(Quote) He dead.
We'be now seen lerksplosion pictures, infinite fade iteration, when do we get to see the Onos circus? -
Makes me think of a concept from an old CSS zombie mod. It was humans vs bots but if the humans started to get a win streak (say 3 in a row) then a zombie slot would open and a plyer could play as a zombie and thus be far more dang… -
(Quote) Really that short a timeframe?
(Quote) Smackus maximus?
That said i'm not against points, i just feel like they should be rebalanced. Such as getting points for healing allies as a gorge or for building gorge tunnels etc. Generally speaking everytime to follow a co… -
When i comm i usually hotkey groups for marines and direct from there. Aliens usually do their thing. However both of those are a last resort compared to mic communication. Usually it's more like: "2 marines are pushing ore processing, fade player g…
When no one uses a mic in the first 2 minutes of a game i mentally groan because i feel like we are at such a disadvantage. Still i should use mine less since i tend to be on the semi-spammy side (no repeats but often announcing if certain rooms are…
Yep that misconception happens rather frequently. I support the idea of it not being affected by using attacks (taking damage still removes it though in order to reward skillful play on both sides).
(Quote) Feels like the one way ticket to fades being obsolete even against single shotty marines.
I could see your idea (BestProfileName) working under 2 conditions. Firstly the new players aren't forced into the rookie only servers, it's just an option available to them that is not available to others. (Possibly their default server browser is …
This thread is seriously making me consider renting a server and calling it: teaching new players. Sadly i don't feel like i have the appropriate level of experience yet to truly know all the subtlties i want to pass on.
The thing is many players would connect based on other factors such as ping, server pop, active friends in server etc. So there isn't much of a guarantee this will help. We do need vet players to be calm and help out new players though. Such as coac…
In this case i think the balance is rock paper shotgun
That said if you mean for pure damage then … -
Thanks Neoken, i knew you didn't generate any recources it just seemed like 3 or so were lost upon death.
Rather than an outline how about a single arrow (not unlike the pathfinding arrows for threat, marine pathway etc) that points in the direction of it's other exit?
Re-edited when i'm not running around half asleep and got rid of many more typos and some truly egregious grammar. Also underlined some of the suggestions (to seperate them from just general thoughts and feedback).
Also could someone con… -
While i may not agree with the physics of your phrasing. (How does one roll states of electrical ativity/inactivity into a ball? Or philosophical points for that matter?). This concern is one of the ones i adressed in my return to ns2 thread. Namely…
My ping being irregular i'd just get kicked every so often and then have to rejoin. It'd still be a pain. (stable 50-60 for half an hour and then shoots to 700-999 for a few minutes).
Ah i was under the impression that it did. So yeah...explanations and clarity. Someone with proof will probably come along and say if it does or not (and hopefully why).
The power of necromancy is strong with this one.
*thumbs up*
Sent PM, i'd love to help out.
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