeploy (ARK in Belagerungsmodus versetzen/ ARK (re)mobilisiern)
So far, cant think of more translations, tho should have made a txt myself i guess :/
lol sounds funny, but i would like "crag verbessern" or "crab aufwerten" more, most time, translations are not 1:1, americans have a diffrent culture.
<!--quoteo(post=1863135:date=Jul 25 2011, 12:07 AM:name=GohanZeta)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (GohanZeta @ Jul 25 2011, 12:07 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1863135"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Sounds pretty cool so far. Imho I would keep all the names and stuffs in english, just edit tooltips to be german. And probably show those tooltips when pointing at those "Things"
Some things that came to my mind:
Lob(schleudern), afaik Mature Whips get those cyst like globs on their upper end which they then "lob" at enemy structures.
Power Node(Netzschalter/Netzsicherung) referring to its purpose to when being built to power up a room and when destroyed to "cut" power to that area
Power pack(Generator/(Not)Stromgenerator) referring as well to its simple purpose of powering areas with unrepairable nodes
recall(zurückholen/zusammenrufen) as long as its going to get all (dead)Aliens back to the Hive recalling them
Crag aufwachsen lassen should probably be called (heranwachsenlassen) even if its a lil longer but its basicly what happens to it^^
Structure(Marine) basicly its either an (Anlage) or to even more simplify it its a (Maschine)
Structure(Alien) probably call it (Auswüchse) or something like that, cause theyre somehow related to the hive that created it, allowing it to on the other hand to evolve deeper
Leap(anspringen) pretty much describes what it does imo
Command Console(Kommandoposten/Kommandostand)
Armory(waffenkammer/Waffenschrank) probably even call it (Waffenfabrik) as it sort of warps in new weapons on demand
Phase Tech/Gate (Phasen Technik/Tor/Tür) as Phase is basicly the same in german in the ways they "work" they alter the Phase of an Object making it easier to be transported/transmitted and restoring the original Phase afterwards
AA Upgrade (aufrüstung zur erweiterten Waffenkammer/schrank/fabrik)
Flamer alt (Flammerwerfer Sekundärangriff/feuer)
Blink(blinzeln) as most MMOs translated it in their german versions
Energize(aufladen/Kraft verleihen)
Frenzy(Blutrausch(heilt dich beim töten eines Gegners)
Swarm(Rudelangriff(erhöht deinen Schaden wenn du auf ein von andern schon angegriffenes Ziel gehst)
build Hydra(Hydra heranzüchten)
ARK deploy/undeploy (ARK in Belagerungsmodus versetzen/ ARK (re)mobilisiern)
So far, cant think of more translations, tho should have made a txt myself i guess :/<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Power Node(Netzschalter/Netzsicherung) realy?
Whats wrong with Stromkasten? I know its not 1:1 but "netzschalter" is a power switch not a powernode.
Flamer alt (Flammerwerfer Sekundärangriff/feuer)
I guess flamer alt means flamer alternative? So it should be "alternativer Flammenwerfermodus"? Yeah its not easy to translate correct but i guess the sense should be translated not the words 1:1.
Blink(blinzeln) as most MMOs translated it in their german versions
I would like "flüchtiger Blick" ^^ but could be wrong.
Hmm no, thats something way diffrent, its not "mold spores" its just "Befall" by alien infestation
build Hydra(Hydra heranzüchten)
Hmm i don't think that sounds good, why not "Hydra bauen"? or "hydra erschaffen" or "hydra erzeugen"?
hmm "rüstung" is a bit to much i guess, but its hard to translate, yeah but is piercing for aliens or for marines? For marines it would make no sense ^^
The other stuff sounds good.
When you translate these names it sounds just wrong or too complicated.
And why don't you want to use "Gebäude" as translation for structure. It is something you build (was geBAUt wird, also ein GeBÄUde). I usually don't think of houses or skyscrapers when I read this ^^
You can see my current work of the translations here:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I kind of like the "Stromkasten" idea, since it's the common language word for the technical term "Netzknoten". So, keep it technical or common language?
Piercing is a Lerk Spike upgrade afaik
I would still go for a more "evolving" themed phrasing for Alien structures due to the fact that its all about lifeforms that in some way evolve (wachsen/weiterentwickeln). This would get an easier understanding of how basic alien gameplay is done. I like that "Befall" thing, tho i was aiming for something that sums up the ever expanding nature of the Infestation and its nerve like network between those cysts as well as its ability to highlight and slow marines walking on it.
