Bloody bump because we need a response.
It is unprofessional to have the games mixed up like this.
Surely you can tell us WHICH mods you're talking about then?
So far, I've only had all beacons disappearing with the Habitat Control Module (which I removed).
The Cyclops "spazzing out" has always been a thi… -
DLC? Below Zero is a standalone sequel as far as I know.
I like the sub charging dock, though.<…
There are already mods on the Nexus for autosave.
I use the one which saves me each time I enter/exit base or vehicle.
I was recently in the same boat (sub?) and I would recommend that you use the list of most popular and get almost all of them. The only ones I'd avoid for now as they have bugs are Habitat Control and Custom Beacons.
Not ambergris, though if we have to kill animals to obtain it.
Cheers. -
Farming can't really be slower as some of us don't want to eat animals even in a game.
We need plant-based options. I don't want to live off kelp forever.in Below Zero: Food/water management discussion Comment by Michlo February 2019
The camera HUDS STILL don't include vital information on them?
Some of you seem to be missing a major point. This is a sci-fi based game. That typically means remaining within some bounds of logic.
You can't have something built to withstand the massive pressures of the depths be so easily damaged… -
Umm, giant spoiler. -
It isn't about cheating. It is about using our limited resources wisely with the technology at our character's disposal. If we can point a scanner at ourselves and get all sorts of readings, we can have numbers on our vital statistics.
… -
Thank you. Again, the hull has to be extremely tough to manage the depths it does so no, not even an armoured shark ought to be able to damage it so easily. They are just giving us busy work because there still isn't that much to… -
I build at the thermal vent near our starting point.
Wow, consider spoiler tags please, people! The post title itself should have had a warning for those (unlike us) who haven't reached this yet.
I think this was aimed at the OP and I agree. -
Mine would be: Subnautica exists.
Same issue. I have e-mailed my logs.
I don't think I have to clear any caches since I reinstalled the game and started a new playthrough (old saves were deleted) for the Precursor update.
Trying the trick of restricting to j… -
Please ensure you are posting these in the BUG forum.
I too have been experiencing this problem. I'm on a new game since Precursor too. I sent my log files, hopefully it will help.
Devs, please don't forget that games are meant to be fun and an escape from the tedium of real life.
That isn't related to death. I did the same, kept them inside. They disappeared when I returned to the game the next day. Oddly enough, they reappeared a few logins later when my Life Pod had drifted away.
I too reported it. -
What will happen to our bases which have already affected the terrain?
I too had the grapple but was in an area where there wasn't much and then nothing for it to latch on to.
That was the intent, aye. It seems to have gone off the rails a little. Heh.
I was, indeed, in the lava trench though not directly near any spouts or vents.
Thanks for the testing. Hopefully, the devs will fix this, no matter the cause.
Cheers. -
Ah, thanks.
Well then, how strange. I even saw parts of it appear outside when it blew and the bay was most definitely empty afterward.
How deep were you? I was around 1300 m when it went.