Thanks for that.
I feel very comfortable with a ds4 as well as a kb/mouse. The SC will take some getting used to. I actually started using the Gyro on R touchpad for portal 2 to start getting used to it. -
Attached is the save file & crash reports
I already attached the crash logs in the OP. Ill add the save files later (still have the backup)
After the cache and terrain data clear, the crash no longer occurred. I played for a few hours without any crashes (well i crashed my seamoth into a reaper but thats not the same).
I still have the save backed up, I could zip it and upload if … -
I have been console gaming for many years. (Note: many console gamers see so many cool games on pc via youtubers and just have to ignore them
in Why did you buy Subnautica? Comment by maximo101 November 2016
I had a crash that kept occurring. I created a thread with all the appropriate files, hopefully this helps the developers find the bugs.
Thanks for the method of clearing the terrain / cache data so I could bypass the crash. -
i watched the video, but since i couldnt get to my base to take the batch files numbers i just deleted them all. it seemed to work and once i made it to my base, only had some minor
clipping, just deconstructed then rebuilt the part.
Tha… -
I am not nearly as many hours into this game as most users here, but in my 20hours i started to find this a real issue and I only have a seamoth. Glad to see the developers have implemented this.
Thanks ill check that out. It has repeated the same crash the past 2 times i tried to play the game, I have a full inventory and the life pod is the closest of my bases.
I just bought the game last week and am loving it.
Is the v1.0 update - just the retail release Jan 2017 ? -
Even just record your voice with a smart phone, then save the file and upload?
wow game did load in 30 sec as opposed to like 3mins. The game also feels smoother to play -
(Quote) A map with a 'fog of war' would be good. Or even if it was more involved like you needing to 'scan' areas to then have some geographically information to import into a map
I swear there was no compass in my inventory yesterday! Just logged in and i have a compass! -
I am new to the game and find myself getting lost. Im also teying not yo look up things. But a compass would be great. I used a beacon on my base and get my bearing from that but when its behind me i have no idea what direction im going
Thank you very much. Ill put Subnautica on the ssd.
I have my OS on the ssd and HDD for games. I dont know how to move a current steam game's directory without deleting and re downloading.
I tried this but it was still spinning. Also My Right analaog does not change the look, I need to use the touchpad to be like a mouse. Is there a setting in the ds4windows that I need to change?
Thanks for confirming this. I assumed this was the case but couldnt really tell.
I appreciate the link. Im in Australia so amazon shipping can be expensive. Got all my parts and put the pc together now. All running beautiful
(Quote) Dual Universe looks pretty good too. (
I havent gamed on pc in years, and am just building a gaming PC. Its games like these which made me d… -
I like space -
Mine is a barred spiral galaxy
I actually just bought the game and played it on my work PC for a little! Ill learn a bit about it playing there, then get it running on my gaming pc next week.
Had someone tell me to try: http:/…