Im not sure about the Alt fire for Flamer, really depends on what its going to be: Either its going to alter the Flamethrower attack, or its just adding a Secondary fire mode, guess well have to wait for it to get the right translation
Lockdown_tooltip(Das Exoskellet verschantzt sich um seinen Schaden und seine Treffsicherheit zu erhöhen)
- "Tür aufschiessen" is missing an l :) (and ss has not been replaced with ß)
- at MATURE_WHIP_TOOLTIP Structur is written with c while its with k everywhere else
And I tested it in-game. works fine except some things that the devs have not put in yet. (like we can't put in the translation for unbuilt, yet, so it's saying in Denglisch "unbuilt Waffenkammer" now., "under attack" and "researching" can't currently be translated either.)
2 things I found while testing:
- SELECT is obviously the description for the tab in the marine commander menu that contains the buttons for the currently selected unit. (like scan and research phasetech if observatory selected) So it should be "Auswahl", not "Auswählen"
- in the description for deploy and undeploy the tooltip is right below the button name. So undeploy for example looks now like this:
Bewegungsmodus (Z)
ARK in Bewegungsmodus versetzen
probably it is that way because "undeploy" wouldn't be self-explanatory in English either. So I think we actually can translate deploy and undeploy instead of just using a copy of one word from the tooltip.
In order to give a better overview in my posts I will try to keep all the answers to different posts from you apart, which on the other hand means that I might copy/paste some answers.
Starting with <b>GohanZetas</b> post
<ul><li> Lob (schleudern) - I think "schleudern" reminds some people of the washing machine. So I prefer "werfen"</li><li> Powernode (Netzschalter) - As you can see in the posts above, we discussed about that and came up with the term "power knoten" to keep it close to the original. On the other Hand I prefer Stromkasten or just "Generator" because it soudns better.... I am still unsure about that</li><li> Power pack (Generator) - see "Power node" ... same goes for here</li><li> recall (zurückholen, zusammenrufen) - Zusammenrufen is a good word I think. Better then Rücksturz. I will change that in the translation</li><li> Crag aufwachsen lassen - hm heranwachsenlassen sounds better, thats right. But it is a long word in comparison to "marture" .. and I am afraid that it is to long.</li><li> Structure (Marine) - not every structur is a Machine but everything is a "Anlage" .. I want to keep it simple and use just one term. thats why I go with "Anlage"</li><li> Structure(Alien) - "Auswüchse" is a right term for an alien structure, but it has a somewhat negative meaning because of strangeness or cancer. But the aliens are not the evil ones in this game, they just want to survive (same goes for humans).. so I think the more neutral term "Struktur" is better.</li><li> leap (anspringen) - good idea! I will change leap into "anspringen"</li><li> Command Console(Kommandoposten/Kommandostand) - I never was in the bundeswehr (I was "Zivi" ;-) ) so I dont know if they call structures like the CC a Kommandoposten or a Kommandostation. I prefer Kommandostation because it is a direct translation of "Commando Station" (this is how the actual game calls it) and is as close to the original as it gets. </li><li> Recycle(Wiederverwerten) - I didn't translate that because "recyclen" is kind of a german word nowadays... and it reminds me less of the "yellow sack" ;)</li><li> Armory(Waffenkammer) - Waffenkammer or Waffenlager .. both is good I think. However I don't like "Waffenschrank" because it reminds me of saves where Hunters put ther weapons in. Which word does the comunity prefer, Waffenkammer or Waffenlager?</li><li> Phase Tech/Gate (Phasen Technik) - I do like "Phasentechnik" as a translation, because it sounds good and is very close to the original term. but if we use "Phasen Technik" we should consider to rename the "Phase Gate" into "Phasentor" ... And I am unsure about that but I will try it out.</li><li> Flamer Alt - I think we don't need any translation yet, becaue it will get a name if UWE implements that</li><li> Tech(Technologie) - It sounds more right, but I think it is to long. Maybe we can go with "Technik" instead? What do you think?</li><li> Blink(blinseln) - yes, most MMOs do that, but it sounds ridiculous (at least for myself) but "blinken" does as well... on the oder hand "teleport" is to far away from the original term, I guess. At the momend I think it is best not to translate it.</li><li> Infestation(Pilzspuren) - Infestation is a german word as well. ;) see: <a href="§Hdr=on&spellToler=&search=infestation" target="_blank">here</a></li><li> Cyst(Geschwür) - I went with Zyste, because (again) it is closer to the original</li><li> Fury(Wut) - I translated it already to wut.... or at least I had it in mind</li><li> Fenzy(Blutrausch) - ...sounds better then "Kampfrausch" (the currend translation). I will change it!</li><li> Swarm(Rudelangriff) -Rudelangriff is more self-explanatory than "schwarm" but is more away from the original. Maybe we can combine it into "Schwarmangriff"? I'll try that out</li><li> Carapace(Verknöcherung) - I guess with carapace they mean som kind of chitin-armor, like a bug has. So "Panzer" sounds mor appropriate to me, or what do you think?</li><li> sap(Kopfnuss) - It's hard to translate it at the current state, bacause "sap" has to many possible translations. Let's wait until "sap" is in the game</li><li> Piercing(Rüstungsdurchdingend) - Tecnically you translated it correctly, but it sounds somewhat strange in german. thats why I went with "Gehärtete Stacheln (Lerk)" (Improoved spikes)</li><li> build hydra(Hydra heranzühten) - It sounds good because I see the aliens as a bunch of gardeners (and the marines as the weed) as well. but technicially the gorge doesn't breed (züchten) he plants the hydra.</li><li> ARK (belagerungsmodus/remobilisieren) hm maybe. I think I discuss this further in the answer to wulfs last post.</li></ul>
Thank you for webbing ;-)
As I said in the initialpost. This translation is supposed to be for the german speaking audience who just can't speak english. The english speaking audience (in germany, austria (and so on) as well) will use the english text anyway.
