30 cm? nope. Unless I was a god in my second year in high school... 30.5 inches. But that's only for vertical jumps. I'd assume a space marine would be shooting nanites in his butt to achieve max potential.
Anyway, just… -
Yea.... a lot of people called this... sucks though. Sorry you spent your time and money on this. I'd ditch it and get away from UWE to do your own thing.
nerve gas has always been my favorite buy... pretty OP IMO, but may as well take advantage of that.
strafe back-jump ftw
small plushies... not matching the picture over the "gorge plushie"... asked for 10 years... oh hey it made 2 years... 30 bucks for somethin that will only go to hardcore ns2 players... here comes the disagrees.
Just sayin' it coulda tak… -
Such a pet peeve for me... i try to not say anything.. -
The structure is too big and weak.. very easy target...
I was responding to various comments. I didn't feel like attempting to get every quote with this tablet.
It was in ns1 - this is ns2 and it's one of the bigger changes in how this game works. You could also argue that t… -
Upgrades unlocked by hives built is an ns1 thing.
I don't think abilities should be taken out of the game, even if they are rarely used. If anything, the game needs to be balanced so that they are viable. 75% is a bit highin Commentary on Game Comment by RapGod January 2015
Idk.. I have black armor.. -
Lol you're very anal over a joke referring to ns1 and on topic. Get the stick outta your... butt. -
To the left...
May as well close the thread if you're doing this @decoy . I know how you like to admin
in What are the chances of a hotfix? Comment by RapGod December 2014
Thread sunk
You never saw the nuke in ns1 then! -
@kKyle , please stop posting your server errors over and over again... we understand, and you're just trolling at this point.
Yea, as I said, I've never had the issue in 271+ patches (well, good for me, right darkling?). And people seem to be having this issue more than... usual. But, it seems to be a very touchy subject for cdt, so just wait for the next patch or fix it m…
I agree. Unless these steam sales are different from any other sale. I've never had the issue before (as I said, fixed it with help), and I think that goes back to the first alpha release that could load on my computer.
I had the same issue for a few days but it seems fine now. The ironpony did help me with some stuff. ( @ironhorse )
Now that I don't have that mod issue... joining a server seems quicker n I'm actually landing hits... noice job.
*uses search on the forums* oh man, this never goes well.
Yes, @Tane ?
It's server-side mods. Doesn't seem to matter what server. Again, I run no mods of my own. I'll just wait a patch or two...
Ill try that... but ns2+ seems to load just fine... -
It says I require some mod. I've turned them all on... deleted appdata and the cache folder.. So now it says yes all over the mod screen... still won't work.. the mods are not my own mods - I've never used any (besides the server-s… -
They aren't portals. If this were the case, aliens could come through, or, at least, marines would be able to see through the pg to the other side. Way too OP either way. -
Say that to ns1!
i cant even join a server... lol it keeps saying shit about not having the required mods... any easy way to fix this? or do I have to delete and redownload everything for one patch?