Build 264 now live on Steam - Natural Selection 2
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Natural Selection 2 Build 264 is now live on Steam. Build 264 is tiny, minuscule, so small that if it was orbiting the Sun we might not call it a planet. We would not normally release a build this small, but some of the changes are security-related. As a result, we’ve chosen to bring just those changes forward and retarget 265 as the next main NS2 build. Here is the changelog: Critical docking exploit fixed Reduced variance in time updates between frames on the client (thanks Matso!) Fixed crash when the server received an improperly formed packet (thanks Camron!) Fixed crash issue with CoordsArray (thanks Deco!) Updated the URL for LaunchPad to point to the new server address for news…
*heads over to unknownworlds*
*reads changelog*
Hugh, I am disappoint. Where are mac support, singleplayer and the mappack we were promised??
Nice to see an update regarding the frame times fix. I also of course look forward to 265!
This and the no-alert bug when things are off of infestation for alien Khamm. Both things were the result of the last patch and should have been included into the 'hotfix.'
On the bright side... +1 to Matso's fix. I have been waiting for that for quite some time.
Is the connection loss fixed when you join a server for the first time and you have additional precaching activated?
Missing death trigger at landing pad
- Use bot AI code and are now incredibly deceptive (especially fades)
- Are no longer killed by scan; scan does nothing to them at all, in fact. This may change in 265.
- Are limited to 33% of your team size, rounding down (6 player team gets 2, 9 player team gets 3, etc.)
- AI units do not count against maximum hallucination count, but you only get one free drifter (so no huge clouds of fake drifters)
Hallucinations take more damage than they used to as well, but I'm not 100% sure on where that ended up in the final version (perhaps @Sewlek could help us!).
Shade opener is very powerful with these changes. We'll be keeping an eye on public games and feedback to see if changes need to be made. Think of this as an early preview.
You can probably start a fake push with a hallucination and cause the other team to rotate out of position (even if it's just one player)
Just a guess as I haven't seen it yet
everything correct!
The problem here was twofold - the timestamp from the server wasn't when the network packet was sent from the server, it was when the server was last updated, so it shifted by upto +-30ms from the expected, causing the code to detect serious increases/decreases in latency with every network packet coming in (20 times per second).
Also, the adjustment to gamespeed was upto 2ms per frame, which is ok if your fps is 30 (for 33 ms and 5% drift) but not so ok for 200 fps, 5m frametimes and +-40% gamespeed.
The end result would be that every 50ms, the game shifted from running too fast to too slow, and this got worse the better your fps was.
However, our brains are pretty good at averaging out stuff that happens at 20Hz, so in practice, this was hard to really nail down, even at 100+ fps, so it went undetected until I wondered why I couldn't get smooth elevators to work.
Once you know about it, you can (or rather, could) detect it by flying really fast near a wall - the wall blurs out more than it should. It also -very slightly- affected the smoothness when turning.
The real effect seems to be a sense of ... calm? when playing. Less stressful. At least it feels like that ...
Unfortunately for my smooth elevator plan, there is another bug that only affects AI-units (like, elevators) that causes them to move in jerks and jitters as well (easily visible if you move close and parallell with a MAC going straight - once you match its speed you will see it jump back and forth in your FOV). Hopefully that will get fixed in a future patch.
The fades are actually better then 95% of people you see as well..scary mofos
The gorges hop up and down and spit at you like real gorges.
The onos when he gores you sends your rifle flying and you can't aim like it does in a real onos.
It never really made sense to me that scan would do that to hallucinations, unless the benefits of Shade hive were considered to be so powerful to warrant such a downside - a downside that Mucous and Enzyme would not share.
The significant hallucination HP nerf takes care of most of the concerns regarding shade hive being outright OP on it's own accord, imo
Now there's only one reason remaining that makes the change OP.. and that's what I'm waiting for people to discover quickly so we can prove it, patch it, and move on with a better shade hive. :-P
related: The best part of these hallucination changes are the AI.. hands down it creates a believable hallucination where you will be genuinely tricked, again and again.
Props to Sewlek's AI code
We haven't seen that in PT games, but playtest games aren't played at a competitive skill level so that's not to say it wouldn't work. They still deal zero damage so it's hard to say if it would work, but it does sound interesting!
The most common use of them was to spam them in team battles where fades, gorges or lerks were present, as the AI code for fades and gorges especially is very effective at tricking marines into missing a shot. It's very powerful against shotguns for obvious reasons.
There was some discussion about this and a lot of people thought that was a good idea, but with the schedule being as tight as it was the code was locked down before any more balance changes could be made. The version that went out is a bit on the strong side, so like I said we'll definitely keep an eye on the feedback.
since most servers are still empty, i'll finally give this a try now...
yeah steam is ****ed again (as usual lol), so I can neither update client or servers; guessing this will be fixed sooner or later by valve..
don't bypass the language filter - narfwak