The Werewolf Game V: Aquarium



  • SnidelySnidely Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13098Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Snidely - 3 (Kerotan, Isamil, Saltzbad)
    Omegaman! - 3 (badkarma, Quaunaut, Hellfire3k)<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Chances are good that <i>at least</i> one wolf is helping to nudge events forward here. Wolves like to have their hands on the handle. Since no-one is really coming to my or Omega's defense (and why should they, unless they were wolves?), I doubt either of us is a wolf. Leaving one of their own for dead would be a bad move.

    So I'm voting for <b>Saltzbad</b>. He's casting a non-neutral vote while trying to look altrustic. That makes me raise an eyebrow.
  • SnidelySnidely Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13098Members
    ...and "altrustic" is the Snidelarian form version of "altruistic".
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    I speak snidelarian too. Quite a lot of the time actually!!
  • SnidelySnidely Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13098Members
    In Snidelarian, "form version" makes sense.
  • PithlitPithlit Join Date: 2003-05-07 Member: 16120Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    I change my vote to [/b]Saltzbad[/b] aswell.
    now that snidley pointed that out, im also curious about the vote
  • PithlitPithlit Join Date: 2003-05-07 Member: 16120Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    edited May 2005
    <b>Saltzbad</b> i mean

    stupid manual coding
    Edit: yes, i know that i brobe the no edit rule, but i was just getting a single "l" in the name, because i hate trippleposting
  • KerotanKerotan Join Date: 2005-04-17 Member: 48692Members, Constellation
    ermm iam changing my vote to <b>Kerotan</b>
    To make sure theres not a 3 way tie so muffinman has no trouble <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • TheMuffinManTheMuffinMan Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11234Members, Constellation
    edited May 2005
    <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>It is now night two. No posting!</span>

    An hour later, all the fish assembled outside the castle, grumbling. No one actually knew why they had been quickly woken up by a grim <b>Freak83</b>, and many were ready to go back to sleep. However, soon rumors started spreading around the crowd like a hot knife through butter.
    “You have got to be joking…”
    “No, I’m not. Apparently it was that new one. You know, the black one?”
    “Yeah, <b>Pithlit</b> says that he saw him”
    “Did not!”
    “Did too!”
    “Ahh, there he is. Quiet, you lot.”
    <b>lolfighter</b> swam into the clearing, his face somehow distorted into sympathy. Normally he swam with a spring in his tentacle, so to speak, but at the moment he seemed weak, demoralized, beaten.
    “So, what is this all about?” asked a tired <b>Sky</b>. At his age, he needed every bit of sleep he could get!
    <b>lolfighter</b> begrudgingly stepped forward. He began to speak, his voice thick with emotion.
    “Last night. Someone…” he paused, considering what to say next, “Something…” he paused once again, “attacked <b>WonedSlackyStyle</b> while he was sleeping. Unfortunately, he was killed before we could rescue him and stop his attacker.”
    The crowd gasped, then quickly fell silent as the truth sank in.
    “Now, I know that most of you were not fond of him” <b>lolfighter</b> continued, “but this was a vile actIn all the time I have been in this tank, I have <i>never</i> seen anything even remotely as horrible as this.”
    “Sure, we have all had our scraps and fights.” With that, he gestured to the sleek <b>Isamil</b>, who had a number of long, deep scars across his left flank.
    “But I am <i>sure</i> that none of you would ever do something as terrible as this. Therefore, there is only one fish who the blame can possibly lie with. There is only one fish here who has no friends here. There is only one fish here who has the capability for such horribleness. There is only one fish here who could have killed <b>WonedSlackyStyle</b>, and when we find this fish…” He stopped, considering what to do next. He had, by self admission, always been a little mean. Did he really want to bring it to the next level?
    “And when we find this fish… We will exact revenge. We will rip it apart and give it what it deserves. When we find this fish… we will have justice!” With that, the crowd roared. Even the older and wiser ones such as <b>im lost</b> and <b>Omegaman</b> roared, for even they felt their blood boil in their veins. They were going to get revenge, and nothing in this tank would stop them.

    “Right lads, groups of five please”, ordered <b>Isamil</b> in a matter-of-fact tone. <b>lolfighter</b> had told him to find the fish at all costs, and he intended to do just that.
    “You lot.” He gestured to five of the fish, “Get over there and stick together. <b>lolfighter</b>, go with them ”
    “<b>Snidely</b>, <b>im lost</b>, come with me.” They both broke off from the main group and joined <b>Isamil</b> in the clearing. “<b>Omegaman</b>, <b>Quaunaut</b>, you come as well.”
    “The rest of you guys, take the children to the castle and stay there. If you hear anything, give us a shout”. With that, the two groups swam off in different directions, both looking for revenge.

