Bring back the NS2 Large on the default server list

LuminarLuminar Join Date: 2006-11-10 Member: 58521Members
Wooza's servers arent being displayed by default which has resulted in a complete killing of traffic. This is absolute bull crap. Fix it UWE! You guys have killed a bustling server community that was always full.


  • TibbsTibbs Join Date: 2013-02-10 Member: 182965Members, Reinforced - Supporter
  • The_Welsh_WizardThe_Welsh_Wizard Join Date: 2013-09-10 Member: 188101Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Tibbs wrote: »

    This would not fix the problem that all other mods would be invisible in the server browser.
  • CalegoCalego Join Date: 2013-01-24 Member: 181848Members, NS2 Map Tester
    The best fix for this would be to preserve filters between sessions, assuming this was yet another change targeted at ensuring that rookies find the most 'vanilla'ish experience.

    More veteran players just click "all" then that's that, one and done.
  • IeptBarakatIeptBarakat The most difficult name to speak ingame. Join Date: 2009-07-10 Member: 68107Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow
    I think this could be fixed by making all modded servers (including ns2+ and shine) hidden by default so only true vanilla servers show up when you start the game. :trollface:
    So players only see like one or two servers.
  • BicsumBicsum Join Date: 2012-02-27 Member: 147596Members, Reinforced - Gold
    Tibbs wrote: »
    While we still officially recommend 24 player max count servers and feel that technically this is the safest maximum to keep performance in tune, we are going to run an experiment over the next week or so to remove the hard limit and allow server ops to set their servers to whatever player count they want.

    I will again say that we highly recommend that you not exceed 24 players as there is an entity limit in this game and with each additional player you run severe risks to performance and or game stability.

    What are you trying to achieve with this experiment?

    The way I see it, >24 slot server hosters will change the game mode tag back to ns2, and with the removal of the hard limit, you are officially supporting >24 slot servers as ns2.

    Do you intend this?
  • develdevel Join Date: 2014-09-13 Member: 198444Members
    Just need a bit of work on the UI to make it obvious that there are mods. Other games do it somehow: big buttons, descriptive images, etc.
  • _INTER__INTER_ Join Date: 2009-08-08 Member: 68392Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited April 2016
    A very good change. I love this cleaned up server browser.
  • 2cough2cough Rocky Mountain High Join Date: 2013-03-14 Member: 183952Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    are there even any vanilla servers out there?
  • BicsumBicsum Join Date: 2012-02-27 Member: 147596Members, Reinforced - Gold
    edited April 2016
    2cough wrote: »
    are there even any vanilla servers out there?

    It's not really about being modded or not. It really just depends on the mods "game_setup.xml"s name tag, which you can change to whatever you like. If you change it to ns2, you'll be listed on the default page. Someone correct me, if I'm wrong.
  • WakeWake Join Date: 2003-03-05 Member: 14351Members, Constellation
    Gee, I was wondering why wOoZa was down ...
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    Popup vs hidden mods, something doesn't add up here :D

    You're tearing me apart Beige
  • kaokao france Join Date: 2015-12-20 Member: 210122Members
    BeigeAlert wrote: »
    This is done so that new players actually get to experience NS2 as it was intended.

    You mean , force rookies to play the soo-boring-6v6 vanilla game while this community have soo much fun with moded servers you try to hide ? Players retention you said ...
  • deathshrouddeathshroud Join Date: 2010-04-10 Member: 71291Members
    edited April 2016
    if it wasnt for the modded servers ns2 would have died by now. If a player is to stupid to read the pop up message that appears when they join a higher player pop server for the first time then they are probably going to be to stupid to grasp the basics of the game anyway.
  • cooliticcoolitic Right behind you Join Date: 2013-04-02 Member: 184609Members
    edited April 2016
    kao wrote: »

    You mean , force rookies to play the soo-boring-6v6 vanilla game while this community have soo much fun with moded servers you try to hide ? Players retention you said ...

    That "soo-boring-6v6" game you are talking about is the one that is being advertised to newcomers and is more-or-less what they are initially expecting. I'm fine with Woozas as a server and all, but you are taking a very defensive "us vs them" view on everything.
  • BeigeAlertBeigeAlert Texas Join Date: 2013-08-08 Member: 186657Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, Pistachionauts
    edited April 2016
    kao wrote: »

    You mean , force rookies to play the soo-boring-6v6 vanilla game while this community have soo much fun with moded servers you try to hide ? Players retention you said ...

    Correct. We are forcing them to not be misinformed.

    Also guys, keep in mind pretty much every server in ns2 has mods on it. These servers are not affected by the filter. The filter works based on the game mode that the server is running (eg ns2, ns2Large, gunGame, etc). It's got nothing to do with server mods.
  • kaokao france Join Date: 2015-12-20 Member: 210122Members
    edited April 2016
    coolitic wrote: »
    I'm fine with Woozas as a server and all, but you are taking a very defensive "us vs them" view on everything.

    We feel soo special .
  • deathshrouddeathshroud Join Date: 2010-04-10 Member: 71291Members
    edited April 2016
    if the devs believe the lack of a player base is the fault of large servers then they are wrong. Infact i would like to see what sort of thought and research went into deciding that 42 player servers were actually hurting the games retention rate because as far as i can tell there has been no research into it.

