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  • Since you've implemented comander knowledge and auto comunication through HUD, Just take it a bit further and remove the need for a mini map. The info gained by pros via the mini map is really what rookies are missing...

    Just remove the …
  • A complete energy drain would slow aliens down vastly without the health changes to them. Slowing down the progress of them destorying the phase gate and higher lifeforms ability to fight multiple marines.
  • 3k players on pubs usually have 130+ping and use the advantage of lag. Such players will rule the ground they walk. People speak about limiting high skill, then just limit high ping...

    A 2k player with a 130 > a 2k player with 80. How…
  • well written, but weak Reasoning for killing a game... or "allow die"

    The reputation of development from UWE hasn't really earned a great deal of respect...from the history, they will do in their next game's life cycle just the same as N…
  • weak sauce...

    Have fun with your Pay to Smug.
  • You're atrocious and I will not forgive you.
  • Do you want an ASL translation?
  • Netcode is an issue, but that's up to server admins...

    Population of the game does hinder their resolve, but it would be nice to occasionally avoide the high pingers.

    Let me take a step back, It would be really nice to not pl…
  • I was playing yesturday and had to blurt out..."WTF[udge] are they teaching rookies in training"

    Do the tutorials really waste their time without speaking about situational awareness?

    I'm curious because there's major game pr…
  • There's a good deal of stack-age that goes on, and I'm not sure of servers with spectator slots....

    Should they be white listed for the hive? I don't think so...

    I'm certain ghosting has located me at times; it is the uncerta…
  • Crosshair mods seem just as custom to me. By comparison of what others think, they would have more effect

    but I know this is not part of consistancy checking.
    Since, I would only want to use a skin already in use (default, deluxe, …
  • Everything depends on server administrators.

    Get rid of the hive and learn to use server admins with respect.

    Does UWE keep this game running, or do server admins... Such is the case and state of this game.

  • The difference of playing between infestation and minimal infestation is huge. To improve it...maybe you can.
  • As a pub player who stays 1000-1500 who has 3k rounds on hive and near 100more wins than losses : the hive scores are worthless.

    Scrap it all, because they just promote smurfs. When considering the price drop and the skin market::: I jus…
  • Could model swaps of new skins to old skins past consistency checking for a client side mod?

    I'm not trying to make everyone neon glow or anything; I'm just trying to make them easier to see by selection of original skins.
  • Most notable are the ability to see things that you shouldn't be able to see.

    I thought the vision around harvesters was not a bug, that's sad.

    The ability to see aliens behind you is worse. Makes the shade a bit less fun.
  • (Quote)
    Skin advantages? Oh my! no! because others don't have an opinion on this.
  • What's control key do for you? I use custom keys.
  • First you gotta tell them that you can't sneak up on anyone at all. As sad as that sounds. radar reveils too much for targets behind the marine. Or am I wrong?
  • To mention the AUS players moveablility without mentioning the ping problem for making contact with players is kinda upsetting...

    Being the pub player that I am:

    It's very easy for me to see the effects of low pings and high …
  • Half truths...only half

    They added to the shadow skulk skin so that they could continue to sell the shadow skulk skin at a reasonable price.

    The extreamely high goal for reinforcement was the "duh" cue for such occuring.
  • Not everyone is terrible at customer service, IronHorse...
    I agree with others that a cm is just a handjob. It's that annoying voice, it's the mimic of $.
    Just watch Clerks...a movie of customer service. That's worth watching.
    Let …
  • Any mod to NS2 from vanilla should not be whitelisted...... Just a statement to prove a point.

    With the varried degrees of opinions, the only ones that really count, will be the new players. Too bad the line between fairness and unfair w…
  • I thought it was cool to allow my friend to play on my NS2,
    He could go green after changing names...

    I would be behind him schooling him...
    It was quite obvious that with my instruction, he was above rookie status.

  • This is kinda unrelated, but the comp scene did kill the pub scene. Part of it was getting players to join 3rd party chat programs instead of leaving them inside their server. Such dried up admins and the personalize flavor that can grow on players …
  • PDT will learn plenty by reverse engineering their mods.

    How many of you just lost your cool over this?
    I for one am eating popcorn and smirking my butt off.
    I don't think I can explain it, but if you know me and the similari…
  • I'd get sick of modding for a game that sells skins too.

    I'd get sick of a game using mods to fluff their game.

    I do think ns2+ limits modders and a sense of unity in this broken community.

    Such seems stupid consi…
  • So we have someone else other than UWE to thank for all the hard work?

    Such is bad, that UWE has be soaking up all the Donation money for other people's work...

    Vanilla? please. This isn't vanilla, this is the game!…
  • From what I've gathered... It has to do with money...work...and respect. Mostly that last one IMO.

    This isn't vanilla though. JS.

    Vanilla is what you should be using to describe NS2 before reinforcement or gorgeous. JS JS.