Building underwater is a lot like building in zero-atmosphere, only inside out.
yeah, space is a bit of a rough spot when it comes to seabases. You can't NOT get hung up on ladders. The large aquariums, likewise, are just a tad too big too, and very hard to move around the exterior with the connector stairways and the need for …
The plasteel tank has the same capacity as a standard tank, but impedes your swim speed a lot less. The high capacity tank has 2x the air for the same drag.
The issue is largely that even a single high capacity tank is … -
It's just community exhaustion. It's not unexpected.
Game launches, the community ravenously devours it as it entertains and gets the creative juices flowing for conversation. However, this happens much faster than new content can emerge… -
Cyclops is pretty bad right now. The power efficiency module only affects movement, so crafting on it is a waste of power. Even if you only craft for "emergencies", it relegates the cyclops to a glorified hauler.
And it's simply not need… -
Most disappointing? Drowning in the first dive, with 280 hours of game time.
knife stabs things, working as intended.
Stasis rifle freezes things.. working as intended.
Propulsion cannon propulsing things.. working as intended
Complaining for complaining's sake? Broken. -
It's not unsupported, it's got a huge air bubble in it.
If nothing else, it's one less pile of things to cram inside of a base, and you can keep what's outside the base livelier, and it can be as large as you like and probably doesn't require power. Sort of a bird-feeder for lonely fish. -
probably best would be an external seabase 'habitat' structure that attracts small fish and allows them to repopulate, rather than an internal base item like the aquarium. Placing several around the reefs would allow nearby peepers, hoopfish, garyf…
now all we need is alien spaceship wreckage in the deeps
Subnautica becomes the haunting Bermuda Triangle of the universe!
Cyclops would be awesome if the power upgrade for it affected max power and not just movement. A lot of base power consumption winds up being fabricator crafting, and that's not affected by the 4x multiplier.
That, and there's no alterna… -
It's out. Titanium was never a particularly large problem, although it helps with the 'waste 1 slot' scrap pickups. Getting 3 glass instead of 2 may actually go a LONG way considering how much quartz we needed for even a simple base that doesn't fee…
It's an evolved response, but nothing to do with us. Prey animals are naturally skittish around all unknowns, and humans are typically not a common part of their environment. Predators naturally vascillate between wariness and curi… -
Redgrass is typically too deep for dives without a rebreather and a seaglide, and to get to them you usually have to cross a kelp zone, so the party has started before you get where you're going.
which begs the question, how many times are we expected to die before we get the silver needed to make not just a stasis rifle, but the research module as well. The kelp forests were always that middle-ground where you could get just enough to progr…
I have to agree. Considering most corridors come with 4 'points' (hallway ends and straight sides), it would fit very nicely. Rather than these awkward standalone objects, snap points could simply behave like windows or reinforcements. They can look…
Well. I crashed Little Richard to get here. -
not just by yourself, but within a matter of days. -
Looks like they are in on X right now, although not really in this form. There's the 'heavy' air tank with double the air capacity of a standard, and the 'lightweight' with even more. Both require the workbench, which requires a reasonable amount of…
respawning has been a bit of a debate. I've seen some resources reappear in different locations after a while, but it's time-wastingly sparse. On top of that, few fish ever respawn, making the shallows surprisingly lifeless after just an hour or so …
I'm hoping that they aren't hostile to the player. There's already a lot of that already. The big feel of a 'living' world is that it's a world that can 'live' without you, and that not everything in it really cares if you're around or not. Having a…
They're asking if your computer has a graphics card (made by either Nvidia or AMD) and what it is. If you type in 'DXDiag.exe" in the search bar in the windows start menu, you can pull up the technical info which helps people see w… -
I always find myself hampered for more salt and quartz. By the time I get a cyclops up and running with some storage an hour or two in, I wind up finding myself starving on a routine basis because I can barely find enough.
It seems easy at first because of all the nodes that are immediately available. Here's a word of warning: they don't come back. Once you grill an airsac or die with a backpack full of items, they don't magitastically respawn in the… -
If it's set to deplete any faster than a reasonable set of meals per ingame day, then it's too fast. 3-4 Peepers and 2-3 bottles of purified water should be plenty to game on, given their relative size. The current rates are just rediculous from bot…
yeah, it's not just you. I popped back in to see how things were going with the newer stuff and was getting WTFPWNED hard by my food meter that was draining at close to 1% every 1-3 seconds. Screw sharks, I nearly died three times trying to slosh my…
Space Whales.
I brought this up during a public test session, about various equipment upgrades, like upgrading the meager (and generally useless) cargo crate with floaters and a beacon so you can 'float and find' stuff. The point being that crates suck right now,…
I've mentioned several times 'upgrading' air tanks to pressurized versions, since the current tanks are little more than glorified diving bells at best. It's also a similar complaint I had about rebreathers in that 'rebreathers' don't provide pressu…
I have a very specific reason to ask you kindly to take a walk and reconsider.