Keeping all the structure names untranslated will make the whole translation redundant.
Beside that, it will look for them like this (in a figurative sense):
<i>kljshlkjhasdölfhöadshf (armory) (100%)
kljdfhglkjsdhflgkhslfdkjhg (arms lab) (54%)
liztjkwgfgycvhkl sdfgsdfgsfg (bile bomb)
ljtrrfzu dfgafdsg udhdsfgretzgf fgshfdgtzhgfjd dshgfh (bite)</i>
...and so on.
This surely will destroy the atmosphere of the game.
I don't know. I see the Aliens not as evil creatures but as a bunch of gardeners, wo just want to grow their garden, the alien structures are the plants and the marines is the weed (from their perpective). That is why I went with "aufwachsen" instead of "verbessern" ... "Verbessern" sounds to much mechanical.
<ul><li> Powernode = Stromkasten. Yes, that sounds better, but s you can see in the posts above, we discussed about that and came up with the term "power knoten" to keep it close to the original.</li><li> Flamer alt - As i mentioned in Gohans answers, I think we don't need any translation yet, becaue it will get a name if UWE implements that</li><li> Blink(blinzeln) "flüchtiger blick" - Until now all german translations of "blink" sound somewhat wrong and rediculus. Currently I tend to go with the english word "blink"</li><li> Infestation = Befall - I don't know. Befall sounds a little meaningless. Lets keep it "infestaion" because Infestation is a german word too.</li><li> build hydra - because the aliens are gardeners, I thaught "pflanzen" (plant) is the most fitting translation.</li><li> Piercing - As far as I know is piercing a lerk only upgrade for 40% more spike damage. thats why I translated it into "Gehärtete Stacheln (Lerk)"</li></ul>
see my answer above to koruyo.
But maybe we can offer two translations. (If UWE is fine with that)
One full translation for the non english speaking audience and
one partially translation for an audience that speaks english but prefers to have it "subtitled" in german.
What fo you think about that?
<b>wulf 21</b>
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I kind of like the "Stromkasten" idea, since it's the common language word for the technical term "Netzknoten". So, keep it technical or common language?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
That is Kind of a big question. I don't know.
"Power Knoten" is closer to the original term but "Stromkasten" is the <i>correct</i> german term.
Maybe we can use brackets "Stromkasten (Power Node)" .. but I want to keep the brakets to a minimum.
Maybe someone else has a good idea....
<b>GohanZeta</b> 2nd
(I will only answer the things I didn't answer in the post above)
<ul><li> Exosuit (Exoskelett) - I already translated it to that ;)</li><li> Exoxuit_lockdown(verschanzen) - I don't know if this is the correct translation. Did you play Planetside? On the Terran Republic team the MAX-units had the ability to anchor themselves into the ground and gain double firespeed. (Link: <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>) I can imagine that the exoskeletons will work the same way. Thaty why I think that "verschanzen" is not the best translation but we will see that once the EXOs are out ;-)</li><li> Metabolize(Stoffwechsel/Stoffwechselanregung) - I've chosen "Metabolismus", because it is closer to the original name. Besides, "Stoffwechselanregung" reminds me of doing sports ;)</li></ul>
<b>wulf 21</b> 2nd
thank you for testing! I will fix the typos (<acronym title='Shoot the door open'>"Tür aufschießen"</acronym> is way differend from <acronym title='unlock door'>"Tür aufschließen"</acronym>, isn't it? ;-) ) and change "Auswählen" to "Auswahl" as well.
And I will change the ARC buttons to " Kanone aufstellen" and "Kanone einklappen"
Let's try it out. If it is to long we just go with "aufstellen" and "einklappen"
WOW! It took me nearly three hours (!!!) to read all posts, write the answer and change the translation!