    “So, what <i>exactly</i> are we going to do?” asked <b>Hellfire3k</b>. He had no trouble understanding the shouts of “maim, torture and kill” but he did have trouble understanding just <i>why</i> they were hunting down the new fish.
    “No one here could have possibly killed <b>WonedSlackyStyle</b>, and that new fish is definitely not friendly”, explained <b>lolfighter</b>.
    “Aye, I think we can all agree on that”, muttered <b>Sky</b>
    “Yeah, and <b>lolfighter</b> <i>really</i> showed him who was boss”, <b>BadKarma</b> said mockingly.
    “Shut it”,
    <b>BadKarma</b> and <b>Sky</b> laughed. They needed a laugh right now, something to get their minds away from the near-future.
    “What will we do when we find him?” asked <b>Hellfire3k</b>, who was unimpressed by the others and their jokes.
    “We will trap him and ask for an explanation. If he does not have one, we kill him”.
    <b>Freak83</b> was scared. He knew that his ‘dream’, as he called it, made him pretty suspect. No one had come out and said it yet, but he knew that it was only a matter of time. <b>lolfighter</b> also seemed to be way out of it. <i>Fair enough, he is quite a mean guy anyway.</i>, <b>Freak83</b> thought, <i>But he seems to be taking this just a little too far…</i>

    Meanwhile, <b>Isamil</b> was giving the same information out to his little group. Yes, they were going to hunt down the new fish. Yes, they were going to ask for an explanation. Yes, they were going to take action. <b>Isamil</b> knew why he had been chosen by <b>lolfighter</b>. He knew that his past made him suspicious in the eyes of some fish, but he had to go and do his job. Anyway, time to get down to business.
    “Right guys, I want you to get in single file and follow me. We are going to skirt around the weeds, and then search for him in there. <b>lolfighter</b> is going to search the clearing, then we are going to meet up in the center of the tank. Get moving”

    Back at the castle, the younger fish were scared. They had been placed inside, and “Wow, what is going on”? asked a confused <b>Soul Rider</b>.
    “Don’t look at me”, answered <b>ZeroByte</b>.
    “How about you, <b>Pithlit</b>. Any idea?”
    <b>Pithlit</b> let the question float around his head. Why <i>were</i> all the adults chasing that new fish? He released that someone had been hurt, and it was only natural to want revenge. But why go straight for the new fish? Was it that hard to believe that no one else could commit such a crime? He was really confused, and the adults were doing nothing to help.
    “No idea, sorry”, <b>Pithlit</b> responded.

    “I tell you what, this is getting out of control”, muttered <b>SaltzBad</b>. Here they were, playing nanny for the children when they should have been out there, hunting for the fish with <b>Isamil</b> and the rest of them.
    “How so?” asked <b>Kerotan</b>. “To be perfectly honest, I would much rather be here in relative safety than in there!” He gestured towards the nearby weeds.
    “You’ve got that right”, responded <b>Xentor</b>. “There is no way in hell you would catch me in there. Not after what happened to <b>WonedSlackyStyle</b>.”
    “Yeah”, <b>PlanetKiller</b> agreed.
    “Hey, I have a question for you, <b>Xentor</b>”. He waited several seconds, but got no response.
    He looked to his right, only to see <b>Xentor</b> putting his full concentration into the far side of the weeds.
    “Hey, you ther-“ <b>Xentor</b> motioned for him to be quiet with a wave of his hand.
    “Did you hear that?”
    “No, what?”
    In the far off distance, <b>Kerotan</b> heard a faint shrieking. A shriek like nothing he had ever heard before. An ear-piercing, blood curdling, howl.

    “Jesus Christ, what the hell is that?” asked <b>im lost</b>, who was beginning to panic.<i>Why had he come on this foolish adventure? He was past his prime, and certainly in no fit state to fight. Why hadn’t he stayed with the younger fish back at the castle?
    “I think it came from over there”, said <b>Snidely</b>, gesturing to the weeds with one of his fins.
    “Right, everyone get behind me. Watch yourselves and shout out if you see anything at all.” <b>Isamil</b> was in his element, and was not the least bit afraid. He was doing what he was born to do, and he had to admit that he [I]was</i> slightly enjoying himself.
    The rest of the fish fell behind <b>Isamil</b>, and they swam slowly and cautiously forward, taking in every detail.
    “We know that you are in there”, shouted <b>Quaunaut</b>.
    “We won’t hurt you, just come out and meet us face to face”, <b>Omegaman</b> continued. “Come on, we know that you killed <b>WonedSlackyStyle</b>. Just come out and apologize. We won’t hurt you.”
    “Much…” <b>Isamil</b> muttered.
    “Just come on out and say hello. We have nothing to hide, and neither do you.” <b>Omegaman</b> tried once again. “Come on!” <b>Omegaman</b> was eying the weeds ahead of him. He thought he saw some rustling. <i>Wait, what was that?</i>
    The attack came from his left, and took him completely by surprise. He just had time to turn and catch a glimpse of blood red eyes before it was upon him. He tried desperately to run, but it was no use. The fish was using its tentacles to hold him in place, there was no chance of escape. With grim determination, he began to fight back.

