Awesome/coolest/most Amazing Videogame Moments!



  • Mad_ivansMad_ivans Join Date: 2004-08-24 Member: 30849Members
    finding the off button on my mega drive version 2

    (hovering flapping) jumping off the that first big ledge in wipeout

    (Edward) playing Balls on the sega genesis
  • Crono5Crono5 Join Date: 2003-07-22 Member: 18357Members
    UT2k4 Onslaught.

    Fighting for the center chokepoint.

    I was in the jeep, charged up its gun and started driving towards the center node. When I got there, I quickly shot the gun at a passing Hellbender(binder?) while running over 1 guy, and cutting two down with the side things (they were using the linkgun to heal and I guess didn't think much of not standing in an easily cuttable group). My car exploded and managed to kill another person.

    I wiped out all the people at that node in one shot.

    The rest of the team took the chokepoint while I was respawning, then managed to let the enemy get it, and we ended up losing the round.

    But it's the thought that counts!

  • RuByRuBy Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10732Members
    I was playing as Allies in BF1942, the map was Operation Market Garden.

    So anyway, I was in a jeep heading straight on an enemy armed with a missile launcher. The guy didn't budge and predictably shot a rocket at me when I was just a few meters away. However, at that instant I hit a bump on the right side and my jeep flipped up at a 45 degree angle and rolled on with only the two left wheels touching the ground. The rocket passed just under the right side as I continued forth balanced on the other and ran him over! The timing so perfect I almost cried.

    It was beautiful <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    were playing on CSS. all of us renamed ourselves to "Zombies of <insert something here>". I was Zombie of Misfortune (my game name is [tC]Soldier of Misfortune.. clans are already in CSS, mazin' it is! ;p) and we all used our knives, smoked, and rushed wherever the CTs rushed, then tried to knife them all. so freakin' funny when all the cts paniced and tried to run away. we rushed bridge (go out the right side of the tunnel from t spawn) and completly mobbed this guy that was by it. he gunned down two... or three of us, including me, but we killed him eventually. he was laughing so hard (and when he was shooting he wasnt even aiming, just frantically moving his mouse back and forth trying to hit something.. this is twelve guys with knives comming at you on a skinny surface at the bridge, not much you can do) at the end, great fun we had.
  • xKORExslimxKORExslim Join Date: 2003-01-11 Member: 12182Members
    Call of Duty's more epic levels.
    MOHAA's Operation overlord.

    Homeworld: playing through the first big battle.

    I hyperspaced into a sector where I was supposed to stop and mine some minerals. But then a mysterious species appeared. They are the bentusi, and they offer me a trade to take on ION cannon technology. I took it right away, and man did I ever make the right decision.

    About 10 minutes later a fairly large fleet of turanic raiders came along with their ION array frigates. And it turned into a huge frigate battle with Ion beams tearing through space. I swear, ION beams are long concentrated beams of hell. Any fighters who were unfortunate enough to fly into these beams felt their wrath. The battle lasted a good 10 minutes, and it was peaceful again. And man the music kicked ****.

    Homeworld 2: THE BIG freaking HUGE SHIPS THAT KICK ****!

    Battlecruisers!: Holy jesus, the Hiigaran battlecruiser sports 2 ion cannons, and powerful ones too they tear through frigats like a hot knife through butter (Litterally). Some good anti-corvette beams that look similar to ion cannon beams but are smaller and in short bursts. And a nice compliment of standard turrets. And watching each of these turrets and beams target different enemies is something to see.

    The Vaygr battlecruiser has something called the infinity cannon which is equally as impressive as the ion cannon. It shoots out a Huge red torpedo of whatever energy that sucker uses, and it tears a hole in your ship. Damn.

    Then hearing a battlecruisers' moans of metal when it gets destroyed. It takes overal 10 seconds for it to blow up. Starting from parts and pieces flying around. Then a huge blinding explosion that you even see in your 3d map. Damn.

    The Dreadnaught's main cannon:

    In homeworld 2 you commendeer a huge alien ship known as the dreadnaught, and it has a weapon that you find out about later. It's ONE freaking HUGE BEAM OF TERROR! (10 times bigger than the ion cannon!!!!!!!!!), Anything NEAR it, let alone in it, gets pounded to submission. It causes reactions with dust clouds and nebulas further increasing the damage at a wider radius. Fighters just go boom when this thing fires, and frigates are vaporized, and battlecruisers are torn in half.
  • RipleyRipley Join Date: 2004-09-21 Member: 31832Members
    Amagad, I've got way too many to put in here. I mean, MP Video games are things of beuty hidden in gore, guns and gorges. But my top 3 (In reverse order, of course, m00wahaha!) are:

    3. Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Megadrive.

    Ok. I know its retro. It still rocks though, so go to hell. Anyway, what happened was I was 8 at the time, and I sat infront of the console for the good part of 24 hours. "So what?" you ask. Well, what I was trying to do was COLLECT EVERY SINGLE RING ON EVERY LEVEL WITHOUT DYING OMGOMGOMG. I did it twice, one time lost them all on the last boss. -.-;. But when I did eventually do it, it was worth it, because I unlocked the saiyan wanna be hedgehog - Super Sonic!!

    Never got round to playing with him though, I fell asleep soon as I did it
    <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif' /><!--endemo--> @ sleep

    2. My first time playing CS.

    Ah. Thing of wonders. I had just downloaded and installed CS 1.3, and my friend who had had a good 6 month head start on me started a server on cs_assault. I sat there for half a minuite looking at all the guns, before I eventually decided to get a deagle (Due to the Kj per shot - somewhere near 7 k right?). Anyway, so I run out the front and go around to his spawn. I look around there for a while, thinking "Where the hell he go?". Turned out he was getting the goddamn hostages. I didnt know this, but as i started to climb the ladder on the red box on the outside, i hear the Door open. =o. Turning around, i see him with these scientists running away! So quickly, i let out 1 shot - my first ever shot on CS - and get him straight in the skull!! <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    1. CaG on NS.

    Ok, so this technically isnt a "moment" but, meh, screw you. Its still one of the most memorable moments in NS for me, and any game really.
    Ok, if you've been in the "clan recruiting" area in the forums, and read the list, just imagine double of them. Yes double, or close too atleast. We we're all on NS and decided to... have some fun! The rules of engagement were -
    Marine weapons only - Welder and Knife
    Alien weapons only - Parasite and healthspray (Basically, ZE GORGE!!).

    We had a 40 minuite long match like that. It was so boobtiful!! Especially when you get 5 marines marines running around with welders, doing damage to the hive. It takes like, 8 minuites constant of 5 weld's to kill it. So much fun XD

    Ok, so, they're mine. I like them. If you dont like them, I dont like you, and I will find where you live and castrate you. Righty?
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