BTW updated the first post
Here is the link again: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Right now my NS2.exe crashes when I use my translation file. Its pretty weird. I don't know, but maybe its because of the utf-8 encoding (with BOM) and the Unix style line endings. The default files use Windows style line endings.
To get rid of the permanent crash on startup I have to validate my game cache. Steam then replaces deDE.txt with the default one and NS2 runs again...
To build a hydra is like "Hydra setzen".
An other word for "Rüstungsdurchdingend" is "Panzerbrechend".
I read the whole translation you did twice and carefully ;)
and I took some good ideas out of it, because you translated some things in a better way then I did.
But it may be that my answer to you drowned somewhere in the flood of text i produced. I am sorry for that!
(Can I say it like this in english? My speech centre is like higgledy-piggledy......hmm.. don't know..... anyway!)
For the crashes: I don't know how wulf tested it, but i *THINK* he made a copy of the usUS.txt and replaced it with the deDE.txt one.
<b>@Dr.Gentomate. </b>
You are right. But in Starcraft the original name of that slime was "Creep". Translating creep into german is somewhat impossible because we there is no direct translation for it. (btw. same goes for "random"). "Kriecher" is the closest you can get.
On the other hand "Infestation" is an german word as well (<a href="§Hdr=on&spellToler=&search=infestation" target="_blank">look here</a>)
BThe other translations sound more appropriate like "Befall" or "Verseuchung" but they are not that close to the original....I am not sure what we could use here.
We could go with "Hydra setzen" as well but I prefer "hydra pflanzen" as I pfefer the term "pflanzen" for all alien buldings (instead of "drop" .. because i don't "drop" a whip... I send a seed (drifter) and plant it..... in my opinion at least) but if the majority says that the aliens don't plant, I will change it, of course.
I do like your translation of "Piercing" to "Panzerbrechend"
What do the other think, should I change that in the next update?
<!--quoteo(post=1862788:date=Jul 23 2011, 08:53 PM:name=wacko)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (wacko @ Jul 23 2011, 08:53 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1862788"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->yes so the way this works is you add a language txt file to the gamestrings folder(I would just copy enUS.txt) and name is the fourCC of your locale in this case for say arabic it would be arSA.txt then in game_setup.xml you will see the other locales you need to add your locale their so the game knows to load it then restart the game bring up the console(yea i know its lame but we have not redone the main menu yet :P) and type option locale arSA and then reload the game and you will see your new text... DO NOT OVERRIDE the enUS.txt locale file :P<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I could have used a costum filename (like deDE_shilorious.txt). But since we already have deDE in the game_setup.xml, I just have backed up (you missed that part XD) and overwritten the original deDE.txt. Then I typed "option locale deDE" in the game console and restarted the game. Maybe changing enUS.txt makes the game crash.
edit: And if UNIX style line endings really are a problem, maybe you have to put a semicolon at the end of each line (that's another way to seperate commands in lua, but semicolon + new line works as well)
In World of Warcraft I've created several addons (in Lua) and a Unix line ending was never a problem for the Lua parser so I don't know if the parser has been changed here. I've mentioned the UTF-8+BOM encoding and the line endings in my post above, because this is how my file differs from the default one.
Beeing german myself and having lived in england for 2 years i would love helping with this thread, because NS2 is an awsome game and lots of germans are playing it already but more of them will :).
So here are just some thoughts i had while reading:
I tried to translate in the context of NS2
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->english<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->--->german
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->swipe<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=hieb
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->armory<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=Waffenkammer,Ruestkammer,Arsenal
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->sentry turret<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->= Geschuetz, Selbstschussanlage
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->splashdamage<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=gebietsschaden
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->harvester<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=Ernter
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->shift<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=ändern, verändern
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->mature<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=voll entwickeln, entwickeln, weiter entwickeln
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->piercing<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=durchbohren
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->power node<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->= Energieknoten, Stromkasten, Energiekasten
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->phasegate<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->= Teleporter,Raumtor
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->leap(killing leap)<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=todessprung(like rapiers do),vorsprung(would be a funny play of words)
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->hive<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->= (Bienenstock)/Alienstock, so technically it would be Stock, or Schwarmstock
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->Hive Commander<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->: Hive mind/ Schwarmdenken
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->infestation<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->:befall,verseuchung,plage (Im for verseuchung)
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->swarm<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=schwarm
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->to drop a hydra<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=hydra setzen,hydra pflanzen
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><span style="color:#FFFF00"><!--/coloro-->ARK deploy/undeploy<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->=ARK aufbauen/abbauen
I just tested it with your file and it makes my game crash, too.
After opening it in Notepad++ and activating the Lua view I found the error:
SHOTGUN_TECH_TOOLTIP is missing a ". Insert it and it and it works.