    The fight was a roaming melee, the two fish rolling around in the water. Twisting and turning, biting and scratching. The water quickly filled with red and black clouds – blood from both fish. Visibility was cut down to a minimum, but <b>Isamil</b> was alert and awake. He saw his opportunity and sprang, rushing the fish from behind. He quickly veered left to dodge a tentacle, and then right, trying desperately to draw its attention.
    As it turned to impale <b>Omegaman</b>, <b>Isamil</b> saw an opening and attacked once again, landing a blow to the back of its head. The fish turned with inhuman agility, snapping for his throat. <b>Isamil</b> managed to dodge the attack, but <b>Omegaman</b> was not so lucky. The needle-like teeth pierced his neck, and it held <b>Omegaman</b> in its vice-like grip for a never ending moment. Then, its blood red eyes staring at <b>Isamil</b>, it ripped <b>Omegaman</b>’s throat out with one fluid motion, spraying blood everywhere.
    It was plain to everyone that <b>Omegaman</b> had been killed, but the fish continued to shake his body around like a dogs play toy. It finally finished, dropping the corpse and snapping at the remaining pieces of ragged flesh.
    It was here that <b>Isamil</b> saw his final opening, and he gladly took it. He darted forward and caught the fish in the throat as it turned away. He locked his jaws and bit deeply. He had liked <b>Omegaman</b>. <i>Like him, he was one of the older fish who they had gone through both good and bad with. They had helped each other through bad times in the past. Now that was all over.For <b>Omegaman</b>! </i>
    He whipped his head back, giving the fish the same fate that it had given his friend. Black blood sprayed out, and the fish convulsed. It tried to rip itself free, but if anything that just made its mortal wound even worse. In its last dying breath, it screamed. It was an inhuman scream, and it sent shivers down <b>Isamil</b>’s spine.

    The dying fish dropped down upon <span style='color:#CC0000'>Omegaman's</span> corpse, leaving the piranha, <b>Isamil</b>, to tend to his wounds.

    The night will end on <b>Friday 6th May, 19:00 GMT</b>
  • TheMuffinManTheMuffinMan Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11234Members, Constellation
    edited May 2005
    <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>It is now day two. Post away!</span>

    They stood in shock for a long time, unable to move. The dramatic fight had left them feeling sick, but somehow empty. On one hand, they were tearful over the death of <b>Omegaman</b>. On the other hand, they were glad that the horror was all over. No more deaths, no more attacks, no more searches. Finally, one of them willed himself to speak.
    “Lets…” his words stuck in his throat “Lets get out of here”, <b>im lost</b> finally managed to spit out.
    “Yes, lets.” Answered <b>Isamil</b> quickly. “Lets get back to the castle and tell the others about..." He tried to finish the sentence, but found he could not. He wiped away a ear and turned to leave, but <b>Quaunaut</b> stayed where he was, bent over the remains of the fish.
    “Hey, <b>Isamil</b>, come here and have a look at this”,
    “Why? What have you found?”
    “Just come here and have a look.” A curious <b>Isamil</b> swam over and bent over the corpse to get a closer look.
    “I never noticed it before, but this fish looks an awful lot like a small pike, you know”, <b>Quaunaut</b> said, gesturing towards the two tentacles, one of which was badly broken. “These look like they have been <i>grown</i> on after the fish had reached full size. As do those spikes. Without them and this powdery black stuff, It would look just like a normal pike.”
    “Yeah, I noticed that before as well. I guess I was too caught up in the moment to say anything.”
    “Right. And see this black stuff? Look at how it crumbles.” <b>Quaunaut</b> rubbed his nose against the side of the fish, and the black powder broke away in hundreds of small specs, along with several larger chunks. Underneath, dull silver scales were clearly visible.
    “This didn’t happen when it was still alive, so it must have something to do with the fish being dead.”
    “Now, see these tentacles? Try and rub some of this black stuff off.” <b>Isamil</b> gave the tentacle a nudge, and then scraped his nose along it. Nothing happened.
    “I really have no idea what the hell this is, but if I didn’t know any better I would say that these tentacles are <i>made</i> out of that black material. See how it doesn’t flake? It is much stronger than the stuff covering the body.”
    “So, do you actually have <i>any</i> idea what this is?” asked <b>im lost</b>.
    “Not a clue, but I thought you might be interested.”
    “Fair enough. Now lets leave the body and go back to the others. I bet they are worrying their arses off.”

    “Christ, I wonder what is happening out there”, <b>SaltzBad</b> wondered aloud. He was under strict orders by <b>lolfighter</b> to stay with the children, but he really wanted to help out <b>Isamil</b> and the rest.
    “No idea. Lets hope that they found that damned fish and killed it”
    “Amen to that! Whatever the hell it is, it is nothing but trouble”, <b>Kerotan</b> agreed readily.
    “Hey, what the is this?” <b>Xentor</b> asked, gesturing towards a thin layer of powder starting to rest on the castle walls. It was black.
    “Beats the hell out of me, but you have a little on your tailfin”, observed <b>ZeroByte</b> dryly.
    “Right, thanks for the heads up”, smiled <b>Xentor</b> as he brushed it off. It came off easily, and floated away in a small cloud.

