Quality bump
Are you sure you didn't check your mailbox for the "Sorry we missed you" card?
If you want to see some more films that are similar (shameless self promotion sorry), I made one a couple months back showing off a bit of Caged and also the NS2WC.
Not a bad idea at all...(Quote)
I don't think this is a good way to do it, or at least if you were to do something similar to this it would have to be explained very very clearly as to why this is happening to the player.
Changing server browser filte…@IronHorse
Was he talking about the ending with the pistol? I watched it at .25 speed and the shots may have been missing but only just, although his crosshair…AFAIK this resets every time you update your drivers too, just something to keep in mind.(Quote)
Wait who's being condescending again?
Sorry I took time out of my day to point out a p…No he means why post tweets in a thread, when you can just go to twitter instead and look at the tweets there. Its pretty spammy.(Quote)
I see where you are coming from with the whole its ok to play everywhere and on any size server etc, but the simple fact of the matter is that gameplay experience is not the reason why players are warned not to join those higher co…(Quote)
In regards to point number 2 that you made, I disagree, I think that monetising skins is a great way to generate revenue, and promote a market like system in the game. Most people hate microtransactions that aren't done well, eg ev…(Quote)
Thats pretty cool, what about a selection of different scenarios that randomly take place, so that conceding isn't exactly the same each time, while still completing the same or similar objective?
I also agree with Iron…(Quote)
Who cares about frame rates with the game decided and with 60 seconds or less left in the game? :P
I don't even think it would be that bad lol
Why not some kind of self destruct thing, if people vote to concede it starts a countdown and lights start flashing red if you concede on marines and maybe rupture animations start everywhere on infestation as aliens. At the end of the timer the hiv…(Quote)
Wow, what a post. This is amazing feedback.
First this:
"The CDT is a brilliant entity. There’s got to be some clever thinking about how CDT and Unknown Worlds can coexist. There’s no value in conceptualising the situation as a binary model where either CDT exists, and Unknown Worlds do…(Quote)
You are correct for the first half of your question. As for the second half, I doubt any of the members on the new dev team will be able to answer anything concrete just because nothing has been decided yet for certain. From what I…(Quote)
I will help make this happen, VICE documentary style.(Quote)
No email, just arrived on Monday.
Yes I'm an aussie and have received mine in the mail a couple days ago! Thanks @WasabiOne they are very nice quality!In my opinion grenades don't work very well when they have to be bought from the armoury.(Quote)
OP makes mod
Borrows (read steals) code from other mods and slaps it in his mod
People get mad but it's like meh whatever right?
OP throws tantrum #1
Mod becomes somewhat 'popular'
OP denies other serv…(Quote)
Scatter's alter-ego(Quote)
HeheheheI'm pretty excited for you guys to see the hard work that everyone has put in! We just signed off on the trailer that we have been working on for the better part of about 2 months now! It is definitely coming very very soon!(Quote)
Pela is just a stick in the mud, it depends when you played, with any server the skill will vary depending on who's in the game. I've had games on Aus servers where it felt like a 9v9 comp game and also games where I've just alt-f4…(Quote)
I agree and disagree at the same time. Meds are one of the most important marine mechanics to get right. However, that's part what makes a good marine commander, knowing what engagements to med and knowing when to save. I would ra…