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  • heat knife, seaglide, stasis rifle, ultra air tank, rebreather, reinforced dive suit. A man on a mission, I hunt the beasts down, one by one.
  • Telepathy: you hear what you hear the easiest. Seems to me a telepathic being would cater its "voice" to the users preference, IE a peeper can understand the Emperor just as well as you can (albeit it with a limited intelligence), and I doubt a boom…
  • Hello again everyone,

    Some new thoughts occurred to me and I wanted to share. One of the frustrating things about the cyclops is the restrictive style of movement it uses. IE in order to navigate the X axis I need to turn the entire ship…
  • One of the ways I manged to get around performance problems was to press F1, and go to clip mapping and disable grass and use LQ shaders, this made the game much smoother for me, also allocated more ram to start up in steam menu, switched to SSD and…
  • With a fully upgraded Nuclear Reactor and 4 solar panels I can stabilize the water filtration machine, but it does seem to tick down at ridiculous speeds for what it is, though IMO since salt and water are so essential to the game, it's still good e…
  • Once you move it to an SSD (happening as we speak) does manually changing the RAM load for Subnautica help? I've tried to change the load settings through Steam to increase it to just under 4gb RAM allocated. Is this pointless to do for the popping/…
  • Hello,

    I would like to add my feedback as well as a recent purchaser of Subnautica. I finished the current content in about 40 hours and really enjoyed myself. Using the cyclops was similar to using an aircraft with a poor view out the c…