- Added donations
We are looking for donations to fund the server, which cost is 52 euros per month. So please donatein - Statistics for Natural Selection 2 Comment by Sint March 2014
- All-time stats available now on player's stats page. There is button at right side of filter panels for it.
Other player stats pages should work for it but rounds played chart does not atm. Also recent rounds does not sho… -
You could also make the signature smaller if you do not include lot of stuff in it, just reducing the height will do. Thou you might need to manually position dynamic values by space or using [SKIP100] and some spaces. We are also … -
Please use the link on upper right side of the site: Sign in through the STEAM to login. After that you will reach your stats page, next go to My Account page, there is signature menu item. Or you can press the link in… -
That is a post from 4-5 years ago by non moderator. Why would it work if its not allowed, and what does size have to do with it? Since its loaded from Originally default signature size for signatures was … -
Added dynamic player signatures
- You can have up to 3 different signatures
- You can have 1 default signature which has static url. You can change default signature anytime.
- You can freely change what dynamic values are d… -
NS2Stats is now running on new server. There are some issues, but mostly seems to work ok.
Previous server had 4 cores, 4GT ram and was located in Finland, c… -
- Mod tested to work with 261
Added NS2Stats model based API Document available at Google Docs
NS2stats database data is now publicly ava… -
- Changing nationality is now possible on my account page.
- Added API function
steam_nam… -
- Mod tested to work with 258
NS2Stats Shine plugin ready for use, you should start using NS2Stats Shine version instead, since we are making it the main NS2Stats mod: in - Statistics for Natural Selection 2 Comment by Sint October 2013 -
Reason is(was) prob because that server is not active anymore, so it doesn't show up in the filters list. Server filter list was not showing servers which have not been active in last 7 days. I changed it 90 days for now but prob n… -
Its working as intended on frontpage, but it was changed so that Rounds are not affected by filters on frontpage. So every game played will show on that All recent rounds list. Thou it needs improvement, and re-enabling filters for… -
[ update]
- Improved death heatmaps based on maps.
- Increased maximum shown deaths to 3000.
ns2_summit example in - Statistics for Natural Selection 2 Comment by Sint September 2013 -
[ update]
- Search player on front page is now fixed, doesn't take 30 seconds to complete anymore, which made it look like it doesn't work at all. Thou now it only searches by steam … -
- Mod tested to work with 257
- Added extended scoreboard, works with console command 'es' or 'extendedscoreboard'. Shows extended stats for players who are currently playing on the server. Shows up in stats-console command too.… -
[Website UPDATE]
- is now significantly faster to use. There has been loads of optimizations done and filtering on some pages has been simplified to reduce load. If yo… -
Something like that will be added, and prob pretty soon. Thou we prob wont modify scoreboard but we'll add another window for extra stats, which opens from scoreboard or shine menu. Thanks. -
Nice work!
After ns2stats shine is out of beta we will make it as main ns2stats mod. We are not planning to include original ns2stats extra features like afk kick, votemap and unstuck, since those are found in other mods or included with… -
Doh, sorry about his win ratio thing, seems that its been incorrect on for long time by accident. Now when I looked into win ratio functions i found line:
//WHERE round.winner = 1 ' . Filter::addFilterConditions(… -
- Changed mod's internal build number changed to 255, so it does not show warning (aka. no other updating needed)
I think I'll not include this atm since ns2stats is moving to be shine mod plugin, it has also tou… -
If you could link your C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Natural Selection 2/log.txt here that would help.
Hmmh options bug is not showing up for me at least when going into ns2stats server and changing settings in options and pressing apply, no problems for me.
Kk, will look into it, thanks for reporting.
Edit: Fixed one issue with it, but not sure if that fixed the whole issue, can you report here if it still is there after you have new version of the mod on server. I acciden… -
- Fixed duplicated chat message logging.
- Added setting to ns2stats_config.json: enableChatLogging, defaults to false.
- Added client side warning: "NS2stats is set to log chat messages." after MOTD if chat logging is ena… -
Its good news that UWE is finally getting stats system integrated into the game. We can get more data directly from UWE also. UWEs stats system is very different from NS2stats. For example I don't think there will be round based s… -
You can always press "Hide my stats from public"-button in my account page. This will not show any of your messages or other data linked to your name. I'll add option to disable chat logging tomorrow when I fix that me… -
- Updated lua for build 254
- Added logging of chat messages. Chat messages are shown with the round data.
- Added UWE stat logging, this includes total deaths & kills & assists & score, playtime, skill. Not vi… -
Webserver tends to crash every saturday night, for some unknown reason. Its up now.
So it went down again, needs more optimization on some pages or cache usage. Up now.