    <b>lolfighter</b> had been out for an hour now, and they had still not heard as much as a whisper. He had circled the weeds once and then gone around half the perimeter of the tank, stopping for their second break next to the tank's filter. It's triple-bladed screw span quickly, created a small whirlpool and a constant whirring sound. Some of the younger fish liked to run in front of it and see how long they could stay there until they were sucked against the plastic safety cover.
    “You know what? This whole idea was bloody stupid”, <b>Hellfire3k</b> shouted angrily. “We have been at this for an hour, and we have not seen anything at all! It is time we went back and met up with the rest of the guys.”
    “Yeah, he is right”, agreed <b>Freak83</b>. “Please, lets go back”.
    “But we need to find that fish before it has a chance to hurt anyone else”, <b>lolfighter</b> insisted.
    “Look mate, we are tired and hungry. We are in no fit shape to fight any kind of fish, so we might as well go back and refuel ourselves. After that, we can go on your little hunt until the end of the day”. <b>Sky</b> had known <b>lolfighter</b> for a long time, and he knew precisely which buttons to press.
    “Fine!” snapped <b>lolfighter</b>. “Lets go back and relieve the others.” <i>This whole idea was stupid! They had a fish to catch, so why the hell were these guys complaining? They knew <b>WonedSlackyStyle</b> just as much as I did, so why do they want to give up so easily?</i> Ever since the shocking death of <b>WonedSlackyStyle</b>, he had felt in control of the situation. Now, he was unwilling to admit that he had lost control. He felt defeated, and he hated the mere thought of it. He was scared that it was all his fault, and he was scared that he was beginning to miss things. For example, he had absolutely no idea that the plastic safety cover that normally shielded the rotating, bladed turbine was definitely not where it should have been. The gap was only two inches wide – certainly not big enough for an octopus to get sucked in. A small piranha, on the other hand…

    <b>Isamil</b> and his group turned the final corner, and were glad to see other friendly faces. They needed those right now.
    “Hey! How did it go?”
    “We got the fish”,
    “Did you really, great?”
    “No”, <b>Quaunaut</b> said, downcast. “Not great at all.”
    “Where is <b>Omegaman</b>?”
    This question struck to the bone, and <b>Xentor</b> could tell by his friends faces what had happened. <b>Isamil</b> opened his mouth to speak, but <b>Xentor</b> cut him off.
    “I understand.” He said, trying to fight back tears. Another fish! Another friend! All gone!
    “Did he go out fighting?” <i>At least there was honor in dying in battle. At least he died for a good cause.</i>.
    “Yes. Yes he did. Without him, I doubt that we would have been able to take down the fish.” <b>Isamil</b> looked down in sorrow, surprised to find that he was on the verge of tears.
    “If you don’t mind, i am going to go for a swim to think some things over. If you see <b>lolfighter</b>, please tell him what happened.” With that, he turned around and swam into the distance.

    Next to return was <b>lolfighter</b> and his motley crew, who by now had very nearly mutinied. Everyone was in a poor mood, <b>Badkarma</b> especially.
    “Look, you can go back out on your own if you want!” he roared.
    “Me? I’ve had it with you. Look for that damned fish all you want. It got <b>WonedSlackeyStyle</b> and it won’t get me. Guys, you agree? Right?”
    “Sure mate. Sure”, <b>Sky</b> agreed.
    “Just calm down a bit. Alright?” Apparantly he did not agree all <i>that</i> much.
    “You know what? Screw you guys! I’m staying, and I’m not going out until that <i>thing</i> is dead.”
    “Fine. Suit yourself. I have had enough with you!” retorted <b>lolfighter</b>. <i>What a goddamned coward. What has got him so freaked out?</i>
    “Sorry to interrupt your little argument, but that <i>thing</i> has been killed by <b>Isamil</b> and <b>Omegaman</b>.”
    “Really? Brilliant! Where are they?” <i>Perhaps we have won after all</i>, <b>lolfighter</b> thought
    “Yes, but something terrible happened. <b>Omegaman</b> did not make it.” <b>Snidely</b> said it all without pausing for breath, but the tears in his eyes betrayed his sorrow.
    “Oh God!” <b>Sky</b> had been very close to <b>Omegaman</b>, and he could feel his emotions begin to well up inside of him. He wanted to hurt something. To get his revenge and kill that fish. <i>Damn <b>Isamil</b> for killing him! He was mine.</i>
    <b>lolfighter</b> was every bit as sad as <b>Sky</b>, but he was far better at disguising his emotions.
    “Where is <b>Isamil</b> then?”

    <b>Isamil</b> was swimming around aimlessly, his thoughts constantly skipping from one point to another. He was skirting around the main point, however. He thought, for a brief moment, about what life had been like before he had been put into the tank. He remembered swimming around the Amazon, clear as day. He remembered attacking animals with the rest of his pack, stipping them to the bone. Biting, tearing, ripping. He had had enough. Enough of it all. Even with his previous experiences, he had failed.
    In one dusty corner of his concentration, he recognized the whirring sound of the filter motor.
    He remembered the fight vividly. He remembered how he had had three opportunities to attack, and twice he had failed. Above all else, it was his fault that <b>Omegaman</b> had died. <b>Omegaman</b> had been the inexperienced one, yet he managed to fend off the attack for a long, long time. <i>I had two chances, and I blew them both. You, the experienced one, could not even take one last life before it was too late. Well, there was one more life that you could take. And even you should be able to get it in one. </i>He swam towards the filter, with one last task for himself before he could finally be at peace.

