Skill, Level, and official and nonofficial servers.
Lithuania Join Date: 2013-12-31 Member: 191180Members, Reinforced - Shadow

1) Is skill level update exactly after match or after some time?
2)I need to play for both marines and aliens to update skill level? Or i can just play one match as marine and grow up?
3)Is ALL servers in list allow me to gain Xp to increase skill level? If not - how to understand where is OFFicial servers???
Just a question... I done my best with 46/11 K/D ratio as marine and winner. But no update on Hive...
2)I need to play for both marines and aliens to update skill level? Or i can just play one match as marine and grow up?
3)Is ALL servers in list allow me to gain Xp to increase skill level? If not - how to understand where is OFFicial servers???
Just a question... I done my best with 46/11 K/D ratio as marine and winner. But no update on Hive...
It's an unfinished system that wasn't supposed to go live yet. The numbers are meaningless and you should not care about them in the slightest.
+ See here for the whitelist:
How could it possibly be finished.... You get more points farming rookie servers than you do beating Godar or Snails. If that doesn't qualify as "unfinished," then I don't think anything does.
I really wouldn't blame that on the scoring system. scoring is kinda pointless. ths community isn't that big, play enough, and you know where you fall in it... generally speaking of course.
Just look at this thread. Ridiculous and avoidable (not blaming the op here).
Timestamps yo.
But moving it from the menu is still only half the story. Frankly I don't think the website should show any players who haven't logged into hive and checked a box to say 'make me visible.' That way, anyone who cares about stats can see their stats, so no-one loses out, but it completely gets around the whole rookie farming issue.
But anyway, what gorgeous said is my take on the matter.
Your skill factor is now 231.02 Neemh.
(yes sarcasm)
And?) I know) It should be different coz for example i win game as marine in *Russia 5* server 1 day ago (and did it good with highest k/d and score ratio from all my previous games.). For example this player have got experience from Russia 5 server. Why i am not?) I am dissapointed.. T__T"
Rant's just mad her 800 skill dropped 300 points after scrimming so many times over the last week. :P
It's hilarious anyway that a lot of the players in the top20 play on UWE Officials most of the time.
eh, let's give it a little credit, if you pub at all, it can probably be counted on to get you in the right quartile?
Nope, because it only uses your last 20 games in the calculation. If you play a lot of comp games and don't put some pub stomps in between them, your score will go through the floor. The ONLY way to get high 'skill' at the minute is to pub stomp.
I just wanted to say that the actual skill system is indeed tracking skill but probably not the kind of skill that most people would think of.
It's basically not too much about the KD ratio but more about how much kills or score you can make per minute. And ist NOT easy to get scores like 1300, 1400 or above. Actually that was more easy a few weeks ago where I was getting scores with 2000 etc. I think 2800 was the top. But I guess something in the system was changed. So go ahead and try to stomp pubs like you say and get high scores. You probably wont succeed because you need like 3 kills per minute to get such scores. And indeed to get those kills you better not lose you lifeform or shotgun.
The skill tracks how efficient you kill and of course its easier to kill rookies. Also the skill system plays quite in my hand as I do not play competitive but only pub.
A few days ago I played my first gather and as the server was whitelisted ( didn't know
I myself would love a skillsystem that gives you points based on opponents so you can really compare your skill and don't have to stomp pubs. I don't think thats gonna happen as it's not easy to implement it. You will always have problems distinguishing public and competitive.
Maybe one should be able to decide if the round gets tracked at the start of it. Dunno if that would help though.
Greetings Nick
P.S. My nick was already taken in this Forum