Really easy thing to do....look at this TSF marine training between two rounds ! -
This. -
Just freaking awesome !!!
...So much thanks community devs....YOU ROCK -
Key dropped in your MP box. Let me know if it is not working.
Btw, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one to have an extra NS2 key thanxs to the humble bundle sold. How many of them do you need ? -
Got a key for you from previous humble bundle. I will PM it to you tonight ^^
Snails : making every opposing team concede since 2013....
(Quote) So the title of your thread and your OP are not clear. At all.
Please edit them so your point becomes obvious...
I day I soloed 2 lerks and a fade with the same shotgun clip. I apologized to those rookies and left the server… -
This. 100x this.
(Quote) Of course you are right ^^. This is why I love that game. Based around teamplay and splitting tasks among players in your team. And when everyone fully understands what to do, even a lost game is a beautiful game
in Level and skill number Comment by Aconit December 2013
We all argee to say taht skill number in its actual state obviously rewards noob farming.
But I think the K/D ratio must be part of the skill number, especially as a marine or higher lifeforms : A marine who stays alive and get kills wit… -
Juste wanted to say : bienvenue NJNaoned !
Best 1st post I've seen on the forum for ages. Fresh blood and valuable opinions, thanxs for thatin My point of view as a new player and as a veteran esport gamer Comment by Aconit December 2013
I agree with your last post, Obraxis and GORGEous. Banning for something else than PROVED cheating is dumb. Even more without warn....Bad server is bad...
On the other hand, being capable of warping an entire server on your own and effec… -
Okay, "farming kills" was not the best expression. My point is : you had 13 min and 70 kills to realise you were crushing the opposing team on your own. Don't see the issue ?
I don't understand why you stayed on the server. Basicaly you … -
(Quote) Do you realize you were not baned because of your skill, but because you used it to farm kills ?
While I don't agree with the 2nd part of your sentence, I really think you got a point : people must stop foscus on comp/tagged players. If the skill difference is big enough, every player can completely ruin a game.
Th… -
Just my 2 cents :
When you are playing against a team of bad players as an alien, you don't go fade to stomp them even more. Stay skulk, or go gorge. It's even more fun and challenging.
Wen you play as a marine against bad al… -
Told them to use ELO random !
Damn unbalanced pub plays !
^^ GGs to both teams, however it was just sad games weren't more disputed... -
IMAO Cysts are fine.
The only thing that bothers me is the redundant anti-spam features :
_ red circle of death
_ super low life when dropped
(Quote) So basicaly you are telling us that mucous membrane nerf only affects competitive play, not pub. So what the hell is your problem with the nerf ????
Thanks Neoken, it is always enjoyable to have more gameplay to watch ^^
Had the laggy mouse sensitivity issue, made the game unplayable for me :
Seems to run ok if you turn off your custom crosshair mod ! -
I just did 3 games in 249b, some great changes I noticed :
•From 70 FPS early game back in 248. 80 FPS now !!!
• No lags during fights, even on the infestation (crags + shift + shade + hive + ennemies). No performance d…