The revised steering is twitchy... you move the mouse and the driver/wheel turn is very steep very quickly but the moth doesn't respond like you had it cranked over. If you push the mouse further out, the moth turns faster but the wheel/driver view …
You can tell they made an attempt on the seamoth handling but it still isn't as fun and interesting as it used to be - now it feels "twitchy". I was addicted to Descent and the moth handling used to strongly remind me of flying there... now it's no…
Oh don't eat all the fishies... Fish are friends not food! Once you get settled, grab some plants off the island and food is covered. The breeding fishtank (alien containment unit) is great for repopulating the local fish stocks … -
People have discussed using the power transmitter (spikes) for this - glow nicely even when only partly built
It was suggested as a feature for the scanner room...since by that point you are likely to have more beacons and vehicles built. Pda makes it a bit too easy early game imho
Well, there is that huge spinning generator thing in the power room so maybe the powercells are just the priming force for a much larger source of energy (Microwarp? Dark matter? Laser induced fusion, whatever). So in that case a … -
I actually love the power transmitter beams - and just means that's a technology sorted out when everything swaps power optically. Even more - maybe sometime when there is more of a story line, we can happen across beams wandering along the seafloo…
While I still like the idea of landing the cyclops on tops of the moonpool for "docking", Another option for recharge etc could be to let us build a power spike or some other type power receiver inside so the cyclops can charge via one of the power …
yes - you can weld it in the moonpool cradle.. but it does take some fiddling to get a good angle (try around the non-exit side)
Bad enough I send feedback on it - though the volume would be right if it was the powercell charger (same as the humm from the seamoth docking) but flashlight batteries? naaaa
in Reduce the volume of battery chargers! Comment by iffer June 2016
I just tried to replicate your success but no luck - pulled all the upgrades and stored items and threw them in a locker in the base. But the seamoth was still bugged (1-2 fps vs my usual 15-30)
Back to using them as decorative lighting... -
I've been assuming that is what the 0 degree water is there to show us... I was going to suggest while still in early release the unfinished biomes could have a little "under construction" barricade for a bit of humor
in Idea for the Edge of the map. Comment by iffer May 2016
Lol - dumped a couple stalker eggs in a double large tank. Didn't consider they might also replicate (my peeper population was looking very nervous!) We need a bbq/smoker for preserved monster roast!
MrRoarke - you're a lifesaver! I just tried swapping my seamoth for a new one and fixed my FPS problem!! Thank you! I think I'll use the old ones as mood lighting around the base rather than destroy them though.
There is a bit of chop on the surface but not sloshing sorts of waves (structured vertical displacement - think surfing!) that you would need for wave power. Tsunami are really boring out at sea - just when they hit the coast that they get interest…
Shiruxriu - All that and more goes in with the f8 reports. (Shouldn't be doing real bug reporting via forum - as you say, too hard to get enough info). But good to share notes so we know where there may be issues and workaround/put up with them. U…
And animal behaviors are different at night...
Can I run with your idea for a bit? A warper type fish would have it as a either a defense (teleport away from danger - short range high precision) or migration (long range, not so precise).
One fun (end) game addition would be to get w… -
They still don't stack... crush depth is determined by the grade of compensator and you can't extend that by stacking. I tried 2 x mk2 and a mk2 + mk3 and still left at 500 and 900 respectively. Which is good in that I no longer have to trade stora…
well if the devs gave us stick-on engines and some sort of control system we could just drive anything around. And with weapons modules, we've got multiplayer sorted
in More vehicles? Comment by iffer May 2016
I'm getting really low fps since the machinery update with just a seamoth and two bases (not in line of sight of each other). Maybe because I used the terrain tool to shape one of the hills? No cyclops in my save (yet) but very hard to enjoy subna…
ok, going a bit off topic here, but maybe a cyclops upgrade "shield" that harvests electrical attacks and/or ambient heat (keeps the cyclops safe/cool until the batteries are fully charged then start taking damage). Bit better than making your cycl…
But then they would need waves...
Maybe use the coral enclosure idea for larger animals (build a base around a space then trap some animals inside)
Edit: I've started colonising the grotto that was the entry to the Aurora - dumped in a bunch of scrap, some kelp to keep … -
Check the Trello cards - I'm pretty sure I saw a DoF card
When scuba diving, all your movement/speed comes from the fins. If you try to swim with your hands it just slows you down. Holding something forward (like a tool) slows you down too. Making you do some sort of overhand crawl underwater spoils the …
Why not use the existing artwork items on the top of the moon pool? The pair of bumps are about the right spacing for the seamoth bay and the cyclops entrance. Just make the upgrade to the moonpool a pair of (extending) docking hatches and the sea…
I suspect you are seeing the effects of a small server patch that seems to have broken the anti-cheat file checking. you can look to be sure but opening the console (press ~) and see if it is complaining about pistol.model. If so, the problem isn'…
re Monash servers - we're failing consistency again sunday morning (still on pistol.model). Interestingly the fail is intermittent (keep trying till you get in I guess?)
Just the monash server set for me - other servers seem ok but I suspect endar might be doing more checking (he posted over in the server forums how to setup to increase performance for consistency checks)