Going shift hive before crag hive is terrible alien commanding.

JAMESEARLJONOSJAMESEARLJONOS Join Date: 2012-12-15 Member: 175155Members
Fact #1: Carapace is the single biggest boost in combat effectiveness.

- Carapace is the single most important upgrade in the game. It's chosen first in nearly every comp match, and provides the incredible benefit of changing TTK on a Skulk from 9 bullets to 13. Nothing else in the game comes close to providing that level of combat effectiveness.

Fact #2: Celerity's benefits against good marines are minimal.

-Good marines are going to be accurate at shooting skulks regardless of how fast they're moving. Moreover, the speed increase from celerity disappears after getting hit once. Celerity simply doesn't come close to the 30%+ effective HP boost that carapace provides.

Fact #3: Being egg locked isn't actually a thing with a competent commander and a few gorges.

-Alien teams only get egg locked in the following situations:

1.) Marines inside the base actively shooting eggs.

2.) Skulks suiciding at an insane rate.

Asking someone to go gorge (and someone will always go gorge) will prevent problem #1 in the vast majority of games. If marines still get into your base and stay there despite being gorged up, your team was going to lose regardless of what you did. Problem #2 is prevented by having carapace (less deaths/lost engagements), and by telling your skulks to hold points instead mindlessly rushing the marine main base. It takes a serious amount of (useless) main base suiciding to deplete eggs - even on a 24 player server. So long as your skulks are suiciding in useless positions, you won't suffer any serious egg lock problems.

Now please, stop perpetuating the cycle of suck. Go crag/carapace first. Thanks.


  • Chris0132Chris0132 Join Date: 2009-07-25 Member: 68262Members
    edited February 2013
    Suggestion #1: Skulks really don't need to fight stuff much, let marines waste time building stuff, then eat it when they leave. Costs them more money and is really easy. Also annoys them when they build something and it gets blown up just as they run back to try and save it. Also puts them out of action for longer than dying does.

    Basically crag/carapace is good, but not really what the aliens need at the start. Skulks still kinda suck in combat even with a bit of extra health, but they become amazingly annoying harassers with a speed boost. Play to your strengths. When the game gives you ehhhh combat units, why waste money making them better? Make them godlike at what they're actually really good at, and watch the marines try to fight them.

    Marines can beat good cara skulks in combat, because that's what they're designed to do with their shooty guns and stuff. But marines cannot hope to defend against four or five skulks hitting everywhere at once, and who can reposition in like, half the time they can.
    Lunos wrote: »
    *IMAGE MACRO REMOVED.* Use your words. -Talesin

    Also that.
  • LunosLunos Join Date: 2009-08-18 Member: 68518Members
    edited February 2013
    *IMAGE MACRO REMOVED.* Use your words. -Talesin
  • CommunistWithAGunCommunistWithAGun Local Propaganda Guy Join Date: 2003-04-30 Member: 15953Members
  • thefonzthefonz Join Date: 2011-06-22 Member: 105847Members
    I can tell that your opinion is wrong because you ascribe to only one possible opening tech choice being viable.
  • IAMKINGIAMKING Join Date: 2012-09-14 Member: 159328Members
    _Necro_ wrote: »
    Wrong. Your tactic isn't the only valid. Every tech path has its pro and cons. The sooner you stop to see yourself as the tactic-god and accept that other people have working tactics too, you will get better in the game.

    You won't get better with other tech paths if you never try them.

    this kind of post comes from experience of other tech options. crag first is generally the best
  • _Necro__Necro_ Join Date: 2011-02-15 Member: 81895Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited February 2013
    IAMKING wrote: »
    _Necro_ wrote: »
    Wrong. Your tactic isn't the only valid. Every tech path has its pro and cons. The sooner you stop to see yourself as the tactic-god and accept that other people have working tactics too, you will get better in the game.

    You won't get better with other tech paths if you never try them.

    this kind of post comes from experience of other tech options. crag first is generally the best

    There is no "generally the best". It depends on map and opponent. A commander that can only execute 1 strategy (because he thinks thats the only valid one) is a terrible commander. The proper use of forward shifts or camo or silence are NOT inherently worse than carapace.

