ENSL NA Div 1 Finals (Nexzil v All-In), Jan 27th, 2013
ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow

The ENSL NA Division 1 Finals match between Nexzil and All-In will be ocurring tomorrow (Jan 27th, 2013) at 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST.
Bracket: <a href="http://www.ensl.org/contests/139" target="_blank">http://www.ensl.org/contests/139</a>
Stream: <a href="http://www.twitch.tv/naturalselection2" target="_blank">http://www.twitch.tv/naturalselection2</a>
Bracket: <a href="http://www.ensl.org/contests/139" target="_blank">http://www.ensl.org/contests/139</a>
Stream: <a href="http://www.twitch.tv/naturalselection2" target="_blank">http://www.twitch.tv/naturalselection2</a>
Regardless, I'm amped for this match and will definitely be watching.
Good luck to both teams!
Regardless, I'm amped for this match and will definitely be watching.
Good luck to both teams!<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
When I read this it was past midnight and I didn't realize it lol. I kept looking at the date on my clock and it never clicked that, hey, its past midnight idiot.
Also, if you want to watch from nexzil's commander's view, here's the link: <a href="http://www.twitch.tv/virsoul" target="_blank">http://www.twitch.tv/virsoul</a>
<a href="http://www.twitch.tv/naturalselection2/b/361442989" target="_blank">http://www.twitch.tv/naturalselection2/b/361442989</a>
<a href="http://www.twitch.tv/naturalselection2/b/361451407" target="_blank">http://www.twitch.tv/naturalselection2/b/361451407</a>
<a href="http://www.twitch.tv/naturalselection2/b/361460397" target="_blank">http://www.twitch.tv/naturalselection2/b/361460397</a>
All 5 alien wins: wow, how balanced this game is :)
More importantly though: I've seen better, more strategic, play in pubs. With 1-2 rookies each side. I bet the champions would be destroyed if they dared to play a game against a few random pubbers, including at least 1 rookie, on a UWE official server.
Three failed ARC rushes... says it all for me.
I hope they improve their game before visiting the public servers, or they'll get severely pwnt.
Disgusted with the poor level of play on the competitive scene.
But yeah Nexzil failing each ARC push on Tram and not changing their strategy was really painful to watch.
1) Quality of play from both teams was very poor.
2) Shockingly bad repeat failed pushes and constant death of higher lifeforms.
3) All-In can't aim worth a damn as marines.
4) Seconding the point someone made above that aliens won 5-0.
<b>5) Nexzil won not by skill or playing better, but simply because the order of play had them as aliens on the last game.</b>
I'm taking notes.
Just because the comp scene exists doesn't mean they are necessarily the best players, and I think this matchup showed that perfectly.
Just because the comp scene exists doesn't mean they are necessarily the best players, and I think this matchup showed that perfectly.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
While there are a few people that are better players than the comp players (I play with a few guys that are high level fps players from other comp games, for example), odds are they are far superior to nearly any other player you can think of from pubs, if not in mechanics, than in understanding the strategies/tactics/positioning of the game
Just because the comp scene exists doesn't mean they are necessarily the best players, and I think this matchup showed that perfectly.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
As a commander of the weaker team, I'm probably the weakest field player in the entire scrim. Every single field player there is probably better than me.
That said, I normally get ratios like 30 kills / 3 deaths in ######ty pubs. I have no doubt in my mind that every single player in that scrim could go 50-0 in a normal pub as an alien.
The reason why it seems like All-In marines cannot aim is because they're going against the best aliens in NA. Edakulous is the most notorious for being an aim-botter, capable of easily carrying a 12v12 marine team. And he's not even our best player.
I certainly didn't feel like I watched anything groundbreaking in terms of strategy or tactics. Like I mentioned, it felt like the order of play determined the winner. On the contrary, I definitely saw some stuff that was embarrassing and hard to watch like the multiple failed arc pushes from nexzil in the 4th game and then the terrible last game from all-in.
If they are such masters of strategy, why didn't they execute anything amazing? The closest thing to that was the camo rush cheese, but I've seen that many times before in pubs. Let's be honest, the strategy element of NS2 is pretty lacking.
Shino: Edak is only notorious because he is 1) part of a comp team and 2) he streams. His aim is very good but not top level imo. Anyway, respect for trying. Your team did better than I expected. If I was you I'd feel pretty cheated I had to play as marines in that last game though. Also noone can singlehandedly carry a 12v12 team unless the other team is absolutely terrible. You might see such a thing happen once or twice, but not enough to claim that it's easy.
What strategies? It's so shallow
I'm taking notes.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yeah, with those suicide bile bombers, camo rush, and sentries, you literally are taking notes from pubbers ;)
The best part was the suicide bile bombs almost worked, the camo rush did work, and the sentries would have worked had all-in been able to aim and position better. This match really highlighted for me how overblown the difference between comp and pub is. Sure it gets talked up to huge levels, but really the only difference is slightly better aim and organization.
All 5 alien wins: wow, how balanced this game is :)
More importantly though: I've seen better, more strategic, play in pubs. With 1-2 rookies each side. I bet the champions would be destroyed if they dared to play a game against a few random pubbers, including at least 1 rookie, on a UWE official server.
Three failed ARC rushes... says it all for me.
I hope they improve their game before visiting the public servers, or they'll get severely pwnt.
Disgusted with the poor level of play on the competitive scene.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'd love to see you get 6 and play either nxzl or all-in. I doubt you understand that strategies aren't as 'wild' in competitive play due to every res node usually being a battle to take and hold. Pub games don't see rez nodes getting chewed a lot, so rez is abundant for weird strats that cost a lot of rez. When your trying to hold onto 2 rez nodes as marines a stunning strategy is the last thing on your mind.
Comments like these just show your ignorance to the difference between pub and competitive strategies.