Multiplayer Mod Update
Join Date: 2017-06-04 Member: 230946Members
Hello Everyone,
You may have saw the multiplayer mod that I have been working on in a previous thread, if not, then here is the link:

I wanted to provide an update on some of the things that I've been working on. Here are a few new videos for your viewing.
Item Syncing:
Base Building:
As stated in the previous thread, I'm interested in collaborating with other programmers. Feel free to shoot me an im to discuss the project.
You may have saw the multiplayer mod that I have been working on in a previous thread, if not, then here is the link:

I wanted to provide an update on some of the things that I've been working on. Here are a few new videos for your viewing.
Item Syncing:

Base Building:

As stated in the previous thread, I'm interested in collaborating with other programmers. Feel free to shoot me an im to discuss the project.
EDIT: For those curious, the github referenced later in this thread can be found below; the how-to setup instructions are after that.
Get started how-to, pulled from here:
EDIT2: Also, the Subnautica Modding Discord Server is here:
Like I think a lot of people here, I would love multiplayer Subnautica to be a thing, but I also don't want the devs to spend however many years of development time making it a thing. This seems like the perfect solution. ^_^
What's the next step ? Skin ?
"If you want multiplayer program it yourself"
And you did just that
It look like the game knows that a building has been done, should not be really harder to see in progress building (and maybe complete it)
Yes, my mod will send an update to players each time a resource is used when constructing. Players can finish constructing partially constructed entities.
I was wondering about beacons and signals; Will it be also sync ?
I dropped a beacon at the lost river entrance, will my friend see it ?
Maybe need a color per player, I would be red, my friend orange. We could easily tell who place that beacons. And identified which seamoth too.
This works well if players work cooperatively, BUT what if they don't? What if your friends are butt-heads that de-construct your stuff for the resources? Or go into your base and raid your storage cabinets? Have you considered anything to prevent this type of thing, some type of security? Perhaps adding a number-pad at your hatch so that only people with the correct access code can enter. Of course then they could just add their own hatch to your base and still get in.
You can't always assume cooperative play, some security needs to be put in place to prevent butt-heads from doing butt-headed things!
And yes, good work sir. Well done!
...then they aren't your friends and why are you playing with them??
The simpliest way to deal with that .. Well, play a coop games with friend not butt-heads ..
The mod (probably) won't go toward open public server but rather private ip-connected server (whitelisted ? or Steam friend list) - Yes, someone could still create and publicly share his server.
But if people insist and/or @Sunrunner thinks it's necessary, I would (re)suggest : Player color-coded.
I would be blue and invite my friend A to join my blue team. Player B & C being in red team.
We could still cooperate in every ways except creating and using other team's bases.
Still, that's a lot to do and I think there is better stuff to do first.
This already brings ideas for future modes:
-Competitive: First team to complete an objective wins, like leaving the planet
-Et tu, Brutus?: Single team, but only one survivor. Make it so no one discovers your hand at the deed
and some more. This mod is barely walking, and the possibilities are simply coming!
@Sunrunner, look at what you have spawned!!!
If it works on lan, it most likely works on a public ip too.
(also hamachi ._.)
ᵖᶠ ᶠᵒʳ ˡʸᶠᵉ
Don't dis himatchi, If it wasn't for that then my minecraft and terraria.....
Oh god
Also not LAN stands for local area network, basicly a network that would use the same wifi. The IP is the registered address of the WiFi router, if I remember secondly school computing correctly
Beacons will be shared between players. They are not currently colored but we can think about doing that.
Honestly, I have not put any thought into none-cooperative play at this time. The mod is really meant for tight-knight groups to play together. However, that does not mean that we can't add the concept of item ownership and cooperative server configurations later.
All of the videos are shot with two players over the internet. No Himatchi required
I guess the mod is used on the latest stable version.
How much work is there to be use on another version ?
Should it be the next stable (21 June) or to go in experimental.
I have a friend who needs to work with basic software engineering, and talking with him, I'm convinced that what makes computers tick, all of them, is pure and simple black magic
So, that means @Sunrunner is a Warlock or something like that?
I've run into similar things. Usually it's some sort of nonprinting character from a bad copy/paste (microsoft word and many websites put weird characters in sometimes) or accidentally holding shift while pressing space or enter.
IMHO, the real black magic comes in with signal processing. Reading up on how the radio in a wireless router or LTE device works makes my head hurt.
Anyways, obligatory quote whenever this topic comes up:
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
-Arthur C. Clarke
not to be a nerd but is a loopback, you tell your friend to join your server at, but you can tell him to join 23.82.590.29 (plus whatever port forward you have if needed)
also @Sunrunner would this mod work with IPv6 or with DNS lookup?
@Sunrunner This is awesome! Thank you for making this work!
Both just cause 2 and 3 had community made multiplayer mods, and they were pretty successful.
Also the whole thing is in development and the isn't really a player model available to replace the back blob (the current one has no head or spin animations)
More single player games with multiplayer mods.
Fallout 3
Fallout NV
Karbal space program
Actually, the Dev's have said several times, that They are emphatically NOT doing it.
They said countless times : No multiplayer.
There is a pinned post about .. you guess it : NO MULTIPLAYER
Here we have @Sunrunner who is making a free mod, for all of us to enjoy - obviously, there is a risk to have bugs due to the mod ... not like there is any bug-free game