    Standing an inch from the whirlpool, he noticed that somehow the safety cap had been dislodged. <i>How convenient</i>. He could feel the pull from the blades, pulling him ever closer to his final resting place.
    What the hell am i doing?
    Why am i standing in front of a turbine, facing my death?</i>
    He gave himself a mental slap, and began to see things more clearly. Sure, the death of <b>Omegaman</b> <i>was</i> his fault alone, but what would commiting suicide do to help that?
    <i>Hell, they need me. <b>lolfighter</b> and the others will say that it is over, that there is nothing to fear anymore. What about that black powder? There is definitely something wrong with it. What did it do to that pike?</i>
    He began to turn, deciding that he should really get back in time to meet with the others
    The sharp push came as a complete surprise, pushing him off balance and dangerously close to the filter's blades. He pushed back against the current, but it was no use. He turned to face his attacker, content with getting one final look at the enemy. All <span style='color:red'>Isamil</span> saw were the two blood red eyes, staring right at him, before he toppled into the whirring motor.


    Day Two will end on <b>Sunday 8th May, 19:00 GMT</b>.

    Players still left in the game:
    im lost
    Soul Rider

    Instalynch is at 8, i think.
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    What a shame to see Isamil go, but again it seems like the experienced players are the ones biting the dust first.

    This cannot be helpful to the cause. The more experienced players we lose, the harder it will become for he humans to win.
  • SkySky Join Date: 2004-04-23 Member: 28131Members
    Sigh. Another good player bites the dust. <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • im_lostim_lost TWG Rule Guru Join Date: 2003-04-26 Member: 15861Members
    Random vote, <b>BadKarma</b>.
  • ByekaByeka Name changed from Freak83 Toronto Join Date: 2003-03-13 Member: 14484Members, Constellation
    As most of you know, near the end of last day I asked for the Seer to message me privatly that night.

    I also recieved some messages from curious players as to why I did this. Although I didn't reveal very much to them it was interesting to see who did message me. Hard to believe that there wasn't at least one curious wolf who fell in that group.

    As for the Seer, was I contacted? Yes.

    We'll have more on this later.
  • BadKarmaBadKarma The Advanced Literature monsters burned my house and gave me a 7 Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8260Members
    Well, this is a blow. However, it well may lead us to finding at least one of the wolves.
  • ZeroByteZeroByte Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3057Members
    The wolves are being pretty consistent. The pattern seems to be to wolf all the experienced players so far. But then this is only day two so I can't really call that a pattern. We really need something else to go on.
  • SaltzBadSaltzBad Join Date: 2004-02-23 Member: 26833Members
    What has been bugging me alot is the non-wolfing of Freak83. Its almost tradition by now that at least on night 2 Freak83 is toast - maybe the attention he drew with his EMail invitation was enough to make him seem like a stupid target, as if he had someone fingered already in case he died. Regardless, I don't like it - but I find it just as unlikely that he's a wolf at this point.

    More interesting right now is Snidelys slip up on the end of day 1. I can understand rage about being voted to a 50% chance of lynching - thats perfectly normal. What I can't understand is why he would take a really, really long shot at accusing me (seeing as how from the very start of the thread I advocated spreading the votes around to create a wide tie for day 1, since we knew nothing). He could have bettered his odds to 1/3 by just voting for the other person with 2 votes - why didn't he?

    I can only find one reason, thats because he knew through some network that he wasn't gonig to be voted off likely anyway - that he had at least one person to back his vote, and one person to chicken out at the last second. One of those 2 people is bound to be human - or they for some reason decided against an aggressive lynch on me, what do I know. Either way, that whole thing was very fishy - it seemed like more than an irrational countervote.

    Right now I'd like to hear from Snidely first though, before bolding any names here. Because this isn't exactly much to go on.
  • SaltzBadSaltzBad Join Date: 2004-02-23 Member: 26833Members
    Also TMM, your list of survivors has giant gaping holes in it the size of Oprah's anus.
  • SnidelySnidely Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13098Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-SaltzBad+May 6 2005, 05:22 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (SaltzBad @ May 6 2005, 05:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> What has been bugging me alot is the non-wolfing of Freak83. Its almost tradition by now that at least on night 2 Freak83 is toast - maybe the attention he drew with his EMail invitation was enough to make him seem like a stupid target, as if he had someone fingered already in case he died. Regardless, I don't like it - but I find it just as unlikely that he's a wolf at this point.

    More interesting right now is Snidelys slip up on the end of day 1. I can understand rage about being voted to a 50% chance of lynching - thats perfectly normal. What I can't understand is why he would take a really, really long shot at accusing me (seeing as how from the very start of the thread I advocated spreading the votes around to create a wide tie for day 1, since we knew nothing). He could have bettered his odds to 1/3 by just voting for the other person with 2 votes - why didn't he?

