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  • I'd have to get a new power supply too.
  • Thank you, I found a thread that deals with text size. I still have the problems with the map, minimap, and command interface. I added some images at the top of this thread to demonstrate my problem.
  • I have the exact opposite problem. I play on the lowest resolution, 640 X 480, and the text and interface graphics are all way too BIG! Check out this screenshot:
  • I am a newbie that bought the game because of the free weekend. I think giving players a free trial is risky because you have to have a very good game in order for the trial to sell more copies. I remember seeing a graph somewhere that compared the…
  • The resolution is supported. My GPU is a Radeon HD 7350 with an updated driver. I've read that this graphics card is a redesign of an older model. My CPU is fine, I have an Intel Core i5 2320, 3 Ghz.
  • I don't think the infestation graphics are necessary. Maybe they are for serious competitive matches where every piece of information is vital, but I can play without them just fine on the regular servers. You can delete the infestation graphics ent…
  • Does anyone know any more performance tricks? I have graphics set to lowest, resolution to lowest, NS2 priority set to high, and I removed the "Infestation" folder to get rid of the infestation graphics. I still get dips below 30 fps. My GPU is not …