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Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow


  • Just my 5 cents: Server size does have some impact on this, too. Most populated servers these days (8bitgamers, Paradise, IBIS, Nuradon) are running 24 slots and result in bigger teams on both sides.

    For a new player, all lifeforms excep…
  • (Quote)
    Ok, that aligns with my vote. So, in this fictional scenario, I think the teams are balanced, which means I expect to see a swing of momentum back and forth between Marines and Aliens as tech and lifeforms progress. If exactly this…
  • (Quote)
    What data is legit for that prediction? Me, watching a game for x minutes, and then making a call who's going to win based upon my observation & what has happened on the field so far? That's how I voted.
  • (Quote)
    Thanks for streaming it - it's very much appreciated. Being able to watch the replay, reflect on the match (and also get a neutral & good commentary on it) is super valuable for us to see where we need to improve most.
  • I'll try seeding the Frankfurt one in the upcoming days - I very much enjoyed playing on it when it had games running (and I also seem to be getting a ridiculously good ping on it).

    Do you have any plans of adding spectator-only slots, t…
  • (Quote)
    With all due respect, allow me to point out a tiny contradiction in your train of thoughts.
  • First game I ever played competitively, and likely the last one - I'm getting too old to catch up. ;)

    Thank you, all…
  • (Quote)
    Competitive players did have a pretty good understanding of their enemies health prior to the health bar. Competitive games are played 6vs6 which leaves 5 players on the field, so "Onos low" usually is a very unambiguous call becau…
  • (Quote)
    Would it be possible to elaborate based on which tangible metric or measure you reflect on changes made (not just this one, but in general), or in a more blunt way: What would, hypothetically, need to happen to convince you that th…
  • Personal opinion incoming: I originally didn't expect too much of an 'advantage' from seeing the health bars as a marine, but I'll revise my opinion after some games during the past few days. I think I'm an average player (for my playtime), and I've…
  • (Quote)
    Yes! Think of the immersion - and let's also add critical hits (with lots of splatter) if you hit said spot with a GL... we'd finally have a way for Marines to adequately punish the butt-wiggle-tease!

    I'm sure th…
  • Are you running any snake-oil security/personal firewall software on your computer that may tamper with network packets?
  • (Quote)
    I can already hear it.

    "Why can't we get any harvesters up?"
    "We have too many Gorges."
    "So what?"
    "They keep on eating them."

  • (Quote)
    Without wanting to take either side - I'm actually both curious and concerned about where those players are heading now. If in 2-3 weeks we see that the player base has stayed the same, but more smaller servers are populated... the…
  • The word cloud is interesting. Regarding server feedback: I wouldn't call the server a joke, but I'll politely state that I've played exactly one round on it, and decided that it'd have been my first and last one - right after evolving to fade &…
  • (Quote)
    Which is, imho, a shame. In the case of Hellarious Basterds this means that the non-whitelisting will both disencourage new rookies and vets from playing on it (as they will not get credited for playtime or gain ELO) - and thus mis…
  • (Quote)
    People who value getting competitive advantages (or if you prefer: avoiding competitive disadvantages) over immersion have always jacked up their gamma and turned down the graphics detail to reduce any possible distraction, and the…
  • (Quote)
    Not everyone uses Twitter, and not every news - though relevant - needs an own full fledged article; at times all you need is a link that points you to the source of relevant information (which is exactly what this thread does, btw…
  • Heavens forbid we have too many threads with recent, informational posts on the forums - what if new people visiting get the impression this game is still alive? The horror! *gasp!*
  • (Quote)
    This will depend on the attitude of all of us as we play with them.

    Let's be nice to the rookies, offer help to those who want it and respect those who don't - as we'll all benefit from it.
  • (Quote) I entered the com chair with the words "I'll lead you to certain doom." - and so I did! :D
  • If you intend to get the "Please work together with the commander!" message accross to those players who have no clue about the metagame: They're not here reading this, because they're busy writing in the Steam Forums instead, confused about
  • (Quote)
    I got NS2 as a gift from a friend during the christmas sale (I believe) in Dec 2013. Gave it a try - now I'm almost 1500 hours into it.
  • (Quote) Likely people going for a mixture of getting stacked games (during the early time when their hive score is way too low for their actual skill) and reaching ridiculous K:D stats on the hive/ns2stats pages.

    The smurfs I see most…
    in Smurfing Comment by Luchs June 2015
  • I think this thread is now in a state of both 'on topic' and 'completely derailed' simultaneously...