    I can only find one reason, thats because he knew through some network that he wasn't gonig to be voted off likely anyway - that he had at least one person to back his vote, and one person to chicken out at the last second. One of those 2 people is bound to be human - or they for some reason decided against an aggressive lynch on me, what do I know. Either way, that whole thing was very fishy - it seemed like more than an irrational countervote.

    Right now I'd like to hear from Snidely first though, before bolding any names here. Because this isn't exactly much to go on. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    A slip up? In what way? I saw that the odds of me dying were 50-50. When I posted, there was just one hour left in the day (IIRC, might have gotten home a bit before 7GMT. I was around breifly 2-2:45GMT as well, but at that point, I don't think I was in danger, or if I was, I didn't realise it). I figured I might as well say everything on my mind. I wasn't enraged - I was just trying to leave something behind so that I might have <i>some</i> affect on the game.

    Why didn't I scatter my votes around? Because someone has to die on day one. If people geniunely believe I'm a wolf, they should bump me off now. It would make it easier later on. It's just day two, so a mistake isn't fatal. As for knowing that somone would bail me out, there was no guarentee. The guy who voted for me on a whim decided to retract his vote just five minutes before. I told him not to if he <i>did</i> think I was a wolf. He did anyway. Someone probably has the IRC log for that.

    If I was a wolf, I'd have gotten others to change their vote to Omega, or someone else, to get me out of the situation more discreetly.

    I find you suspicious, to be honest.

    <!--QuoteBegin-(SaltzBad @ May 5 2005+ 11:35 AM)--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> ((SaltzBad @ May 5 2005 @ 11:35 AM))</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
    Snidely, to prevent instead execution of Omegaman in another 15 minutes.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    This reminds me of last game when Nem said, "we shouldn't pile on BadKarma. I vote for BadKarma". You put me in the docks, trying to make it look like you're being considerate by sparing Omegaman. Right. And now, it sounds like you're trying to dismiss me; apparently, I'm giving in to "rage", and I "slipped up". Accusing you is a "long shot", despite my above reasoning (which I explained at the time), and the fact that at this point, we don't have anything to work with.
  • SnidelySnidely Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13098Members
    I wrote "affect" when I meant "effect". <i>Nooooooooooo</i>
  • SaltzBadSaltzBad Join Date: 2004-02-23 Member: 26833Members
    And I wrote 'instead' when I meant instant, oh the horrors of no edit rules.

    <!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->A slip up? In what way? I saw that the odds of me dying were 50-50. When I posted, there was just one hour left in the day (IIRC, might have gotten home a bit before 7GMT. I was around breifly 2-2:45GMT as well, but at that point, I don't think I was in danger, or if I was, I didn't realise it). I figured I might as well say everything on my mind. I wasn't enraged - I was just trying to leave something behind so that I might have some affect on the game. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    The reason I considered it a slip-up is that the most inconspicious way, and least unnecessarily dramatic, would have been to spread the vote to im lost. Instead you <i>assumed</i> the most unnatural thing for a human on day1 - that you're being targetted by other humans for a reason, and that you better go out with a bang.

    Lets just, for the sake of argument, assume I'm a wolf. What good does voting for you do me? Sure if Omegaman were a wolf, that would make sense. But take a quick look at how noone except me seemed to give a damn about Omegas early demise - remember, wolves have a 4man network on day1. You can't vote one off that easy, there will be noise and alot of voteshifting if you try.

    Now, assuming Omegaman isn't a wolf, but I am. Thats just saying I think you're important for some reason, and want you daytime eliminated - again, I should have 3 other people to draw on to help me convince players via PM and to help me vote you off. Sure not all 4 wolves would vote directly for you, but at least one person could claim to have heard a very convincing argument against you and switch their vote. Thats how I'd do it, if I wanted to off you in daytime.

    The fact of the matter however is, I'm not a wolf. I can take a stab in the dark and say Omegaman wasn't one either. And I can say with certainty that I never intended to target you specifically, and that I made that clear enough in my first post on Day1.

    So, either you're silly and paranoid - or silly and a wolf. You tell me.
  • XentorXentor Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 5877Members
    We're all paranoid... Isn't that what the game is all about?
  • SaltzBadSaltzBad Join Date: 2004-02-23 Member: 26833Members
    And in the meantime, I'm voting for <b>Hellfire3k</b>. Haven't heard much from him this game, pretty much just like last game. Subject to change for any better reaosn, really.
  • SnidelySnidely Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13098Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->The reason I considered it a slip-up is that the most inconspicious way, and least unnecessarily dramatic, would have been to spread the vote to im lost. Instead you <i>assumed</i> the most unnatural thing for a human on day1 - that you're being targetted by other humans for a reason, and that you better go out with a bang.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Right. It wasn't inconspicious. Why would I want to be? I have nothing to hide.

    I don't just assume that I'm being targetted by humans. I assume that at least one of those that voted for me or Omega is a wolf. Obviously, it isn't Isamil...could be you, BadKarma, Q, Kerotan (although he retracted his vote), or Hellfire.

