True, I've been scouring the world for quarz like a madman, too.
Mermaid.... what about something similar to the "Merman" creature from "Cabin in the Woods"?
After it ate something blood sprayed out of those holes in it… -
This sounds like a great addition.
Wonderful, can't wait. -
Hell, it coud even fit into the story. Just add one lifepod per player randomly in the starting area. Or even farther away from eachother, so they have to fine one another at first. Also different numbers on the lifepods would be nice.
I like that idea. Could also house a creature similar to hagfish, those are typical for whale falls.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=tKTRv3hx1s0 -
I'd love to have something like this:
A deep-submergence vehicle in the likes of the deepsea challenger. With a robot arm to collect stuff without having to leave the sub.
Maybe as a costly upgrade to the Seamoth. Although it wouldn't fi… -
I love that blunderbuss idea.
"All About That Base" by Meghan Divor.
Got my layout with corridoors all done, waiting for the rooms and moon pool to arrive. -
Would only ever be needed when multiplayer gets introduced. As you never see yourself, it wouldn't really help immersion that much imo. Maybe skin tone for the hands, but that's just a minor thing.
I agree with Eks' suggestion of adding some kind of whale. I'd also enjoy a giant alien eagle ray that casts a big shadow when it "flies" above you.
in A few ideas for Fauna Comment by Han_Yolo April 2015
Can the explosion and the resulting debris damage the player's underwater base? Kinda like the idea that it at least punches holes into it and lets the base flood.