Yeah, they look like miniature Madonna booby cones
While I definitely want a female character in the game, my only question right now is... What in the unknown world is going on with the camel toe on the OP skinny model?
As a person who has a chest of melons, may I just say that the small melons are easier to transport than large melons. As for how to grow more melons, probably a mad GMO scientist would have to be involved
It doesn't help! it's still scary as heck! -
Although I still play on my Macintosh, I purchased the Xbox version and am so happy you are developing for that platform. Thanks for your continued work on it!
I'm scared
You all do some amazing builds
I've seen PDA messages that say that nearby life forms have detectable levels of human remains in them, ( or something close to that ) so I'm with the "everyone but me had been eaten" theory.
I like these random thoughts of yours. It is easy to imagine being the sole survivor on some faraway planet with an over abundance of things that are so valuable here, gold, diamonds, platinum, and yet be in a circumstance wh… -
I totally agree with anything for making gold more useful. It's just weird how happy I am to have a trash can so I can throw gold away!!
It is definitely still an issue on my Macintosh,. Don't know if that's a factor. No I never play experimental,. Only stable
Agree with the gold to silver ratio needing adjustment. I'm happy to have a functional trash can so I can throw it away now.
I also agree with the issue of needing to build a fabricator right away. In my new game my escape pod first fl… -
Greatest thread EVER!
P.S. Hope your recovery is going well, myrm. -
This is also happening to me.
(Quote) @XBOneray125 I just attempted to play my saved game and it was completely gone, so no. It didn't even show a saved game even exists, like it never happ…
I received the update and am able to play the game. Here is what I did since I already read this thread. I did not attempt to load my save or even start the game. I first went to game management and deleted my save info from everywhere and from l…
(Quote) weird, I am not getting an update prompt on my system
(Quote) well at least you got one thing right ... Too bad the part where you said it was the "last time you were responding" you got totally wrong, though
To the developers, I know most of us who appreciate you are saying as much and I want to add to that. Especially in this thread where it seems necessary to counter the messages from the jerks who don't have a clue how to be decent people while expr…
Eighties music was awesome
@Sidchicken I rented it from Amazon video last night. So fun to watch it again. Big bada boom!
(Quote) I also have reinforcement panels on the corridor sections of my base
I agree with all of this. If I can deconstruct my own stuff, it would make sense that I could deconstruct the wreckage.
(Quote) This actually makes more sense than anything I have read so far on the topic. The more you kill things, the less you get in return. And in order to restore balance you have to breed the species and return it to the environment
This is happening to me as well. I never know from moment to moment where the life pod will be.@Sidchicken I am old right there along with you my friend. I only mention the year so the youngsters would know where to find it.
It is one of my favor…(Quote) yeah... Everyone knows the pyramids are ancient alien landing pads
(Quote) Agreed, there was also a time when it was a scientific fact that the earth was flat, and it was the center of the universe. Ooooops. I guess scientific certainty is only certain until it is proven to be flat out wrong.
(Quote) yeah, I got a chuckle about being let off easy too. So scary....
Also, um ... You can't just announce beer without sharing! That's just rude! ( haha )