    As for voting for I'm Lost - why would I want to, other than to stay in the game? I improve my odds, but I don't help that much by doing so; I have no reason to suspect him. Voting not just to save my heeny would help people see that I wasn't a wolf. A wolf would worm his way out of that situation; in the circumstances, I got lucky. I wasn't expecting it.

    <!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Lets just, for the sake of argument, assume I'm a wolf. What good does voting for you do me? Sure if Omegaman were a wolf, that would make sense. But take a quick look at how noone except me seemed to give a damn about Omegas early demise - remember, wolves have a 4man network on day1. You can't vote one off that easy, there will be noise and alot of voteshifting if you try.

    Now, assuming Omegaman isn't a wolf, but I am. Thats just saying I think you're important for some reason, and want you daytime eliminated - again, I should have 3 other people to draw on to help me convince players via PM and to help me vote you off. Sure not all 4 wolves would vote directly for you, but at least one person could claim to have heard a very convincing argument against you and switch their vote. Thats how I'd do it, if I wanted to off you in daytime.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I don't think Omega was a wolf.

    Why do wolves help vote off anyone on the first few days, instead of spreading them around innocently? I'd say to make sure that any last minute changes (such as Kerotan's) won't give them a chance of being killed. Splitting votes for two separate candidates makes it seem like less of a bandwagon on the wolves' part, with the same net result.

    <!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I can take a stab in the dark and say Omegaman wasn't one either. And I can say with certainty that I never intended to target you specifically, and that I made that clear enough in my first post on Day1.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I don't believe you voted for me other than to put another person up on the gallows, but that doesn't mean much - especially as you did it when you thought there was only fifteen minutes left.

    Don't get me wrong - I don't think you're a sure wolf. My argument here isn't watertight, either. It's just my honest opinion.
  • QuaunautQuaunaut The longest seven days in history... Join Date: 2003-03-21 Member: 14759Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    I'm not for or against anyone, for fear of incriminating myself. But Snidely, you're argument seemed to jump around a lot in my mind, care to explain it a li'l better?
  • SnidelySnidely Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13098Members
    I doubt Omega was a wolf.
    Wolves like to make sure none of them gets hit at random. Look at the previous game: wolves tend to have a hand in getting a guy bumped off (Cold Nite and Swift for Slacky, Nem and Swift(IIRC) for 'Karma, last game). I reckon that's happened to an extent here, too. Saltz falls into this category, but so does BadKarma, Q, Kerotan, the corpse that used to be Isamil, and Hellfire.
    I see no reason for Saltz to vote for me at what he thought was the last minute. Especially because he didn't think I was suspicious (or at least didn't say so).
    I didn't vote to save myself, since I thought it was already too late, and even if I survived, voting to save my own skin would incriminate me.

    Those are all separate points, but they sorta blended together in a horrible mess because I'm tired. It's not so much an argument as a ramble.
  • SaltzBadSaltzBad Join Date: 2004-02-23 Member: 26833Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-Snidely+May 6 2005, 07:18 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Snidely @ May 6 2005, 07:18 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
    I doubt Omega was a wolf.
    Wolves like to make sure none of them gets hit at random. Look at the previous game: wolves tend to have a hand in getting a guy bumped off (Cold Nite and Swift for Slacky, Nem and Swift(IIRC) for 'Karma, last game). I reckon that's happened to an extent here, too. Saltz falls into this category, but so does BadKarma, Q, Kerotan, the corpse that used to be Isamil, and Hellfire.
    I see no reason for Saltz to vote for me at what he thought was the last minute. Especially because he didn't think I was suspicious (or at least didn't say so).
    I didn't vote to save myself, since I thought it was already too late, and even if I survived, voting to save my own skin would incriminate me.

    Those are all separate points, but they sorta blended together in a horrible mess because I'm tired. It's not so much an argument as a ramble. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    1. I agree, Omega most likely wasn't a wolf, we've gone over that.

    2. If wolves want to make sure they don't get hit at random, you've got a minor problem here : Voting for you <b>significantly</b> increases anyone elses, wolf or not, chances of being voted off. You try to make the argument that a large spread is wolf-friendly - the problem is, its not. The larger the spread, the higher the chances someone has to squirm - and everyone will be looking at how they justify themselves being important enough or innocent enough.

    Furthermore, the larger the spread, <b>the easier it is to vote a new person to death</b>. On my initial suggestion of 2man votes for 50% of our populace - a mere 2 votes would put any person within a 10% chance of randomlynching, and 3 votes would suffice for a 100% chance. Infact 2 votes could without a hassle kill off anyone accumulating a phantom vote against themselves. A low vote requirement is very dangerous to everyone, as evidenced in the fact that you did almost kill me at the very, very last minute while starting with 0 votes on me. If for example 5 votes were required to get anyone voted off 100%, sudden change become alot less likely.

    3. Of course I had no reason to vote for you, hence why I mentioned it was merely to save Omegaman. I had good reason to believe at least one of the three of you - lolfighter, Omega or Snidely - had to be innocent. Considering I had no valid information to go on, a random number generator had better odds of making the decision for me.

