Anyone pick up on the fact that the upper and lower front canines are perfectly in line and would prevent it from ever closing its mouth. Which it also wouldn't be capable of because it doesn't have a joint between the mandible and the skull.
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Reefbacks being related to Gasopods is not likely. The data bank states that the resemblances between the two are purely visual, the glands themselves are for a completely purpose. There's also the fact that the Reefback is an invertebrate whilst th…
No because I made mine after talking to the devs about this. This is the first time I've used this forum in over a year so I've never seen your thread before.
Proof if you need it: in Potential ILZ corridor from the Mountains biome directly to the ILZ, and the red artifact. Comment by BIPPITY July 2017 -
Gating the bases doesn't remove much of the exploration part.
You can still go to any biome you want to, you just can't go to the bases in any order you want. And why should you be able to do that when it just makes you miss story. Why should … -
This comment was an accident
(Quote) The point of possibly introducing the red key is to attempt to stop having purple be almost everything.
Also I don't see how adding a warp gate directly to the DRF is somehow less linear than making you need to go there to find the … -
I was going off of what we had been told at the time. -
Hello there Defective Dolphin, with the secret Discord knowledge.
it's probably a relative of the Jellyray and Rabbitray which both have highly toxic flesh, so I very much doubt we can eat it as it is probably toxic too. -
I very much doubt it. -
Probably a relative of the Jellyray seeing as the Rabbitray and the Jellyray are related, Hopefully we get a big Ray family eventually
in New creature model for those who have not yet seen it. Comment by BIPPITY April 2016
the Emperors prison is located at 200, -1440, -222
it's just an empty hole right now though. -
I'm fairly sure somewhere it said that the ones on the island are a closely related species and not just giant Floaters.
hey Awesomecrunch I just found your YouTube channel and the video you made based on the info you saw here
They're both going to be in the game don't worry, If the Emperor were being replaced it wouldnt be on the roadmap anymore.(Quote)
The Sea Treader is planned to be implemented in March, the update after farming.(Quote)
Where are you...?
I'll have to check that place out later, which set of coords do I use to warp? I forgot.You're missing tree mushrooms from the mushroom forests and tree leeches, a small circular purple/pink circle that sticks on the mushroom trees.(Quote)
Neither did I, But hey story is looking good.(Quote)
that is huge ship for 101 people...
CUTEFISHseriously how do I delete this post? I only see an edit button.I'm certain that this was an error.the exosuit model was there but you could not move whilst inside it, it was literally a fancy bench.
CutefishStill here because i cant find the delete post button, look at the post below instead.(Quote)
The Male character probably has wider shoulders and is just differently proportioned in general, using the same animations would not turn out well.
Charlie Flayra said on his twitter that its because in Subnautica you aren't supposed to go around destroying everything, hence the lack of lethal weapons and the Terraformer is literally a destroy everything tool.