    But I don't bother anymore explaining why. Because (A) it has been explained in the other threads already and (B) the discussion about this topic has degenerated to a: "But look! My penis is the biggest! All other penis suck!"
  • CommunistWithAGunCommunistWithAGun Local Propaganda Guy Join Date: 2003-04-30 Member: 15953Members
    _Necro_ wrote: »
    IAMKING wrote: »
    _Necro_ wrote: »
    Wrong. Your tactic isn't the only valid. Every tech path has its pro and cons. The sooner you stop to see yourself as the tactic-god and accept that other people have working tactics too, you will get better in the game.

    You won't get better with other tech paths if you never try them.

    this kind of post comes from experience of other tech options. crag first is generally the best

    There is no "generally the best". It depends on map and opponent. A commander that can only execute 1 strategy (because he thinks thats the only valid one) is a terrible commander. The proper use of forward shifts or camo or silence are NOT inherently worse than carapace.

    But I don't bother anymore explaining why. Because (A) it has been explain in the other threads already and (B) the discussion about this topic has degenerated to a: "But look! My penis is the biggest! All other penis suck!"

    Crag first is amazing and, best. Healing at a new hive location, carapace provides an effective 30% health boost, and when compared to early game adrenaline(useless 99% of the time) and celerity (mediocre at best) its an obvious no brainer. Regen is extremely effective on a good lerk, and regen skulks are viable for distraction and hit and run.

    Shift? LOLMEGOFAST, except, not if you're: In combat, taking damage, biting anything, getting shot anyway by accurate marines.
  • ResRes Join Date: 2003-08-27 Member: 20245Members
    I guess the OP has never seen a shift egg spawn used as a forward base to more easily secure locations in a 24 person server.
  • CommunistWithAGunCommunistWithAGun Local Propaganda Guy Join Date: 2003-04-30 Member: 15953Members
    Res wrote: »
    I guess the OP has never seen a shift egg spawn used as a forward base to more easily secure locations in a 24 person server.


    See the problem is, the game isn't balanced around 24 person clusterfucks. Nobody in this thread is probably interested in a laggy 24 person game. 5 tickrates erryday
  • _Necro__Necro_ Join Date: 2011-02-15 Member: 81895Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited February 2013
    *REDACTED.* Personal attacks (even in jest) are not tolerated. -Talesin
  • SolaritySolarity Join Date: 2012-11-13 Member: 170515Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Competition is different than pugs. What works with an organized and skillful team might not help. There are plenty of marines that can not shoot a broadside of a barn.
  • JAMESEARLJONOSJAMESEARLJONOS Join Date: 2012-12-15 Member: 175155Members
    edited February 2013
    _Necro_ wrote: »
    Wrong. Your tactic isn't the only valid. Every tech path has its pro and cons. The sooner you stop to see yourself as the tactic-god and accept that other people have working tactics too, you will get better in the game.

    You won't get better with other tech paths if you never try them.

    I'm much better than you at this game on either side of it. Crag first is definitively better than the other options available in game right now, especially when up against competent players. A speed boost which goes away in combat (that doesn't mitigate damage vs competent marines), is dramatically inferior to the massive HP boost that carapace provides.

  • RegnarebRegnareb Join Date: 2007-08-26 Member: 62008Members, NS2 Playtester
    Chris0132 wrote: »
    Suggestion #1: Skulks really don't need to fight stuff much, let marines waste time building stuff, then eat it when they leave. Costs them more money and is really easy. Also annoys them when they build something and it gets blown up just as they run back to try and save it. Also puts them out of action for longer than dying does.
    I do exactly that... But I kill them juste before that. And yeah, I always wait until they build the power node (for clever marines) and "unghost" the structures they want to build.
  • ViajeroViajero Join Date: 2012-09-21 Member: 160238Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited February 2013
    I play mostly 12 - 16 player servers and I cant count the times an early forward shift has helped me as alien comm to hold places like Nanogrid or to lock upcoming tech points like Deposit before i can drop a hive. Or to hold central drilling with a well placed forward shift at the corridor just above it, etc etc (rolls eyes). I actually go Shift first quite often as of late because it seems to work quite well to control the map early on. And controlling map and therefore Res is what this game is mostly about. With map control carapace usually follows soon enough, dont u worry.
  • JAMESEARLJONOSJAMESEARLJONOS Join Date: 2012-12-15 Member: 175155Members
    Res wrote: »
    I guess the OP has never seen a shift egg spawn used as a forward base to more easily secure locations in a 24 person server.