    As for the last minute - I did believe so, thats why I rushed to a terminal on campus. I live in SoCal, and last TWG the day would usually end at 11 AM here - my intent was to get the vote in as early before the daychange as was possible, not as late as possible. Otherwise, again - the wolf network that you suspect me of having would probably have aided me in finding the correct time to post, and I would have done it 2 minutes before night time.

    4. Whats bad about saving your own skin, if you're human? After all you're sure YOU are human, but know nothing about anybody else. You incriminated yourself in a dozen ways regardless, the only thing that changed is that now you managed to make us both look awefully wolfish.

    Infact, the entire move was so bad I assumed I would die this evening - for the wolves to seal your grave in a daytime lynch. I'm surprised that didn't happen as is.
  • SnidelySnidely Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13098Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-SaltzBad+May 6 2005, 07:34 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (SaltzBad @ May 6 2005, 07:34 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> 2. If wolves want to make sure they don't get hit at random, you've got a minor problem here : Voting for you <b>significantly</b> increases anyone elses, wolf or not, chances of being voted off. You try to make the argument that a large spread is wolf-friendly - the problem is, its not. The larger the spread, the higher the chances someone has to squirm - and everyone will be looking at how they justify themselves being important enough or innocent enough.

    Furthermore, the larger the spread, <b>the easier it is to vote a new person to death</b>. On my initial suggestion of 2man votes for 50% of our populace - a mere 2 votes would put any person within a 10% chance of randomlynching, and 3 votes would suffice for a 100% chance. Infact 2 votes could without a hassle kill off anyone accumulating a phantom vote against themselves. A low vote requirement is very dangerous to everyone, as evidenced in the fact that you did almost kill me at the very, very last minute while starting with 0 votes on me. If for example 5 votes were required to get anyone voted off 100%, sudden change become alot less likely.

    3. Of course I had no reason to vote for you, hence why I mentioned it was merely to save Omegaman. I had good reason to believe at least one of the three of you - lolfighter, Omega or Snidely - had to be innocent. Considering I had no valid information to go on, a random number generator had better odds of making the decision for me.

    As for the last minute - I did believe so, thats why I rushed to a terminal on campus. I live in SoCal, and last TWG the day would usually end at 11 AM here - my intent was to get the vote in as early before the daychange as was possible, not as late as possible. Otherwise, again - the wolf network that you suspect me of having would probably have aided me in finding the correct time to post, and I would have done it 2 minutes before night time.

    <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I agree that splitting it is not nearly as safe as getting a single person voted off, but safer than leaving it a few ways.

    I suspected you then because you didn't give much reasoning; you said you did it to save Omega (when it just means that either me or him got mashed), which came across as odd. Generally, if I'm going to nominate someone else to die instead of the current victim, I'd have more of a reason than "well, it <i>could</i> be either of you, and I'd prefer it if it was random." Random number generators have the exact same odds of nabbing a wolf as you do.

    <!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->4. Whats bad about saving your own skin, if you're human? After all you're sure YOU are human, but know nothing about anybody else. You incriminated yourself in a dozen ways regardless, the only thing that changed is that now you managed to make us both look awefully wolfish.

    Infact, the entire move was so bad I assumed I would die this evening - for the wolves to seal your grave in a daytime lynch. I'm surprised that didn't happen as is.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    The people in the channel earlier didn't seem to find me particularly suspicious. The fact that no-one has voted against me suggests it wasn't such a terrible move. Not only that, but I didn't expect to be here when I typed it out, so it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

    The mistake with that approach is that although I know I'm human, no-one else does yet. A highly suspicious human isn't of any use by himself, since no-one would trust him. I might as well have been killed.

    What are the other factors that make me suspicious? I accused you with little evidence - but that's par for the course on day one.
  • SkySky Join Date: 2004-04-23 Member: 28131Members
    lolfighter and I already debated the "Should a human vote to save his own skin" thing. The fact is, I don't know what I think about that anymore. I know that if I were in a position to be voted out, but I knew that I had valuable information for the humans, that I would do everything I could to stay in, including voting to save myself. So, I suppose I can't fault anyone for doing the same anymore, because I don't know for sure who has (or thinks he has) valuable information.
  • SnidelySnidely Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13098Members
    Besides, wolves killing Saltz and then trying to get me lynched for that would be awfully suspicious. Only one of the people who voted for me actually suspected me at all.

    If they had wolfed me, then both Saltz and Isamil would have looked suspicious. Isamil never did explain his rationale, and Saltz could be made out as trying to get me voted off at the last minute.
  • SaltzBadSaltzBad Join Date: 2004-02-23 Member: 26833Members
    I already mentioned the other bit Snidely, the fact <i>I</i> didn't die - or you didn't, as I mentioned. It was a golden opportunity to make one of us look oh-so-guilty. You're right though, its about as waterproof as an aquarium with holes.

    But then I've never called you particularly suspicious in the first place, I've only questioned your aggressive line of reasoning towards me - personally I don't believe you're a wolf at all.
This discussion has been closed.