Not sure I understand the main line of discussion here but as a "hive skilled" player (one time I reached 5000 on the russian servers and then I came to the conclusion that I should artificially reduce it to improve game experience) I would say a co…
At the current game balance railgun is the most powerfull siege weapon (often even more effective than ARCs) and potentially it's the most powerfull weapon to fight against alien lifeforms except onos... So yes railgun is a bit OP in a proper hands …
Ah and yes I made a mistake in word "maiden" in the team name
Russians going to present two complete teams for this event.
We provided all info on the google form.
If that possible please contact me to solve one question. -
1) @2cough If you are interested in creating a training mode to form muscle memory - then the best training is the training in which you does not depend on other's peop…
I think no. Neither competitive nor public. Well I mean for Minigun exos.
In previous builds Minigun Exo was a good siege front line option but too expensive and Railgun Exo was just useless.
At present Railgun exos is a good siege rear … -
Web isn't intended to be OP. It shouldn't be placed in easy viewed spots where marine can easly kill it with welder. The main purpose of the web is to give some opportunities in a team play and to let the gorge run in case of onslaught. And of cours…
Even if the aliens hardly stomped in the begining they can defend until lerks and then lerks appear we can see if they able to kill marines and turn the tide. Usually it's 4th or 5th minute
Sorry for being retard but... accuracy of what?
(Quote) Ye. Seems you right. Just tested, everything works fine as should work.
Sorry. What exaxtly this means: "Before, having previously used a gorge tunnel would cause the view angles to be different."?
While exiting the tunnel aliens always looked in the same direction in which they looked at the moment of hopin… -
The real threat from crush isn't in RT biting but in skulk rushes I guess. Killing a Obs/PG/IPs/CC 10% faster is a decent buff I think since it's a common case in game when some building saves on very low HP. Didn't played this yet… -
I don't think health bar ruining the balance or spirit of ns2 or something like that on high skill level play so I don't care
Get full set and receive coupon for the purchase ns2 game (40% maybe) which can be transmitted to another man. Or maybe for a random product (skin, game, deluxe edition upgrade).
Why mod deleted?
"Хлорка" заменить на "хлорная известь". И в описании кораловых тоже.
Ns2 never knew a mod which can disable custom skins but technically that possible BUT that will be a server mod so unlikely someone will run this
How do you think this should "bring things back"?
Rookie tag is just green nick in the TAB right?
I never understood the reason why this allowed. -
I can't agree with topic starter completely but I can say before CDT born I almost never had crashes, lags and bugs and other perfomance issues.
After the first patch by CDT and in process of time with every build more and more problems appear… -
First, exo appear and everything ok. Then, bots start nonstop spawning in Summit Reception I have huge lags until someone kill me and game reset.
Update. Same thing on new version. -
ns2_ch_crossroads seems much more fun (until wave 9 where game breaks) but less hard for me. Crag presence allow fade to regenerate his HP fully 5-8 times in a wave without worry about hive HP which could be destroyed by following waves.
… -
Very good for warm up. Great job!
I reached level 19 but sure can reach Fade Challenge Mode Comment by CRaZyCAT_Rus March 2016
There are a lot of russian players in that game (5.65% owners - the 5th place in the world if to believe As russian I am glad that cyrillic symbols was implemented and russian translation is completed as well. As I know, in Squad 5 Nominations! Comment by CRaZyCAT_Rus February 2016
I think there is no need to show two digits after the decimal point in game stats, isn't it? Only complicates the perception.
If you mean NS2 language, I use English and you can see it on the video