    Carapace skulks who are winning fights secure locations far better than shift egg spam. And they do so without wasting an ungodly amount of pres spawning eggs. That money can be funneled into getting a second hive up (as in, done building) before 5 minutes, and into having carapace/adrenaline/leap early in the game.
  • Chris0132Chris0132 Join Date: 2009-07-25 Member: 68262Members
    edited February 2013
    _Necro_ wrote: »
    Wrong. Your tactic isn't the only valid. Every tech path has its pro and cons. The sooner you stop to see yourself as the tactic-god and accept that other people have working tactics too, you will get better in the game.

    You won't get better with other tech paths if you never try them.

    I'm much better than you at this game on either side of it. Crag first is definitively better than the other options available in game right now, especially when up against competent players. A speed boost which goes away in combat (that doesn't mitigate damage vs competent marines), is dramatically inferior to the massive HP boost that carapace provides.

    If we're talking about marines who are competent enough to hit you easily at celerity speed and remove it, we are surely talking about marines who are competent enough to hit you lots at carapace speed and kill you anyway?

    I mean, bottom line is, skulks still die to a small amount of rifle fire, regardless of whether they have carapace or not. Dying to a less small amount of rifle fire is nice, and even noticeable, but it won't save you vs competent marines either.
  • JAMESEARLJONOSJAMESEARLJONOS Join Date: 2012-12-15 Member: 175155Members
    Chris0132 wrote: »
    I mean, bottom line is, skulks still die to a small amount of rifle fire, regardless of whether they have carapace or not. Dying to a less small amount of rifle fire is nice, and even noticeable, but it won't save you vs competent marines either.

    This isn't remotely true. Carapace is easily the difference between a good marine killing 3 skulks and killing 1 and dying to 2. It's the difference between a good skulk getting in 2 bites on a marine (forcing him to retreat) or getting just one. The actual difference it has on the game is massive.

  • SkackySkacky Join Date: 2005-06-05 Member: 53189Members
    Going Shift first is fine, it all depends on how you use it. When I go Shift first I use them very aggressively to spawn Skulks at forward positions, or to very quickly secure a given position. This also prevents egglocking to an extent if your team isn't quick enough to react or doesn't smell it coming. While I do agree that Crag Hive is generally the best by far, Shift Hive also has its advantages and saying that going Shift Hive first is "terrible commanding" is quite insulting to say the least.
  • Not SureNot Sure Join Date: 2013-01-06 Member: 177758Members
    edited February 2013
    And here I thought this guy was actually decent.

    edit: if you really want to understand why shift is better, play an RTS.
  • thefonzthefonz Join Date: 2011-06-22 Member: 105847Members
    Wait, to be clear, I should get a crag hive before I get a shift hive? I guess cara/camo is a good combination. Still not sure, how will I stealth bile rush w/o adren?
  • |strofix||strofix| Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165453Members
    edited February 2013
    Crag hive is the superior choice when playing a skulk based start. That is to say that you place your entire game in the hands of a skulk's effectiveness in combat.

    I'm not saying that isn't a logical and potentially effective way to go, but the crag structure also provides the least benefit of all the upgrade structures in the early game. If you have no intention of using your structures in any meaningful way, then crag probably is the best first choice.
  • ShinoShino Join Date: 2012-11-26 Member: 173316Members
    thefonz wrote: »
    Wait, to be clear, I should get a crag hive before I get a shift hive? I guess cara/camo is a good combination. Still not sure, how will I stealth bile rush w/o adren?

    Arc and Hg have been going Crag -> Shade, for Carapace -> Silence.
    Nexzil goes Crag -> Shift for Carapace -> Adrenaline (Completely foregoing Celerity)

    And ^ are the best three teams in NS2 thusfar.
    |strofix| wrote: »
    Crag hive is the superior choice when playing a skulk based start. That is to say that you place your entire game in the hands of a skulk's effectiveness in combat.

    I'm not saying that isn't a logical and potentially effective way to go, but the crag structure also provides the least benefit of all the upgrade structures in the early game. If you have no intention of using your structures in any meaningful way, then crag probably is the best first choice.

    Shift is good for
    1) Regenerating all of your energy really quickly (Completely useless on one hive)
    2) Spawning Eggs for 5 res / 2 eggs (Completely draining your res flow unless you're on more than 3 harvesters, in which case you have already won)

    Crag is good for
    1) Forward healing station, commonly not used until you have 3-4 harvesters
    2) Securing your second hive location by planting crags before the hive

    Shade is good for
    1) Forward cloaking station, which I've personally never seen done and has negative synergy with cloaking
    2) Natural Immersion 2 with Ink

  • JAMESEARLJONOSJAMESEARLJONOS Join Date: 2012-12-15 Member: 175155Members
    Not Sure wrote: »
    And here I thought this guy was actually decent.

    edit: if you really want to understand why shift is better, play an RTS.

