The Epic Trello Thread
Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members

This thread is commandeered for any interesting bits and bobs I find on the Trello, daily or otherwise. I'll post links to the actual cards for the interesting and cool stuff, and will summarize anything else. Now let's see... the last activity was the new Posters. Done. Done. This one is in progress... Oh, boy!
Escape Pods in the Safe Shallows have been moved... This one's in progress... HELL YEAH! Done. Done. This one is in progress... Oh, boy!
Escape Pods in the Safe Shallows have been moved... This one's in progress... HELL YEAH!
A massive one for Experimental that I just got when I woke up this morning!
Maybe other fixes too, but that was a big one for affected players.
This doesn't look right yet, and the Seamoth Upgrade Console isn't meant for it. When I installed a Console to test, the Exosuit vanished!
Detailing at the top
Reflection on the tray!
New information on the loading screen as to what's happening when your game loads
Seriously though, this is bloody amazing! All of this stuff is coming a lot sooner than I expected. Loving the idea of a baby Sea Emperor.
Yes, well I was going to Trello you about this Update to Subnautica, but I couldn't Trello if you were interested or not. It's really hard to Trello sometimes with all these things going on. I take a Peeper at it every morning, and keep an Eyeeye on it whenever there's a significant Experimental Update and I can't Trello what's gone on the night before...
In fact, now that I think about it, let me look at it again... - - and this one just got done!
More eggs for my every growing army--err... I... I mean research! Yes, research!
You were convinced to amalgamate that into one thread.
You were asked to please try and summarize and maybe only mention the actual interesting updates.
That made you throw a tantrum and cease to continue in just a single thread.
And now you are posting multiple update threads through the forum again, and as far as I can tell announcing breathlessly various non events ranging from "Oh look A REFLECTION!" to "Hey look, small progress towards something we already knew was coming but isn't actually here yet".
Not that it's all that easy to tell what is actually in the update you are ostensibly talking about because you include NO INFORMATION about anything at all outside of links to Trello cards no one needs and the addition of "Oh Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy".
Take a chill pill? You see to be the only one in need of such pill. Whilst he may keep putting up new threads (Coranth it would be pretty good just to have a single dedicated thread that you update) many people are interested in what he has to show. Don't forget, the forums should be a happy and enjoyable community place where you can post stuff into General Discussion and not have someone going into an ALL CAPS RAGE at you. If you don't like his post or any of the Trello update posts, just, don't, look, at, them. Problem solved.
But ok, go ahead, encourage him. Get him all the way back to the way he used to be. Thats a thread for EVERY movement of a trello card. Every. Single. Card. Every. Single. Movement.
While i do agree that @Coranth would Benefit from keeping all the updates notices they do in one single Megathread, i have to disagree with you entirely on the fact that what they post is something no one needs or care about.
Most players knows about the Trello site but arent bothered to go there and sink considerable amount of time to look for what they're interested in from the sea of information thats listed in there, hence why most appreciate that others do so in their stead. The shear amount of ''awesome's'' @Coranth get from their posts versus the ''disagrees'' are a tribute of that i guess.
You've got a reputation of complaining alot but not suggest anything informative nor helpful in return @LobsterPhone , most of your ...what, 39 posts in this site are nothing but flaming comments. If we were to listen to you this Community site would be empty because no one would post anything at all. It is indeed you that needs to take that chill pill if anything.
Least it keeps the forum alive and busy
Also, encourage him? I said that many people are interested in what he has to show due to the amount of 'awesomes' he gets and also I noted for him that it would be a good idea to make a megathread. This is the General Discussion in the end. Lastly, if you dislike him that much then just don't look at his posts; as soon as you see that it's by him just click off. It solves your problems and people who are interested can continue reading.
On the other side, Coranth, it would be a good idea to make a megathread and maybe summarise what happened in the Trello this week (maybe do it weekly
@LobsterPhone... When did I ever throw a "tantrum" about this? I don't remember throwing a "tantrum" over this. The Trello Cards... I don't post every single one as most don't have anything of interest. There was an enormous 700MB update today on experimental and I wondered what was in it so I checked the Trello and posted the links to the cards most interesting, thinking that perhaps they might have been part of what went in.
