What you can learn about this? Next Time buy your Game on Steam, and trust the proven Store, you know, the one that gets always it´s Updates Please fix issues before adding content Comment by AdmiralPain October 2016
They do both at the same time. They add new Content, Update old Content, and bugfix and programming the Game continously .
That´s how game Developement works, special in Early Acces.
To add new Content doesn´t mean that they´r not… -
(Quote) If you don´t want to play Survival with Food & Water, then go Freedom Mode.
If you don´t want to grind anything, then play Creative Mode.
But don´t blame Subnautica for your not finding the other 2 Constantly..... Comment by AdmiralPain September 2016
You have some additional Graphic Options on the Console Menu, i think you have to be Ingame for that, and it doesn´t work in the Main Menu.
Press F3 and it opens. By Pressing then F8 you can move your Mouse Cursor.
Markiplair international Youtuber (realy funny sometimes), and German Youtubers i watch Valcry (nice guy and he don´t cheat anything) .(Quote)
You don´t need to extra Mark many Wrecks and Pods since the last Update.
If you repair your Lifepod, then the Com Station in your Lifepod works, and you will get Signals by hearing Messages with it, and that Signals lead to m…Hmm... im realy huuuhhh, have i an Brain error ?
I have started a new Game, and it wasn´t ever easier to get Blueprints or the Seamoth like now.
Try to repair your Pod first, get the Messages and the Signs with them, and reac…(Quote) To get all the Stuff you can, in the fastest way you can is not any Goal for playing Subnautica. It shouldn´t be Seaglide Power Comment by AdmiralPain June 2016
(Quote) Interesting Point of few. Im not shure you understood what i realy wrote.
Well, you can see what you want in my Words.
Wish you a happy Day.
And get a recharge Station, that makes you happy again, i swear of it.(Quote) Haha realy? Even to switch your Batterys is to much effort for you?
That explains everything to me.
Pls don´t tell me, im Working so hard, i don´t want to do so hard Work in a Game ...
I work hard too…(Quote)
The impact is, that People who use the Seaglide much, aren´t going to have to grind anything anymore, don´t have to spent Times to get their Copper, doesn´t need to get Batterys after Batterys after Batterys after Batterys anymore…(Quote) Satement for peoples Lifes/Lives? I would call it a very normal and harmless Metaphor.
Very Interesting how some People feel touched by it.
What i said was, some People complain and call a good thing, a hughe Advantage …(Quote)
Just as i said, i have started a new Game, and i have had not a positioning or Idea of the Place the Chargers at, cause i dont want to know such things, because i want to explore, and find new things all by myself.
Exploratio…(Quote) Your right, hihi(Quote) That is the Point.
Because im working hard, i can´t understand why there are complains about the Energy Usage of the Seaglide, when you have not to do anything but switching your Batterys for running it a Lifetime now.
Energy…(Quote) No Problem.
I think, finaly we all love the Game(Quote) Wow, you can find any hate in my Words?
Amazing Voodoo Skills
Sorry that my Words have touc…(Quote)
Seaglide has doubled its Energy hunger. But for this you never ever have to search for Copper, nor to build any Batterys if you have 6 - 8 of them again.
And you can lower the hunger of the Seaglide with the Charge Fins…(Quote)
Haha yeah, i felt the same when i listen him the first time. But after a while i liked his *special* annoying way of telling annoying things. And now i realy enjoy it sometimes (get i crazy on my old days? ) Ahhhin I wonder if the devs watch markipliers subnautica gameplay Comment by AdmiralPain May 2016
You can make a Savegame Backup . (Your Drive where Subnautica is installed) /program Files x86/SteamLibary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/SNAppData/SavedGames
Back Up the SaveGame Folder, and later put it in the same Place again should make…I love his Subnautica Vids(Quote)
I realy don´t understand what is your point.
You bought a Key, activated Subnautica on Steam and lost the Key? How is that possible? And for what you need a Key after Activation?
Or you Bought a Key, never used it, and …Hm, i have not a single Problem with the Seamoth Control.
I always go in one direction and at the same time when i go to a Direction with my Mouse, i automatic Strife a bit with the Keyboard to balance my Steering out, and i can handle it ever…Power Cell would be nice to have, but i realy can run my Cyclops easy without it.
I can farm 6 Power Cells in about 10-15 Minutes? I always have about 15- 20 Powercells on my Cyclops, and never run out of Energy.
Seems to be …(Quote)
I have had a Machinery update Message.
I still have the Update News on Steam.
I have upgraded Stable Version to 32372 without any Problems, and started a new Game before an hour.
So all works fine for me.(Quote)
That is totaly wrong point of few, in wich you think Subnautica Developement will Stop exactley after Release, what is not the case.
Some Features stay back, some others come in before Release Date.
To delete or p…Obraxis said this yesterday on Steam Forums-
We're aiming for next week for the update. Probably mid-week. We have a lot of it done now, but it needs some polish and bug fixing for the stable branch.---Not sure what engine Subnautica uses, though.--
Subnautica use Unity 5 too----Such an ecosystem would never have survived for long in evolutionary history----
Uhm, have you watched out to the Oceans on Earth? Almost everyone eats someone there. Even the small eats the smaller Creatures and so on. Thats Nature…64 Bit only !
32 Bit Systems does not make any sence anymore.
Even all my Music producing Plugins went to 64 more and more last year, and this year i should have all my Stuff in 64 bit updated. The difference is huge. Way better compatib…