    See the post above mine. Top competition teams go crag first because it wins fights. Winning a fight straight up is far more valuable than losing a fight and trying to rush back marginally faster. Marginally faster noted on the sense that proper wall jumping skulks aren't that much slower than celerity skulks to begin with.

    And again, was referenced in many posts above: spawning eggs early in the game should probably be avoided at all costs. Spending 5 res for 2 spawn eggs before dropping your second hive is awful. That's res that could have gone to useful things, like carapace, leap, adrenaline, and extra fade eggs in the crucial 6-10 minute timing window.

  • SpaceJewSpaceJew Join Date: 2012-09-03 Member: 157584Members
    Basing your entire strategy every time on what works at the highest end of game play? You must be brilliant, far smarter than me. After all, it does take a lot of effort to cut and paste right?

    I always like to plan around everyone on my team being a pro wall jumper. I mean, that will never bite me in the butt right?

    Oh...wait...did you mean only in competitive games? Shouldn't you be on the competitive boards then?

    I just assume you mean pub play since it's on the general board. Either that, or you...you wouldn't be trolling would you?
  • IAMKINGIAMKING Join Date: 2012-09-14 Member: 159328Members
    SpaceJew wrote: »
    Basing your entire strategy every time on what works at the highest end of game play? You must be brilliant, far smarter than me. After all, it does take a lot of effort to cut and paste right?

    I always like to plan around everyone on my team being a pro wall jumper. I mean, that will never bite me in the butt right?

    Oh...wait...did you mean only in competitive games? Shouldn't you be on the competitive boards then?

    I just assume you mean pub play since it's on the general board. Either that, or you...you wouldn't be trolling would you?
    working in competitive play doesn't mean it won't work in pub play

    have you ever taken a formal logic class? the reasoning people like you have is embarassing
  • SampsonSampson Join Date: 2012-01-06 Member: 139769Members
    IAMKING wrote: »
    SpaceJew wrote: »
    Basing your entire strategy every time on what works at the highest end of game play? You must be brilliant, far smarter than me. After all, it does take a lot of effort to cut and paste right?

    I always like to plan around everyone on my team being a pro wall jumper. I mean, that will never bite me in the butt right?

    Oh...wait...did you mean only in competitive games? Shouldn't you be on the competitive boards then?

    I just assume you mean pub play since it's on the general board. Either that, or you...you wouldn't be trolling would you?
    working in competitive play doesn't mean it won't work in pub play

    have you ever taken a formal logic class? the reasoning people like you have is embarassing

    the thread is getting hot! ... anyway, pretty much any upgrade for the first hive is beneficial in one way or another... by the second hive, though, you'll want carapace; otherwise you won't be able to counter their weapon upgrades or armor upgrades (skulk cara doesnt do a TON but other lifeforms benefit a lot from this).

  • RoobubbaRoobubba Who you gonna call? Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11930Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    I've been falling out of favour with shift starts gradually over the last few weeks. However, anecdotally, I have seen a higher percentage of wins going shift first. Now I prefer crag first, because I like carapace and I really want it to always be better. It's just that on the servers I've played on, we've had more spectacular fails as aliens going crag first than shift first.

    I can't explain why, and I *still* prefer crag first, but that is my experience.

    I think it's pretty poor choice of language to state that your way is always best for everyone in every situation. You should also remember that there are a lot of players out there who expect shift first, rightly or wrongly, and there is a human element of disappointment when they see that crag went first...!

    For the record, I've mainly been doing a 60-65s carapace/first RT build lately as alien comm. My main issue with this is that I'm comming, and therefore not skulking, and usually that means that (in a random pub), someone less competent at skulking is losing their egg while I'm getting the upgrades and building on the way. That could be adding to my personal anecdotal stats, of course. No way to tell.

    One thing I know for sure, I have 2 mates who often go khamm and they almost always do shift first, and their win rates as aliens are staggering. It's possible that their win rates would be even better with a crag hive first strat - this I cannot deny - but they way you guys go on makes it sound as though every time a shift hive goes up first, the aliens lose. This is simply not true.

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