Not that anyone at UWE will give a shit, because they already got my money but
http://i.imgu… -
(Quote) Yep, which overrides sorting by ping.
Thanks for talking down to me like I'm an idiot though.
(Quote) What do you suggest I do if those servers are all full or empty(All servers seem to be one or the other.), and I don't want to play on a modded server?
The in-game full server join functionality is broken.
(Quote) 8v8 to 10v10 is the sweet spot for pubbing, any less requires people who aren't idiots/don't team stack, any more and the game becomes a fustercluck.
I did a re-install of windows after my old computer asploded, and lost all my favourites.
It doesn't help that you can't favourite a server IN game. -
(Quote) As I stated earlier.
I play on servers with the lowest ping, and 20 or less players.
My ping to the best Official server is in the 70-90 range in the browser, so add 20-40 in game.
They were exploiting, so you guys chose to remove functionality without having a replacement ready to go?
The key words there are "When they join", not "Before they join".
The reason modded servers were stigmatised is because of th… -
(Quote) I take it you've never been to a concert.
Concert T-Shirts are in the $20-40 range, for a relatively unknown band.
For a big name band like Metallica, you're looking at $50-70.
Hoodies are even more.
(Quote) I sort by ping, and join the server with the lowest ping that has 20 or less players.
Whether or not there's official servers is a moot point.
This change was poorly thought out, and there was no reason to remove the fil… -
I should make a server with the neon alien skins, you know, because modded servers aren't second class anymore.
Must server related bugs are due to mods.
Are you planning on removing the functionality on filtering rookie servers too?
I mean, they're second class servers by your standards too.
You can filter them!!!111one -
(Quote) I may as well just not play anymore then.
I hate modded servers.
Being able to filter them was a boon.
(Quote) Yeah, pretty much.
You only got kicked in CS or Quake for being an idiot.
As an addendum, obviously vote kick would only work if it was team based.
If you could kick people from the other team, it'd be dumb.
You'd just have people kicking the other team's com "for the lulz".
Kicking would als… -
If you're getting vote kicked by a large group of trollers, they did you a favour.
Also: How is that any different than a group of trollers purposely recycling everything repeatedly?
Not all servers can have an admin on 24/7.
… -
(Quote) Just like in every other game with vote kick?
In my experience people only get vote kicked if they're idiots, or team killers.
Unless there's 2 of them and they convince everyone else that "X is bad commander, I just played with them, you should eject them.", or there's 3-4 of them and they eject anyone who isn't them. -
(Quote) If fades were buffed I'd hate to see my scores, I already consistently go 4:1(If not more) as a fade until late game.
(Quote) Weekends tend to have more people of average/slightly below average skill on.
During the week it's the diehards.
You'll actually find more balanced games during the week(in my experience), than on the weekends, but you'l… -
I ran into two of them last week that kept going marines over and over again, convincing people to eject whomever wasn't them as commander, and then recycling everything.
They kept saying "Get owned scrubs.", "we own this server.", "you may as… -
(Quote) You mean like the banks that the U.S. Gov't bailed out, who then promptly gave their CEOs huge bonuses after professing poverty and that they're "Go out of business without aid."?
People who own multinational corporations don'… -
A com chair beanbag would be sweet.
You should permanently disable their copies of NS2 for cheating.
I just read Hugh's post, apparently you Hacking, Cheating and NS2 Anti-cheat Comment by Frothybeverage April 2013
Mods don't work on non-modded servers.
(Quote) You are correct.
The TA IP was owned by Cavedog Entertainent, which was a subsidiary of some other company.
Activision, I think.
It's on Wikipedia, and I can't be arsed to look it up.
Supreme Comm… -
WTB: Fade/Lerk Plushies.
This post after the gorge tunnel post has all sorts of weird connotations. -
@1080p, the text is legible.
Maybe at lower resolutions it looks worse, I don't care enough to test it.