    Granted large pop servers require more pc output, i play on them at low graphics but then i play on low graphics no matter the server i am on. Other than performance though i see no major issues with larger servers other than they give new players more room to grow and make mistakes without it impacting the whole teams chances of winning.

    the warning made sure that they were not "misinformed", beyond that you are actually taking away from their own ability to make decisions. This is to far imo.
  • PelargirPelargir Join Date: 2013-07-02 Member: 185857Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, WC 2013 - Silver, Forum staff
    I second @Kouji_San here. A pop up saying this game does not represent vanilla experience as we designed it or anything else along those lines would've done the trick (although people might wonder why you're keeping them up if that's really an issue, enough of an issue to advertise against it). You could even have done something à la NS2+, highlighting in different colors modded and large servers in addition to this pop up to make sure people don't get confused. I mean, really, you see this server in orange, you try to join it and you find this little pop up on your screen, I think that's clear enough, isn't it? You picked another solution, exclude them from the default server browser. Some might say it's only a click away but I doubt rookies or even players in overall decide to switch NS2 to ALL. If people don't read pops up, what makes you think they'll press more buttons then? Not talking about the fact the NS2 denomination in the server browser is kind of confusing and blurry, are other game modes not NS2?

    I fully agree with the will of getting rookies starting their first steps on vanilla (including NS2+) servers. But there are appropriate ways to achieve this. This reasoning really makes no sense. All it does is attempting to figure out how affected modded and large servers will be - a test, basically. As for modded servers, how many are usually full and driving rookies into a wrong choice of server? So yes, I'd say this change aims more for large servers than other modded servers. I'd like the result of this test though in the next weeks, to figure out whether this was worth it or not.
  • jrgnjrgn Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58289Members
    This is just another debate about nothing at all in reality.

    1. This will not affect the number of players on woozas because people will find them anyway, if that is not possible then i don't know know how they manage to dress in the morning.
    2. The discussion about woozas role in this community has made it more important for some than the ac. It has become a question of politics and prestige and i think that is a waste of energy far from the whole purpose of having fun games, which i believe 32 player game s can be (not 42 ;))
    3. These raging discussions is only here because the playerbase is dwindling and that makes people express their feeling about this in this way. Please stop doing that, it is immature and just deal with this fact.
    4. The fact that every tiny change is so heavily critized is probably an important reason that this game has stopped (almost) developing. To me, natural selection games has always been about experimentation and change.
  • zoljazolja Join Date: 2003-06-06 Member: 17057Members
    Another example of trying to "fix" something that isn't broken.
  • woozawooza Switzerland Join Date: 2013-11-21 Member: 189496Members, Squad Five Blue
    BeigeAlert wrote: »

    This. A million times this.

    Guys, we will never ever make any changes to this game solely to ruin a community. We don't "have it in" for anybody, we're not picking on the little guys here.
    Every single change we have made to the game since November has been with the express purpose of improving the new player experience. That's it.
    We're not shutting down Woozas, or any other server. We're not going out of our way to make it especially difficult to increase the player count. All we've done is change the default filter to the regular sized ns2 servers. This is done so that new players actually get to experience NS2 as it was intended.
    Maybe you like the large servers. Good for you. But that is not how NS2 was intended to be played. It's not what the game was balanced for, it's not in any way indicative of how the game was meant to perform, and because of all this it CERTAINLY cannot be the first thing a new player experiences.

    You ruined a community with a little change, now stay to what you have done.

    You are hidding us from the server browser and trying to make people believe that new players got lost in modded servers, how silly is that. Can you provide any proof about rookies leaving the game so quick because they land on a Faded, Last Stand or Siege server?

    Second: You hide Favorite Servers from the default view in the server browser (When they run another game mode). People believe that my servers are offline since the day you introduce. It is a drastic design error you have done and again, by purpose to shut down or community, slowly but precisely.

    "We're not shutting down Woozas". Of course not. This would be too obvious. You do it slowly so we can't do anything against.
    MoFo1 wrote: »
    If people wanted to play ns2large nothing is stopping them. If this change really killed all traffic to woozas then that tells me that the majority of people playing there are NOT there for the ns2large gameplay.. They are there because your ns2large server had open slots and the other lower pop servers didn't.

    Maybe people found out now that the server also had a lot of people you randomly joined a server. They did not cared about size, community or mod, they were looking for a slot. Now you keep hiding the server for those people.

    The result of day one: . Now I would like to hear an argument that support the view of the other side. You reached what you intend to do: Not killing my community directly but slowly, over time.

    If it contine like this we will shut down the server and bring everyone to write a negative Steam Review and tell the world what had been going on. The only way UWE can't edit or delete our posts.
  • develdevel Join Date: 2014-09-13 Member: 198444Members
    ns2large ideally needs a separate MMR, but we don't have enough data. Dota 10v10, for example, is clearly separated in all important senses from the classic.
  • SupaDupaNoodleSupaDupaNoodle Join Date: 2003-01-12 Member: 12232Members
    Why aren't all the servers listed on the "All servers" tab?
This discussion has been closed.