The devs should focus on the games first and improving then they can sell it as a full game for consoles. -
What do you mean by water flow?
No prob, I enjoyed it if you get any other idea tag me cause I would love to check them out. ^_^ -
Actually, did you know there is a solar eclipse already incorporated into the game. I got to experience it myself a few days ago. It was actually terrifying cause everything just started getting all dark rapidly. -
Naw, Ive seen then and heard of them I have a subnautica world where I already finished everything I have everything thing you could imagine. I've explored every nook and cranny of this game. I guess you could say Im a little addic… -
As amazing as this story is, other than the sea dragon coming out of no where. (Kudos to you) I do not believe the devs would look too far into it due to the fact that they already hinted that the aurora was sabotaged since one of the audio messages…
I was talking about outside because I don't think reaper leviathans would like the inside of a base. >.< -
Something that has been mentioned a lot in a few posts was the idea of an airlock as an alternative to a hatch. A room smaller than a multipurpose that a play can just float/swim into and the water would get drained out through the bottom and then …
A way to monitor your base would be cool. From what I heard they will be adding the roaming factor to hostile mobs. This means they eventually there will be no such thing as the safe shallows, and they will be able to destroy your base so over a coo…
Well, they will be removing the terraformer from the game and just terraforming in general. I guess they don't want people to dig around and change the environment. Therefore, I doubt they would add a shovel, thanks for the suggestion though. If you…
You can already remove plants. If its a mushroom just pick it up, if its creepvine just swing your blade a few times 5-6 and it should destroy it. -
I also had a few good ideas so as long as you don't mind I'll just post them here as a comment.
-Some sort of change inside the base when backup power comes online
For example when your base runs out of power for … -
I would very much prefer the game to be multiplayer and stop the development of new things in the game. Playing with someone else changes the game completely and add a whole new layer of playablilty. Please reconsider your decision, thank you.
Hmm, I doubt it because making voice overs for any language takes a lot of time and money. Not many games have full game audio in other languages other than english. In addition, if they make a second full voice audio, they will pr… -
They can add underwater tunnels with strong current much like there are in the real world. That would be a good place to put them, in addition the player himself should be pushed around slowly through the tunnel until they come out through the exit.…
Maybe a different idea would be to make the escape pod slowly float away after a while, making players less reliant on it because it is more tedious to get to. Just an idea