As for the so-called "tantrum", there was none; I called you out for your awful post/reply to me on the removal of the console in SURVIVAL MODE so as to play the game in THAT MODE or Hardcore the way the Developers intended. I just never expected that many people - aside from a few decent folks who actually provided good debate and criticism about that topic - would act like children whinging about having their toys taken away...
I joined this forum because I love Subnautica, and I love going to the Trello page every day to see what's happening / what's going in / what's being cut, etc. I like sharing this stuff with the people here because a) I find it interesting and exciting to keep track of the game's development and b) players here might not know about the Trello, or couldn't be bothered visiting it. I swear... if the mods would grant us the power to delete threads we make, or close our own accounts I probably would just close this one...
(Besides, if I didn't check the Trello as often as I do we might miss seeing stuff like this...)
Instead of taking some light criticism appropriately and improving your format you took your bat and ball and went home with this...
But here you are, back doing it again. Still not summarizing. Still not selectively culling the less interesting trello bits from your posts and STILL not adding minor actually useful bits of information like I don't know, maybe telling people exactly how much of the exosuit IS currently complete in the experimental update or not instead of just blindly linking to a trello card about a drill fx update that doesn't tell us anything useful or interesting about the current in game state of the exo suit.
And the screen shots the needless page breaking huge screen shots. Look, some are cool, sure, put the exo suit in your moonpool pic up thats vaguely fun, and no I'm not interested in unfinished untextured blobby bits from lost river, but someone might be, I guess. But you know what NO ONE needs to see? Screen shots of a new options screen, a tiny reflection, or a small change to the same old loading screen text. You can just tell people we will believe you about the options screen. We do not need photographic evidence the size of your monitor.
I know this all sounds mean. But criticism tends to by it's nature, and you really could benefit from actually accepting it this time because if you were just a tiny bit better at this it would be a service to the community I would applaud instead of regarding as a largely useless annoyance.
I might start making a weekly 'Trello Tuesday' thread which I will update on a Tuesday with a summary of all the interesting things that happened in Trello over the week and any other interesting material. Would you guys like this? I check out the Trello myself A LOT and know basically every source of legitimate Subnautica information, plus I'd enjoy making it myself. Do you guys want to see this?
Coranth, would you like to do this 'Trello Tuesday' yourself? I don't mind either way.
@LobsterPhone, you, sir, don't offer constructive criticism at all and are in no position to decide what the community as a whole would like to see and what not. The amount of awesomes alone speaks for itself. As several times stated by @HYBRID1313, if you're not interested in @Coranth's "uniformative threads", why bother looking at them?
To me it seems that you simply dislike @Coranth, as you follow his "deeply uniformative trello cut and pastes" rather closely than trying to avoid them.
If you just came to point fingers at other users, then please just leave; a rather large amount of people support @Coranth's posts.
Thanks for the wordplay this morning...It's nice to get a chuckle before I've had my coffee, especially since with lack of sleep my butt is sea draggin a bit
Lobster guy needs to come out of his shell instead of being boiling mad and salty...
Just a little thought.
Wait they closed that? Why? I couldn't see any problem with it.
Anyway I still do love the trello updates he posts I can never seem to find my way around that page
(no offense devs it's my fault I don't know how to (-: )
Because the thread got derailed into talking/arguing about entirely different subjects after a point.
and this
From these cards, which are done!
To summarize 'em, basically, all the art is done, all crossed off the lists, but not sure if in game yet. Holy sh-t they look amazing and I want to know: can we grow them??? If these things give off actual light in game and that luminescence isn't just there for effect... they'll be spectacular in the grow beds!
Edit: Wait a minute... if that's the root... then what's the actual tree they're attached to look like? And how far down in the dark must it be... Chills!
I just adore all this stuff; seeing these things that look so beautiful; it's enough to bring a tear to the eye--and I'm a man, damn it!
Edit: I just realized -- we might be able to grow one of those plants; in my post above @Antonin's, the top image I posted looks like an evolved Gabe's Feather... Wow.
So the added information content we now get is "don't actually know if its actually in game" and the briefer less Spammy content is... reposting the exact same image you already posted on the same page of the same thread?
I'd like to say you are moving in the correct direction... but... are you?
He's keeping it to one thread just like you asked. Your criticism has done little but derail it constantly.
I've seen a lot of threads recently being closed because they degenerate into arguments and petty insults. If you must argue with Coranth, can you please do it via PM?