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NS2 has few system balance issues, like PowerNode thing and NoRequirements Onos Train. I put a lot of effort to make as many strategic routes viable as po… -
Phew. Patch 2.3: "Combat Evolutions"
-Celerity is active under fire and set to 20%.
-Regeneration is active under fire and numbers readjusted.
-Camouflage - nerfed Observatory detection radius by 33% and scan… -
I like 240 camo change too. But it still needs some love. And I've got some. -
I have a balanced solution for this, don't worry. Need to test it now. -
Okay, now step away from my laptopThat's what I wanted to do at the beginning, but got distracted by other th…
Be polite and constructive @ get called a spam bot.
Thank you. I find all of your points attractive and fitting. I'm gonna continue modding right away. -
Thanks for valuable info. I didn't know some of those points. I'll look into it!
You mentioned Celerity nerf. What do you mean? -
Regen is pretty crazy as it is. Silence/Camo? What can you improve here? Celerity/Adren are good too. I want to stay inside NS2 conception. Of course, it's possible to overhaul the whole system, but that wouldn't be NS2 then.
… -
Look carefully. Resulting armory of Aliens with Cara is the same. Basic Armor values are higher, to make carapace itself less important.
Basically it's fine. But aliens are developing too fast, so rines need some boost.
In my signature -
Hey, guys! Look at this. Several more fixed/tweaked issues.
Current version: 2.2
1. Onos requires 3 hives and cannot be dropped by Khammander. Stomp not available. Fade requires 2 hives. Fade co… -
Railgun is a cool guy. He kills those creepers in one hit
Sooo, Gorgeous is out, it's pretty cool. But modding never stops
Today I transfered mod on to build 240. And you'll … -
Lerks don't worth 30 res now. It's like a ninja in white costume having a revolver instead of kunai. Looks better, but ninja is ####ed.
Only initial acceleration got nerfed, not the overall speed.
I think of myself as an average skulk. And I don't feel any kind of increased difficulty.
Also, it feels like extractors got 20% less hp. -
Removing second CC requirement would boil things up. There will be late game, after early game immediately. And it will remove part of assymetry… -
Thanks! That's usefull.
Second. It's a single parametr change. In datatech.lua, as much as I remeber. -
When pubs get to use tunnels early, #### will get real.
Sooo, let's continue. What balance-changing stuff we got:
-Lerk smoke trails - busted.
-Gorge Tunnels are going to be gamebreaking when people get used to it.
-Railgun and claw damage. Railgun is a pretty cool guy. Claw damage and … -
I've just seen two of them killing Power Node
Probably they should be retarded for 0.33 res each. -
Like retarded kittens. I guess, we need to see AI improvments, before buffing them. They've got pretty scary stats as it is. -
They're just afraid of height. :x -
I like claw buff. Good solution.
1 entrance destroyed - everyone inside dies. -
Celerity is a transportation evo. It allows you to control map even better. Cele in combat would be too much.
Also, skulk seems to take down RT like 20% faster. For sure.